Blog Posting # 829; Copyright 1 February 2025. EducateMHC
Know this! HUD-Code manufactured housing (‘MH’) is federally-regulated, performance-based, affordable-attainable, factory-built housing (a.k.a. offsite construction). Land lease communities (a.k.a. manufactured home communities & ‘mobile home parks’) comprise the commercial real estate (‘CRE’) component of MH; and, along with a couple types of housing finance (e.g. chattel or ‘home only’ loans & real estate-secured mortgages), describe the post-production segment of MH.
EducateMHC is the official MH Historian, trade term & trend tracker, as well as perennial information source. Contact EducateMHC via (317) 881-3815; email:, and, to purchase Community Management in the Manufactured Housing Industry (A copy of which should be in every land lease community nationwide), & SWAN SONG – History of land lease communities & official record of annual MH production totals since 1955
And my autobiography, From SmittyAlpha6 to MHMaven, describes personal combat adventures in Vietnam as a USMC lieutenant, a 45 year entrepreneur business career in MH & community ownership, as well as freelance consulting and authoring of 30 nonfiction texts.
George Allen is the sole emeritus member of the Manufactured Housing Institutes (‘MHI’), a founding member of MHI’s National Communities Council (‘NCC’) division, an RV/MH Hall of Fame enshrinee, as well as Allen Legacy columnist and editor at large for MHInsider magazine.
This time every year RV & MH aficionados anxiously wait to see who will be selected for induction into the prestigious RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, IN. Well, here’s the list of manufactured housing pioneers and business leaders who’ll be enshrined Monday evening, August 18th, 2025:
Bill Poynter. Manufacturer/MHRetailer with Guerdon Industries in Lexington, KY
Kurt Kelly. Insurance executive with American Insurance Alliance, & publisher of Manufactured Housing Review online newsletter, in Spring, TX.
Nelson Steiner. Portfolio community owner/operator, founder of Steiner Communities in Tampa, FL.
Steven Schaub. Portfolio community owner/operator, with YES! Communities in Denver, CO. Successor to Gary McDaniel, who was inducted in 2014.
I encourage you to plan now to attend this gala affair in mid-August. Always more than 500 people present. And, besides the five individuals identified above, there’ll be five more who’ll be inducted from the RV industry. For more information visit RV/MH Hall of Fame website or phone (547)293-2344.
On another RV/MH Hall of Fame matter. Were you at the recent Louisville MHShow, during early January? If so, you noticed the half dozen or so individuals wearing bright green blazers during the first day of the show. These were all RV/MH Hall of Fame enshrinees, and the purpose of wearing their distinctive green RV/MH blazers was to increase awareness of this individual legacy honor for the RV & MH industries.
Quoting from SWAN SONG (History of land lease communities*1), page 30: “The year 1998 was truly pivotal for the HUD-Code manufactured housing industry! That year 372,843+/- new homes were shipped from factories to throughout the nation.” But “… home manufacturers (began) saturating local housing markets, with more ‘Big Box = Bix Bucks!’ homes than said markets could bear” leading to finance abuses affecting the industry to this day. So, “…predatory lending practices led to the industry’s loss of easy access to chattel capital from independent third party lenders.” For example, this mantra was popular: “We have no down (payment), no job, no problem (housing) deals for you!” Just how bad did get at the dawn of the century? Read ‘Upside Down in a Mobile Home Park’, circa 2000, Figure G in this text.
Fast forward to year 2025. What’s changed? Well, while we await year end MH production total for 2024, (Industry shipped only 89,169 new homes in 2023, but 100,000 are expected for year 2024), and continue our search for more ‘home only’ loans for manufactured homes sited in land lease communities, federal regulation once again rears its’ head. How so? Without naming the firm, here’s how the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (‘CFPB’) recently (1/10/25) lambasted the manufactured housing industry for ‘setting borrowers up to fail in manufactured home loans’.
And how did all that happen? The CFPB cites three major ways:
“Manipulated lending standards when borrowers did not make sufficient income”. Here the firm “disregarded evidence borrowers did not have sufficient income or assets to pay their mortgage and cover recurring obligations and basic living expenses, like food and health care.”
“Fabricated unrealistic estimates of living expenses.” Here the firm used “artificially low estimates of living expenses that made no adjustment for higher expenses in different geographic areas. These families were left with little or no buffer to cover unexpected expenses.”
“Made loans to borrowers it projected could not pay.” Finally, the firm “made loans to borrowers who, even under the company’s overly-optimistic estimates, did not have enough income to cover the mortgage and basic living expenses.”
It is important to note here, only one independent MH finance firm is being challenged at this time. Hopefully there will be no further revelations.
In summary, it appears some of the same nefarious lending practices used in 1998-2000, to keep new MH production at 372,943+/- per year, are allegedly being used again today when we’re below 100,000 new manufactured homes produced per year. No wonder our industry – and realty asset class component; ballyhooed on one hand as this nation’s most affordable type housing, continues to suffer from a perennial poor reputation and image-tarnishing practices like those just described, as well as unduly escalating rental homesite rate hikes, and continuing sad lack of professional property management! If we want to experience another renaissance for manufactured housing production and land lease community lifestyle popularity, we know where we must improve performance – and sooner the better! GFA
Postscript. Does anyone in the manufactured housing industry and throughout the land lease community realty asset class see, as I do, the ongoing need for better national and regional leadership – both volunteer and paid, to step forward and challenge everyone in these two business models to get their act together and treat our customers and residents as fellow stakeholders? Right now, the only criticisms and pleas for market improvement come from online ‘influencers’, an occasional trade publication editorial, and a few pundits (i.e. ‘learned men & women’). We need to hear and see more leadership from our national and state industry and asset class advocates! For example, is this matter even on the agenda of at MHI’s upcoming winter meeting? I don’t know, as I’ve not been invited to attend and speak these issues.
Your thoughts on these timely – and some would say self-defeating, trade practices? Let me know via Your responses are kept confidential unless you indicate otherwise.
End Note.
- SWAN SONG is available for purchase via
George Allen