George Allen / EducateMHC Blog Mobile Home & Land Lease Community Advocate & Expert

January 17, 2025


Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 12:20 pm

Blog Posting # 827; Copyright 17 January 2025. EducateMHC

Know this! HUD-Code manufactured housing (‘MH’) is federally-regulated, performance-based, affordable-attainable, factory-built housing (i.e. a type of offsite construction). Land lease communities (a.k.a. manufactured home communities & ‘mobile home parks’) comprise the commercial real estate (‘CRE’) component of MH; and, along with various forms of housing finance (e.g. chattel or ‘home only’ loans & real estate-secured mortgages), characterize the post-production segment of MH.

EducateMHC is the official MH historian, trade term & tend tracker, as well as perennial information source. Contact EducateMHC via (317) 881-3815; email:, and, to purchase Community Management in the Manufactured Housing Industry (A copy should be in every land lease community office nationwide!) & SWAN SONG – History of land lease communities & official record of annual MH production totals since 1955.

And my autobiography, From SmittyAlpha6 to MHMaven, describes personal combat adventures in Vietnam as a USMC lieutenant, a 45 year entrepreneur business career in MH & community ownership, as well as freelance consulting and authoring of 30 nonfiction texts.

George Allen is the sole emeritus member of the Manufactured Housing Institute (”MHI’), a founding member of MHI’s National Communities Council (‘NCC’) division, an RV/MH Hall of Fame enshrinee, as well as Allen Legacy columnist and editor at large for MHInsider magazine.


If you weren’t aware the manufactured housing industry has a regulatory ‘watchdog’ alive and well, working on its’ behalf in Washington, DC., you haven’t been paying attention! The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (‘MHARR’), a 1985 spinoff from the Manufactured Housing Institute (‘MHI’), routinely and faithfully represents the regulatory-related interests of regional, independent HUD-Code manufactured housing producers.

What follows here are excerpts from a recent communique by MHARR titled: ‘TRUMP 2.0 – THE INDUSTRY’S SECOND CHANCE’, January 2025, penned by association executive Mark Weiss.

Following a detailed review of what the writer called ‘Trump 1.0’; a recitation of failed attempts to revitalize manufactured housing, MHARR offers this summary: “…at the conclusion of Trump 1.0, the industry remained in the crosshairs of a still-dangerous DOE energy standards directive, nothing of substance regarding the HUD program, and its preemptive regulatory authority, had changed, (as) localities were still targeting manufactured homes and manufactured homeowners with discriminatory and exclusionary zoning, and DTS remained an unfulfilled promise with absolutely no support forthcoming for the vast bulk of the manufactured housing consumer financing market….”*1 (Lightly edited. GFA)

With that said, MHARR challenges the manufactured housing industry to encourage Trump 2.0, “as a second Trump presidential term (begins), with a renewed and even more vigorous emphasis on regulatory reform and  availability of affordable housing being two of the central features of that impending administration…” And how “…the entire industry should be focused on tackling, addressing and, most importantly, resolving and remedying, once and for all, the three principal bottlenecks (identified) by MHARR in a May 2, 2024 News Release…” Those three bottlenecks being:

  • Destructive and discriminatory DOE energy regulation
  • Discriminatory and exclusionary state and local zoning laws; and
  • Non-implementation of the DTS mandate with respect to manufactured housing personal property consumer loans.

If you want to learn more about these three bottlenecks, and you really should, reach out to MHARR via (202) 783-4087

Here’s how this MH trade advocacy entity ends this multipage challenge to the manufactured housing industry:

“…a second Trump presidential term provides the industry with a remarkable second chance! A second chance to clear away unnecessary and debilitating regulation. A second chance to eliminate (or significantly reduce) the discriminatory and exclusionary zoning edicts that have wrongly restricted its’ availability , a second chance to demand – and push through to fruition – much needed federal secondary market and securitization support of the vast bulk of manufactured home consumer chattel loans in accordance with DTS.”

End Note.

  • DTS = Duty to Serve. A congressional mandate for Government Sponsored Enterprises (‘GSE’) Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac to better serve underserved housing initiatives

George Allen

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