George Allen / EducateMHC Blog Mobile Home & Land Lease Community Advocate & Expert

July 29, 2012

Two Percenters, Tipping Points & Top Places to Go…

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 4:08 am

Blog # 205 Copyright 2012 29 July 2012

Perspective. ‘Landlease communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities, & before that, ‘mobile home parks’, are the real estate component of manufactured housing.’ GFA


12 of the 25 Most Influential People in MHIndustry & LLCommunity Realty Asset Class Already Identified!


Are These Four Dates & Locations on Your Calendar?


‘The Two Percenters Speak Out!’ Upcoming expose’ also describes landlease communities ‘Victory over Vacancy’!


Our Very Own Tipping Point, and the Several Probable Consequences Thereof, Depending on Which Way We Tip


‘OK; hang on, and ready yourself for an interesting (I), exciting (II), surprising (III), and thought (& action?) provoking (IV) ‘read’ thru familiar territory, as well as the hinterlands (undeveloped areas), of manufactured housing and landlease community affairs.’ GFA


12 of the 25 Most Influential People in MHIndustry & LLCommunity Realty Asset Class Already Identified!

Before 12 hours passed, after emailing last Sunday’s BEBA (‘Blast Email Blog Alert’) and imbedded website/blog address, we received more than a dozen written recommendations of manufactured housing and landlease community – related individuals to include on the ’25 Most Influential People’ list! Frankly, I was surprised and encouraged, regarding the speed and volume of response, to this matter, from the 1,000+/- MHIndustry & LLCommunity folk who receive our BEBA every Sunday. Unfortunately, the request for input has become a write – in campaign, in behalf of a state manufactured housing association executive.

Remember, the deadline for recommendations is 30 September 2012. All you have to do is contact me, anyway you wish, with the suggested name, and reason(s) for your recommendation(s). Mail to GFA c/o Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247 or FAX via (317) 346-7158 or email:, or via the MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764. Tentative plan is to incorporate this ’25 Most Influential People in Manufactured Housing & Landlease Communities’ list into the 24th annual ALLEN REPORT (a.k.a. ‘Who’s Who Among Landlease Community Owners/operators Throughout North America!’), scheduled for distribution as a lagniappe in the Allen Letter professional journal during January 2013. This list will be a noteworthy and historical addition to this seminal report, as copies of it are always requested, filed and archived annually, in public (Library of Congress), business (e.g. RV/MH Museum & Library in Elkhart, IN.), and university libraries, mostly for research purposes. So, ensure your Most Influential Person(s) become an integral part of manufactured housing and landlease community history!


Now There’re Four Opportunities For YOU to Learn, US to Network; & TOGETHER, Influence Our Business Futures!

August 6th, 2012. RV/MH Heritage Foundation’s annual Hall of Fame Induction Banquet, at the RV/MH Museum and library facility at 21565 Executive Parkway, Elkhart, IN. I’ll be arriving earlier that day to meet with friends and associates in the MHBusiness, before heading for the RV/MH Hall of Fame at 5PM, for a reception before the induction banquet. Who and What to expect? Several hundred MH & RV folk participating in our industries’ only legacy preservation program! To join in the fun and celebration, phone (574) 293-2344. Tell Charlene, “George sent me!” She’ll laugh….

And at 8AM the next morning, meet me for breakfast, at the Golden Egg Restaurant, located on the West side of Route # 19, in front of the Hilton Garden Hotel, where several of us are spending the night. And if you ‘break fast’ with us, expect a special MHIndustry – related gift from me; I’ll be that pleased to see you! And at that time, also give me the name of your Most Influential Person in Manufactured Housing & Landlease Communities.

August 29th, 2012. ‘We Go to SECO!’ is becoming the motivating rallying cry for those of us headed for this Southeastern (Landlease) Community Owners symposium in Atlanta, GA. What makes the program unique? Two things: who’s planning and hosting the event; and, what’s on the agenda. In the first instance, ‘Landlease community owners are doing this for landlease community owners!’ In the second instance, consider these foci:

• Marketing Audit Reports on four landlease communities, complete with observations, recommendations, remedial actions taken, and end results!

• 21st Mortgage Corporation’s exciting and ground – breaking C.A.S.H. Program will experience its’ first regional presentation to landlease community owners!

• Roundtable Discussions led by Southeast landlease community owners, who’ll identify and help parse the Biggest Issues facing the realty asset class today!

• Introduction of a new, broad – based media advertising program designed to drive qualified homebuyer prospects to communities selling new homes on – site!

So, join US at the Hilton Doubletree Atlanta/Marietta Conference Center. Phone (770) 272-9441 to make a room reservation; and, OR OR

September 12 – 14 2012. ‘Anyone who’s anybody in the landlease (f.k.a. manufactured home) community business, as an owner/operator, will likely be present at the 21st annual International Networking Roundtable in San Diego, CA.!’ That’s ‘been the case’ during the past two decades this special event has been planned and hosted for landlease community ‘players’ and a dozen of their preferred real estate – secured mortgage loan originators. So, if that sentence describes YOU, plan now to attend! How? Phone the MHIndustry HOTINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764, or go to website to obtain a descriptive brochure and register. Attendance limited to 250 landlease community owners/operators and mortgage originators. Don’t be left out this time.

And know there’re more than 22 educational opportunities, nine superb interpersonal networking (meal/social events) events, and landlease community deal – making occasions, during the 2 ½ day Roundtable, more than at any other MHIndustry or asset class event scheduled anywhere, at anytime, during the year! See YOU there!

October 7 – 9, 2012. First off, if you’re in the MHBusiness, and not a direct, dues – paying member of the Manufactured Housing Institute, you should be! To do so, phone (703) 558-0678 and talk to Dick Jennison. Furthermore, if you own/operate one or more landlease communities, you should be a direct, dues – paying member of MHI’s National Communities Council (‘NCC’) division. To do so, phone Bruce Savage via (703) 558-0678. Plan to attend MHI’s annual, & NCC’s division meetings, in Arlington, VA. In early October. Unlike the other educational and networking events just described, there’ll be more large home manufacturers and property portfolio owners/operators at this event, ensuring their particular issue views, regarding MH & LLCommunity ADVOCACY, are on the agenda and foremost in the minds of MHI & NCC staff members and lobbyists.

So, become a member, attend, and make your issue views known as well. If you don’t, you have no one to blame but yourself, if your business environment deteriorates, federal financial regulation increases, and you wonder why all this is happening to YOU.


‘The Two Percenters Speak Out!’ Upcoming expose’ also describes landlease communities ‘Victory over Vacancy’!

This will be (already is) my penned response to the ‘Victory over Vacancy’ article featured in the July/August issue of the Institute of Real Estate Management’s® Journal of Property Management magazine. Their feature begins with a two page photo spread, depicting what appears to be corner and end views of either HUD Code manufactured home sections, or modular home modules – both unsheathed, parked on a factory floor somewhere.

However, there’s absolutely no mention whatsoever, anywhere in this feature, of any sort of factory – built housing, and how it might relate to the title of the piece: ‘Victory over Vacancy’. But, that in itself is not surprising. As a 30+ year, now Emeritus Certified Property Manager® member of IREM®, I can’t recall the last time their in – house organ, JPM, published anything about the landlease (f.k.a. manufactured home) community income – producing property type. Back in the 1980s & 90s, I regularly penned articles, on this subject, for the magazine; enough to be inducted into IREM’s Academy of Authors, but nothing during the past ten years or so.

And there is indeed a ‘Victory over Vacancy’ story to be told, about the landlease community realty asset class. At this point in time, I have no idea whether IREM’s JPM staff will accept the ‘response article’ I’ve penned, for publication in an upcoming issue of the magazine. Irregardless, it will run in the September issue of the Allen Letter professional journal. So, if not already a subscriber, phone (317) 346-7156 to become one today.

The intimate circle of subscribers to the Allen CONFIDENTIAL! business newsletter, will get an advance look at the expose’ and ‘Victory over Vacancy’ piece in the August issue.


Our Very Own Tipping Point, and the Several Probable Consequences Thereof, Depending on Which Way We Tip

This time next year, national ADVOCACY; manufactured housing RESEARCH; and, landlease community RESOURCES will likely be significantly different, in small or large part, from what we experience, benefit from, and appreciate today.

How so? While not prepared or authorized to provide details at this time – as they’ve yet to be worked out and codified, here’s how the landlease community Advocacy, Research, & Resource business terrain appears to this industry observer today:

Advocacy. Since January 1996, all matters pertaining to (then) manufactured home community national (political & regulatory) advocacy have been handled by the Manufactured Housing Institute’s National Communities Council (‘NCC’) division, despite suffering no fewer than six different ‘executive directors’, and a more – than – a – year leaderless hiatus, during the past 16 ½ years.

Lisa Brechtel is not returning to head the NCC division, and it appears Bruce Savage’s firm will continue in that leadership role for the time being.

At present, NCC’s elected leadership is dominated by representatives from the among the largest landlease community portfolio owners/operators. It remains to be seen, if and or how, this weighted leadership presence impacts the council’s agenda and focus.

Research. While still a routine focus for GFA Management, Inc., dba PMN Publishing, it’s expected, once the 24th annual ALLEN REPORT is published in January 2013, a measure of – if not all, realty asset class research will gradually be assumed by the newly formed Center for Manufactured Housing Studies, officed in Athens, OH.

David Funk, a landlease community owner/operator, is leading this effort to bring academic style and quality research to landlease communities, manufactured housing, and affordable housing.

It’s hoped, by many of us in the manufactured housing industry and landlease community asset class, the CMHS will, in time, become the long – awaited Think Tank for our sector of factory – built housing, realty asset class, and affordable housing.

Resources. This third of the landlease community triad of ADVOCACY, RESEARCH, & RESOURCES, continues to be handled by the aforementioned Indiana firm. And here’s specifically where the tipping point comes into play this year and next….

One goal might be to see Advocacy, Research, & Resources gel well together, within as few existing not for profit, or for profit – if need be, entities as possible! In fact, there’s already a joint project underway, testing such a triparte alliance, realizing change will still have to occur in the near to interim future. The project? Final editing of the new book manuscript tentatively titled, Book of Formulae, Rules of Thumb, & Helpful Measures. Content editors are Bruce Savage of the NCC (Advocacy), David Funk of the CMHS (Research), and Spencer Roane, MHM® of Pentagon Properties in GA, assisting the author with the Resources aspect of the work. It’s hoped this ‘book of numbers’ will be printed, bound, and ready for distribution, to all registrants, at this year’s 21st annual Networking Roundtable in San Diego, CA., 12 – 14 September. One more reason to go!

With that said though, there’s still precarious tipping ahead. Look at it this way: ‘WHO will lead the landlease community realty asset class into the future?’ An individual (Not me!), or one or more profit or not for profit entities? Let’s begin with the aforementioned Advocacy, Research, Resources triad. There’re at least three alternatives, and as of last month – a fourth, towards which this landlease community state of affairs might tip:

• MHI’s NCC division steps forward to add ‘comprehensive Resource servicing’, for landlease community owners/operators, to its’ day to day repertoire! Generally unknown, except to the 18 asset class pioneers who met 31 August 1993, to form the Industry Steering Committee predecessor to the NCC, the first of seven Strategic Objectives, penned at the time, read: “Share useful and accurate information within and outside the industry.” In today’s words, that’s landlease community ‘comprehensive Resource servicing’, based on Research, and in accords with issue and regulatory Advocacy. So, today there’s a very real opportunity for MHI’s NCC division to finally accomplish that Strategic Objective! Will it do so?
• MHI’s NCC division does NOT step forward, to add ‘comprehensive Resource servicing’, for landlease community owners/operators, to its’ day to day repertoire! Instead, it stands by the wayside, as this rare opportunity tips to another ‘for profit’ firm – like GFA Management, Inc., dba PMN Publishing, one willing and able to take over the responsibility of providing print and online media and communication, professional property management education and certification, as well as opportunities for national interpersonal networking, and deal – making. In a word, preserving today’s ‘comprehensive Resource servicing’ status quo, serving 50,000+/- landlease communities coast – to – coast.

• Or, in the minds of conscientious landlease community owners/operators, this Worst Case Scenario, where No One ‘steps up to the plate’, figuratively speaking – other than where the Research function is concerned, and this whole state of Resource affairs tips precipitously backward to where it was in 1980 – that’s 33 years ago, when there was NO knowledge of Who the property portfolio players were; NO property management ‘How To’ resources (books, forms), let alone PM training and certification; NO routine and regular print (monthly) and weekly (blog) communication among property owners/operators; and NO annual national interpersonal networking, educational, and deal – making opportunities designed specifically for landlease community aficionados. Wow! Is that even possible? It certainly is!

So, which way will landlease communities be tipping by the end of year 2012? Do YOU care? YOU should! What can YOU do, in the interim, to make your voice and preferences known? Just what was suggested earlier: BE where the action is, and talk with the Most Influential Persons in manufactured housing and landlease communities. BE a direct, dues – paying member of MHI’s NCC division, and stop relying on just what your state MHAssociation director may or may not be telling you about matters that’ll surely be impacting your near and interim business future! And know this, all parties involved in the first two of the three tipping point scenarios, will likely be present at the 21st annual Networking Roundtable in San Diego, CA., 12 – 14 September 2012. THEN would be an IDEAL time for YOU to get to know, maybe even influence, the future leadership of your preferred business model, the landlease community realty asset class!

• Oh yes, there is an additional, lately – emerging tipping point alternative. It’s one I’m uncomfortable writing about, in light of what you just read; but I’d be doing you an injustice if I didn’t share it, at least in part, with you. This fourth tipping point alternative, in some ways, is already in place. More than a dozen small mid – sized landlease community owners, some are small property portfolio operators, have already made their strong feelings known; that if the first two of the three above – described alternatives, don’t materialize in the relatively near future, they will NOT allow the third one (i.e. Return to 1980’s ‘nothingness’) to happen! Meaning? Well, YOU think about it. Frankly, I’m hoping our collective Advocacy, Research, Resources future will be nicely in place by ‘then’, and there will be no need for this fourth alternative.

And there’s this final, genuine concern, also expressed by other small to mid – sized owners/operators: If ‘the right people’, whoever ‘they’ be (My guess is passionate, capable, experienced, motivated landlease community aficionados), don’t assume control, ensuring continuation of Resources already in place, much of what exists today could well fade away due to benign neglect; in the end, effecting the third alternative by default. Pretty heady stuff wouldn’t you agree? What’re your thoughts on these alternatives?

Enough to think about during the week or two ahead? Certainly is enough for me. In the meantime, decide NOW when and where we’ll meet; where YOU will exert your influence as a landlease community owner/operator; and, be there! And while at one or more of the four upcoming events, engage in this telling exercise: Pay close attention to WHO is present and not present, from the major HUD Code home manufacturing firms, AND largest of the landlease community portfolio firms. You might be surprised who ‘doesn’t actively participate but inordinately influences’ industry and asset class issues and regulatory Advocacy matters.


George Allen, CPM®Emeritus, MHM®Master
Consultant to the Factory – built Housing Industry,
The Landlease Community Real Estate Asset Class &
Affordable Housing Purists and Enthusiasts Nationwide
Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247.
(317) 346-7156

Blog # 205 Copyright 2012 29 July 2012

Perspective. ‘Landlease communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities, & before that, ‘mobile home parks’, are the real estate component of manufactured housing.’ GFA


12 of the 25 Most Influential People in MHIndustry & LLCommunity Realty Asset Class Already Identified!


Are These Four Dates & Locations on Your Calendar?


‘The Two Percenters Speak Out!’ Upcoming expose’ also describes landlease communities ‘Victory over Vacancy’!


Our Very Own Tipping Point, and the Several Probable Consequences Thereof, Depending on Which Way We Tip


‘OK; hang on, and ready yourself for an interesting (I), exciting (II), surprising (III), and thought (& action?) provoking (IV) ‘read’ thru familiar territory, as well as the hinterlands (undeveloped areas), of manufactured housing and landlease community affairs.’ GFA


12 of the 25 Most Influential People in MHIndustry & LLCommunity Realty Asset Class Already Identified!

Before 12 hours passed, after emailing last Sunday’s BEBA (‘Blast Email Blog Alert’) and imbedded website/blog address, we received more than a dozen written recommendations of manufactured housing and landlease community – related individuals to include on the ’25 Most Influential People’ list! Frankly, I was surprised and encouraged, regarding the speed and volume of response, to this matter, from the 1,000+/- MHIndustry & LLCommunity folk who receive our BEBA every Sunday. Unfortunately, the request for input has become a write – in campaign, in behalf of a state manufactured housing association executive.

Remember, the deadline for recommendations is 30 September 2012. All you have to do is contact me, anyway you wish, with the suggested name, and reason(s) for your recommendation(s). Mail to GFA c/o Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247 or FAX via (317) 346-7158 or email:, or via the MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764. Tentative plan is to incorporate this ’25 Most Influential People in Manufactured Housing & Landlease Communities’ list into the 24th annual ALLEN REPORT (a.k.a. ‘Who’s Who Among Landlease Community Owners/operators Throughout North America!’), scheduled for distribution as a lagniappe in the Allen Letter professional journal during January 2013. This list will be a noteworthy and historical addition to this seminal report, as copies of it are always requested, filed and archived annually, in public (Library of Congress), business (e.g. RV/MH Museum & Library in Elkhart, IN.), and university libraries, mostly for research purposes. So, ensure your Most Influential Person(s) become an integral part of manufactured housing and landlease community history!


Now There’re Four Opportunities For YOU to Learn, US to Network; & TOGETHER, Influence Our Business Futures!

August 6th, 2012. RV/MH Heritage Foundation’s annual Hall of Fame Induction Banquet, at the RV/MH Museum and library facility at 21565 Executive Parkway, Elkhart, IN. I’ll be arriving earlier that day to meet with friends and associates in the MHBusiness, before heading for the RV/MH Hall of Fame at 5PM, for a reception before the induction banquet. Who and What to expect? Several hundred MH & RV folk participating in our industries’ only legacy preservation program! To join in the fun and celebration, phone (574) 293-2344. Tell Charlene, “George sent me!” She’ll laugh….

And at 8AM the next morning, meet me for breakfast, at the Golden Egg Restaurant, located on the West side of Route # 19, in front of the Hilton Garden Hotel, where several of us are spending the night. And if you ‘break fast’ with us, expect a special MHIndustry – related gift from me; I’ll be that pleased to see you! And at that time, also give me the name of your Most Influential Person in Manufactured Housing & Landlease Communities.

August 29th, 2012. ‘We Go to SECO!’ is becoming the motivating rallying cry for those of us headed for this Southeastern (Landlease) Community Owners symposium in Atlanta, GA. What makes the program unique? Two things: who’s planning and hosting the event; and, what’s on the agenda. In the first instance, ‘Landlease community owners are doing this for landlease community owners!’ In the second instance, consider these foci:

• Marketing Audit Reports on four landlease communities, complete with observations, recommendations, remedial actions taken, and end results!

• 21st Mortgage Corporation’s exciting and ground – breaking C.A.S.H. Program will experience its’ first regional presentation to landlease community owners!

• Roundtable Discussions led by Southeast landlease community owners, who’ll identify and help parse the Biggest Issues facing the realty asset class today!

• Introduction of a new, broad – based media advertising program designed to drive qualified homebuyer prospects to communities selling new homes on – site!

So, join US at the Hilton Doubletree Atlanta/Marietta Conference Center. Phone (770) 272-9441 to make a room reservation; and, OR OR

September 12 – 14 2012. ‘Anyone who’s anybody in the landlease (f.k.a. manufactured home) community business, as an owner/operator, will likely be present at the 21st annual International Networking Roundtable in San Diego, CA.!’ That’s ‘been the case’ during the past two decades this special event has been planned and hosted for landlease community ‘players’ and a dozen of their preferred real estate – secured mortgage loan originators. So, if that sentence describes YOU, plan now to attend! How? Phone the MHIndustry HOTINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764, or go to website to obtain a descriptive brochure and register. Attendance limited to 250 landlease community owners/operators and mortgage originators. Don’t be left out this time.

And know there’re more than 22 educational opportunities, nine superb interpersonal networking (meal/social events) events, and landlease community deal – making occasions, during the 2 ½ day Roundtable, more than at any other MHIndustry or asset class event scheduled anywhere, at anytime, during the year! See YOU there!

October 7 – 9, 2012. First off, if you’re in the MHBusiness, and not a direct, dues – paying member of the Manufactured Housing Institute, you should be! To do so, phone (703) 558-0678 and talk to Dick Jennison. Furthermore, if you own/operate one or more landlease communities, you should be a direct, dues – paying member of MHI’s National Communities Council (‘NCC’) division. To do so, phone Bruce Savage via (703) 558-0678. Plan to attend MHI’s annual, & NCC’s division meetings, in Arlington, VA. In early October. Unlike the other educational and networking events just described, there’ll be more large home manufacturers and property portfolio owners/operators at this event, ensuring their particular issue views, regarding MH & LLCommunity ADVOCACY, are on the agenda and foremost in the minds of MHI & NCC staff members and lobbyists.

So, become a member, attend, and make your issue views known as well. If you don’t, you have no one to blame but yourself, if your business environment deteriorates, federal financial regulation increases, and you wonder why all this is happening to YOU.


‘The Two Percenters Speak Out!’ Upcoming expose’ also describes landlease communities ‘Victory over Vacancy’!

This will be (already is) my penned response to the ‘Victory over Vacancy’ article featured in the July/August issue of the Institute of Real Estate Management’s® Journal of Property Management magazine. Their feature begins with a two page photo spread, depicting what appears to be corner and end views of either HUD Code manufactured home sections, or modular home modules – both unsheathed, parked on a factory floor somewhere.

However, there’s absolutely no mention whatsoever, anywhere in this feature, of any sort of factory – built housing, and how it might relate to the title of the piece: ‘Victory over Vacancy’. But, that in itself is not surprising. As a 30+ year, now Emeritus Certified Property Manager® member of IREM®, I can’t recall the last time their in – house organ, JPM, published anything about the landlease (f.k.a. manufactured home) community income – producing property type. Back in the 1980s & 90s, I regularly penned articles, on this subject, for the magazine; enough to be inducted into IREM’s Academy of Authors, but nothing during the past ten years or so.

And there is indeed a ‘Victory over Vacancy’ story to be told, about the landlease community realty asset class. At this point in time, I have no idea whether IREM’s JPM staff will accept the ‘response article’ I’ve penned, for publication in an upcoming issue of the magazine. Irregardless, it will run in the September issue of the Allen Letter professional journal. So, if not already a subscriber, phone (317) 346-7156 to become one today.

The intimate circle of subscribers to the Allen CONFIDENTIAL! business newsletter, will get an advance look at the expose’ and ‘Victory over Vacancy’ piece in the August issue.


Our Very Own Tipping Point, and the Several Probable Consequences Thereof, Depending on Which Way We Tip

This time next year, national ADVOCACY; manufactured housing RESEARCH; and, landlease community RESOURCES will likely be significantly different, in small or large part, from what we experience, benefit from, and appreciate today.

How so? While not prepared or authorized to provide details at this time – as they’ve yet to be worked out and codified, here’s how the landlease community Advocacy, Research, & Resource business terrain appears to this industry observer today:

Advocacy. Since January 1996, all matters pertaining to (then) manufactured home community national (political & regulatory) advocacy have been handled by the Manufactured Housing Institute’s National Communities Council (‘NCC’) division, despite suffering no fewer than six different ‘executive directors’, and a more – than – a – year leaderless hiatus, during the past 16 ½ years.

Lisa Brechtel is not returning to head the NCC division, and it appears Bruce Savage’s firm will continue in that leadership role for the time being.

At present, NCC’s elected leadership is dominated by representatives from the among the largest landlease community portfolio owners/operators. It remains to be seen, if and or how, this weighted leadership presence impacts the council’s agenda and focus.

Research. While still a routine focus for GFA Management, Inc., dba PMN Publishing, it’s expected, once the 24th annual ALLEN REPORT is published in January 2013, a measure of – if not all, realty asset class research will gradually be assumed by the newly formed Center for Manufactured Housing Studies, officed in Athens, OH.

David Funk, a landlease community owner/operator, is leading this effort to bring academic style and quality research to landlease communities, manufactured housing, and affordable housing.

It’s hoped, by many of us in the manufactured housing industry and landlease community asset class, the CMHS will, in time, become the long – awaited Think Tank for our sector of factory – built housing, realty asset class, and affordable housing.

Resources. This third of the landlease community triad of ADVOCACY, RESEARCH, & RESOURCES, continues to be handled by the aforementioned Indiana firm. And here’s specifically where the tipping point comes into play this year and next….

One goal might be to see Advocacy, Research, & Resources gel well together, within as few existing not for profit, or for profit – if need be, entities as possible! In fact, there’s already a joint project underway, testing such a triparte alliance, realizing change will still have to occur in the near to interim future. The project? Final editing of the new book manuscript tentatively titled, Book of Formulae, Rules of Thumb, & Helpful Measures. Content editors are Bruce Savage of the NCC (Advocacy), David Funk of the CMHS (Research), and Spencer Roane, MHM® of Pentagon Properties in GA, assisting the author with the Resources aspect of the work. It’s hoped this ‘book of numbers’ will be printed, bound, and ready for distribution, to all registrants, at this year’s 21st annual Networking Roundtable in San Diego, CA., 12 – 14 September. One more reason to go!

With that said though, there’s still precarious tipping ahead. Look at it this way: ‘WHO will lead the landlease community realty asset class into the future?’ An individual (Not me!), or one or more profit or not for profit entities? Let’s begin with the aforementioned Advocacy, Research, Resources triad. There’re at least three alternatives, and as of last month – a fourth, towards which this landlease community state of affairs might tip:

• MHI’s NCC division steps forward to add ‘comprehensive Resource servicing’, for landlease community owners/operators, to its’ day to day repertoire! Generally unknown, except to the 18 asset class pioneers who met 31 August 1993, to form the Industry Steering Committee predecessor to the NCC, the first of seven Strategic Objectives, penned at the time, read: “Share useful and accurate information within and outside the industry.” In today’s words, that’s landlease community ‘comprehensive Resource servicing’, based on Research, and in accords with issue and regulatory Advocacy. So, today there’s a very real opportunity for MHI’s NCC division to finally accomplish that Strategic Objective! Will it do so?
• MHI’s NCC division does NOT step forward, to add ‘comprehensive Resource servicing’, for landlease community owners/operators, to its’ day to day repertoire! Instead, it stands by the wayside, as this rare opportunity tips to another ‘for profit’ firm – like GFA Management, Inc., dba PMN Publishing, one willing and able to take over the responsibility of providing print and online media and communication, professional property management education and certification, as well as opportunities for national interpersonal networking, and deal – making. In a word, preserving today’s ‘comprehensive Resource servicing’ status quo, serving 50,000+/- landlease communities coast – to – coast.

• Or, in the minds of conscientious landlease community owners/operators, this Worst Case Scenario, where No One ‘steps up to the plate’, figuratively speaking – other than where the Research function is concerned, and this whole state of Resource affairs tips precipitously backward to where it was in 1980 – that’s 33 years ago, when there was NO knowledge of Who the property portfolio players were; NO property management ‘How To’ resources (books, forms), let alone PM training and certification; NO routine and regular print (monthly) and weekly (blog) communication among property owners/operators; and NO annual national interpersonal networking, educational, and deal – making opportunities designed specifically for landlease community aficionados. Wow! Is that even possible? It certainly is!

So, which way will landlease communities be tipping by the end of year 2012? Do YOU care? YOU should! What can YOU do, in the interim, to make your voice and preferences known? Just what was suggested earlier: BE where the action is, and talk with the Most Influential Persons in manufactured housing and landlease communities. BE a direct, dues – paying member of MHI’s NCC division, and stop relying on just what your state MHAssociation director may or may not be telling you about matters that’ll surely be impacting your near and interim business future! And know this, all parties involved in the first two of the three tipping point scenarios, will likely be present at the 21st annual Networking Roundtable in San Diego, CA., 12 – 14 September 2012. THEN would be an IDEAL time for YOU to get to know, maybe even influence, the future leadership of your preferred business model, the landlease community realty asset class!

• Oh yes, there is an additional, lately – emerging tipping point alternative. It’s one I’m uncomfortable writing about, in light of what you just read; but I’d be doing you an injustice if I didn’t share it, at least in part, with you. This fourth tipping point alternative, in some ways, is already in place. More than a dozen small mid – sized landlease community owners, some are small property portfolio operators, have already made their strong feelings known; that if the first two of the three above – described alternatives, don’t materialize in the relatively near future, they will NOT allow the third one (i.e. Return to 1980’s ‘nothingness’) to happen! Meaning? Well, YOU think about it. Frankly, I’m hoping our collective Advocacy, Research, Resources future will be nicely in place by ‘then’, and there will be no need for this fourth alternative.

And there’s this final, genuine concern, also expressed by other small to mid – sized owners/operators: If ‘the right people’, whoever ‘they’ be (My guess is passionate, capable, experienced, motivated landlease community aficionados), don’t assume control, ensuring continuation of Resources already in place, much of what exists today could well fade away due to benign neglect; in the end, effecting the third alternative by default. Pretty heady stuff wouldn’t you agree? What’re your thoughts on these alternatives?

Enough to think about during the week or two ahead? Certainly is enough for me. In the meantime, decide NOW when and where we’ll meet; where YOU will exert your influence as a landlease community owner/operator; and, be there! And while at one or more of the four upcoming events, engage in this telling exercise: Pay close attention to WHO is present and not present, from the major HUD Code home manufacturing firms, AND largest of the landlease community portfolio firms. You might be surprised who ‘doesn’t actively participate but inordinately influences’ industry and asset class issues and regulatory Advocacy matters.


George Allen, CPM®Emeritus, MHM®Master
Consultant to the Factory – built Housing Industry,
The Landlease Community Real Estate Asset Class &
Affordable Housing Purists and Enthusiasts Nationwide
Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247.
(317) 346-7156

July 22, 2012

25 Most Influential People in Manufactured Housing & Landlease Communities?

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 4:19 am

Blog # 204 Copyright 2012 22 July 2012

Perspective. ‘Landlease communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities, & before that, ‘mobile home parks’, are the real estate component of manufactured housing.’ GFA

Who are the 25 Most Influential People in the Manufactured Housing Industry & Landlease Community Realty Asset Class?


You’ll See Some of Them August 6th, in Elkhart, IN.


Even More of Them, August 29th, in Atlanta, GA.


Most of Them, September 12 – 14, in San Diego, CA.


a Retraction


Time for YOU to become a Manufactured Housing Manager®?


Who are the 25 Most Influential People in the Manufactured Housing Industry & Landlease Community Realty Asset Class?

Not a day goes by, at our offices in central Indiana, that someone doesn’t phone or email seeking information about the HUD Code manufactured housing industry, or it’s real estate component, the landlease (f.k.a. manufactured home) community realty asset class. More often than not these individuals are looking for ‘someone to talk to’ about a specific need for statistics, assistance, resources, services, and the like. In a couple words, they’re seeking to connect with Influential People in our unique ‘double dual industry’.*1

Sure, we research and publish the annual ALLEN REPORT (a.k.a. ’Who’s Who Among Landlease Community Owners/operators Throughout North America!’) every January, and the popular ‘Who Ya Gonna Call in 2012?’ list of freelance consultants a couple months later. But know what? That’s not enough, and it’s high time we figure out WHO our most Influential People are, in the manufactured housing industry and landlease community real estate asset class, and announce their identities far and wide. *2

So, tell you what. Beginning with this blog posting announcement – what you’re reading right now; then, announcements in upcoming monthly issues of Allen Letter professional journal, we’ll start, with your input, cobbling that list together. And, depending on the volume and quality of response from YOU, we’ll endeavor to have this list of the ’25 Most Influential People in the Manufactured Housing Industry & Landlease Community Realty Asset Class’ compiled and published this Fall, at the earliest; or included within the 24th annual ALLEN REPORT, January 2013, at the latest.

Who do YOU recommend and why? All you need do, is communicate one or more names of individuals, and a couple descriptive sentences about each one, as to who you think qualifies as among the ’25 Most Influential People in the Manufactured Housing Industry & Landlease Community Realty Asset Class!’ Use the phone number listed in end note # 2 at the end of this blog posting; or FAX your recommendation(s) to (317) 346-7158; or email me via:, or even pen a note to: GFA c/o Box # 47024, Indpls, IN. 46247. Deadline? Let’s shoot for Sunday, 30 September 2012. That’ll be right after the next three, coast – to – coast gatherings of industry leaders in Elkhart, IN., Atlanta, GA., and San Diego, CA. Can’t spread important venues like those, much further across the U.S. than that, can we? And they are?


RV/MH Heritage Foundation’s Hall of Fame Induction Banquet

WHERE? At the new RV/MH Heritage Foundation’s spacious and very attractive Hall of Fame Museum and Library facility at 21565 Executive Parkway, Elkhart, IN. If you haven’t seen or visited this protectorate of our RV/MH legacy, you really owe it to yourself to visit sometime! WHEN? How ‘bout Monday afternoon and evening, 6 August 2012. Come and experience ten of your RV & MHIndustry peers inducted into the prestigious Hall of Fame, amidst hundreds of the Most Influential People of the past 60 years, from the Manufactured Housing & Recreational Vehicle Industries! Reception begins at 5PM, followed by a gala banquet and induction ceremony, ending around 9:30PM that evening – and then, ‘the fun begins’… I certainly plan to be present. YOU? Phone (800) 378-8694 for more information and to register. A bunch of us are staying at the nearby (one interstate exit West of the RV/MH Hall of Fame exit off I-80/90) Hilton Garden Inn. Phone (574) 970-4444 to make a reservation. And tell you what. If you do attend, let’s ‘do breakfast’, the morning of 7 August, at the Golden Egg Restaurant, located out in front of the hotel, at 8AM. Just let me know ahead of time; again, using the phone number listed in End Note # 2. If you show up, I’ll have a gift for you! And, if you haven’t given me your list of Influential People beforehand, do so then!


Southeastern U.S. Landlease Community Owners Symposium

Want to participate in an historic event? Plan to attend the Southeast Community Owners Symposium, or SECO, in Atlanta, GA., on 29 August 2012. What makes this an historic event, is that it’s the FIRST regional gathering of landlease community owners/operators, planned and hosted entirely by landlease community owners/operators for their peers! There’ve been symposiums before, in Atlanta, but as GMHA events. No, there’s not been an event like this, since the last National State of the Asset Class (‘NSAC’) caucus, in February 2010, when participants (manufactured housing producers & landlease community owners) ‘invented’ the Community Series Home (‘CSH’) design.

And this SECO, frankly, has similar potential to take landlease community owners/operators down new, exciting, and rewarding business improvement paths, without relying on state and national trade associations, to provide direction to get them there. For example, here’s what symposium planners have scheduled for their landlease community peers:

• Marketing Audit Reports on four landlease communities, complete with observations, recommendations, remedial actions taken, and end results!

• 21st Mortgage Corporation’s exciting and ground – breaking C.A.S.H. Program will experience its’ first regional presentation to landlease community owners!

• Roundtable Discussions led by Southeast Landlease Community Owners, who’ll identify and help parse the Biggest Issues facing the realty asset class today!

• Introduction of a new, broad – based media advertising program designed to drive qualified homebuyer prospects to communities selling new homes on – site!

WHERE? At the Hilton Doubletree Atlanta/Marietta Conference Center. Phone (770) 272-9441 to make a room reservation. WHEN? All day, Wednesday, 29 August 2012. To register, at only $75.00/person, go to If you’d like to communicate directly with SECO organizers, reach Chris Nicely via David Roden via, or Spencer Roane via .

Once again, ‘Even More of the Most Influential People in the Manufactured Housing Industry & Landlease Community Realty Asset Class’ will likely be present at this historic event. How ‘bout YOU? I certainly plan to be there. For that matter, I plan to arrive the day before – to visit friends and acquaintances in the area, and Welcome an opportunity to network and socialize with YOU, the evening of 28 August. Are YOU interested? If so, ask any of the three aforementioned SECO organizers for specific location and time details. And, when we are together, give me the names of your Most Influential People! See YOU there….


21st Networking Roundtable just gets ‘gooder and gooder’!

Yep; September 12 – 14 is rapidly approaching. We’re already halfway to our planned attendance of 200 landlease community owners/operators, a dozen of their preferred realty – secured mortgage lenders, and nearly two dozen superb presenters! And let’s not forget Richard Lederer, our guest luncheon speaker, author, humorist, and San Diego newspaper columnist! Frankly, I expect this year’s Networking Roundtable to be, far and away, the Biggest & Best in 21 years. Why? Location; superb lineup of presenters; incomparable social networking, a need to share Lessons Learned during these difficult economic times, and the best deal – making anywhere. Need I say more?

Here’s a minor – though – major tweak to the Roundtable agenda. Robert Coldren, esquire, will be holding forth on the timely topic: ‘How Landlease Community Owners Can Increase NOI & Avoid Pratfalls When Dealing with Trash & Cable TV

OK, if you haven’t yet registered for this year’s 21st Networking Roundtable in San Diego, phone the MHIndustry HOTLINE listed in End Note # 2 at the end of this blog posting. We’ll email, FAX, or snail mail you the agenda and registration form to you.

And, this’ll be the final opportunity for YOU to give me your recommendations for the ’25 Most Influential People in the Manufactured Housing Industry & Landlease Community Realty Asset Class’! How will the selection be made? Since there’s already a core of ’18 Pioneers’ who’ve recently helped plan the succession of ‘comprehensive resource servicing’ for landlease community owners/operators nationwide, might as well supplement their number with a few manufactured housing leaders, to cull the list, if necessary, to the Best 25. YOU have a better idea? If so, let me know…


a Retraction

In my April 22, 2012 blog, I indicated ‘Mobile Home Park Investors Boot Camp’ misrepresents and disrespects the vast majority of landlease communities across the country. This statement was false and inaccurate and I apologize for any defamatory effect it may have had.


Time for YOU to become a Manufactured Housing Manager®?

One of the goals, I’d like to accomplish before I semi – retire from the manufactured housing industry and landlease community realty asset class, is to have trained and certified 1,000 Manufactured Housing Managers® or MHM®s. And we’re pretty close, maybe only 100 – 200 yet to go.

But the point really is this: During these difficult economic times, for just about everyone in ‘housing’ of any sort, YOU owe it to yourself, as a property owner or manager, as well as your employees and managers who operate one or more landlease communities, to join the ranks of professional real estate managers nationwide! How to do this, within our unique, income – producing property type? Enroll them in the seven lesson MHM® correspondence course; ask your state MHAssociation executive or governing board chairperson, to schedule the one day MHM® class in your locale; or, if a portfolio owner/operator, invite me to hold one or more of the one day regional MHM® training and certification classes for your landlease community and regional property managers! There are no tests. And all three venues are the same price, just $250.00 per individual. What do they get for that registration fee? A copy of the classic, Landlease Community Management textbook, a monograph of contemporary MHIndustry ‘readings’, gold MHM® lapel pin, and their frameable MHM® designation certificate!

To schedule a class, have your state MHAssociation executive, or YOU, phone the MHIndustry HOTLINE number listed in End Note # 2, and talk to me about it. And when a state association schedules a class with more than ten individuals, they receive a $50.00/person stipend for every additional registrant above that number. And the registration fee covers my travel expenses.

End Notes.

1. ‘double dual industry’ = trade vernacular for manufactured housing industry’s home ‘fabrication & delivery’ functions; and landlease community ‘development & investment’ functions.

2. For more information on either of these reports, phone the MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764. Know that the ALLEN REPORT is available only with a $134.95 annual subscription to the Allen Letter professional journal; and the ‘Who Ya Gonna Call in 2012?’ is ‘free for the asking’.

George Allen, CPM®Emeritus, MHM®Master Box # 47024
Consultant to the Factory – built Housing Industry, Indpls, IN. 46247
The Landlease Community Real Estate Asset Class & (317) 346-7156
Affordable Housing Purists & Enthusiasts Nationwide

July 15, 2012

What’s Your PLATFORM? And more….

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 4:00 am

Blog # 203 Copyright 2012 15 July 2012

Perspective. ‘Landlease communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities,& before that, ‘mobile home parks’, are the real estate component of manufactured housing.’ GFA

What’s Your PLATFORM?


Thanks for Sharing Your Formulae, Rules of Thumb & Measures!


64,500 new HUD Code Homes in 2012 Slips to 63,875…



What’s Your PLATFORM?

One of the exciting new books released during 2012 is Michael Hyatt’s PLATFORM, ‘Get Noticed in a Noisy World’, a “step – by – step guide for anyone with something to say or sell”. It’s published by Thomas Nelson and ISBN number is 978-1-59555-503-8. I heartily recommend it to every businessman and woman needing a PLATFORM, “…the means by which you connect with your existing and potential fans”, would be (home buying) customers, (consulting) clients, followers, and more. P.xvi

Hyatt claims, to be successful in today’s business environment, you need two things: a compelling product (or service) and a significant PLATFORM. Why? Presence of greater competition and more distracted customers.

Early on he extols the importance and vitality of WOW, relative to one’s product or service, naming these ten elements: surprise, anticipation, resonance (i.e. ‘touches one’s heart’), transcendence, clarity, presence (i.e. timeliness), universality, evangelism, longevity, privilege. Pp. 8-10 And concludes with “…once you learn the distinction between WOW and not – wows, it is difficult to be satisfied with anything else.” P.16

Why isn’t a universal and overwhelming WOW factor germane to the MHIndustry and LLCommunity asset class? Take your pick or combination of these common obstacles:

• We simply run out of time. In other words, if ‘Proper prior planning prevents poor performance!’- as an industry, we simply haven’t been planning properly or at all!

• We don’t have enough resources. For example: staffing and or money.

• We don’t have sufficient experience. “Our vision exceeds our know how.”

• Too often, we acquiesce to the committee. Collective judgment trumps us!

• But the biggest obstacle of all is fear. “Previous four items are but excuses. If we had enough courage, we would find the time, the resources, the experience. We would stand up to the committee. We wouldn’t stand for anything less than WOW!” p.18

Hmm. Do these obstacles, particularly the last one, remind us of where we’ve already been, and what we’ve failed to accomplish, ‘image improvement and product promotion wise’, during the past decade, despite efforts by some individuals, and routine acquiescence to ‘committee’ influence? Maybe the Manufactured Housing Institute needs to invite Michael Hyatt to the next MHCongress as a keynote presenter, to challenge and allay our fears.

Moving right along. The author, on page # 20, describes the six steps it does take to make WOW happen during PLATFORM building. But you’ll have to read to book to learn them….

Then I picked up on a new acronym: PINC. Specifically, when it comes to giving one’s product or service a memorable name, it must “…do at least one of the following: make a Promise, create Intrigue, identify a Need, or simply share the Content. Hence, ‘PINC the name’!.

And when preparing one’s PLATFORM presentation, or 30 – 120 second ‘elevator speech’, ensure it’s “…a short summary of…product (or service) offering, including target market…and value proposition (i.e. What’s offered those customers).” P.41
When it comes to PLATFORM building, the author focuses on five basic branding tools: email address, email signature, business card*1 and website (designs), and social media profiles. Pp. 45 – 47

And for readers who haven’t blogged before, there’s a core of useful knowledge on this subject, relative to templates, ideas for topics, protecting intellectual property, and much more, actually 50 pages worth. See pages 75 – 123

A surprise for me, was reading how “Tribe building is the new marketing!” How to build a tribe? Hyatt’s suggestions: identify your true passion; volunteer to lead among those with like passion, be generous, and provide a means to communicate. P. 129

There’s even more to this book. In fact, I’ve already decided it’s well worthy of another read – through, just as soon as I finish a couple other books that are awaiting my attention. And it’s not a quick read, if one is intent on absorbing the Lessons Learned, described therein. But the, is anything ‘truly worthwhile’ ever a quick read? I don’t think so. GFA



Thanks for Sharing Your Formulae, Rules of Thumb & Measures!

Former St. Louis, Missouri, independent ‘street’ MHRetailer and landlease community owner, Bob Bross, Sr., suggests this witty Rule of Thumb for all of us:

‘When your outgo exceeds your income; your upkeep becomes your downfall!

Now that’s apt and cute at the same time. Any more gems ‘out there’ blog floggers?

And how ‘bout these two Rules of Thumb from our industry/asset class’ landscape architect par excellence, Don Westphal, RV/MH Hall of Fame Member:

‘If you can farm it, you can build a manufactured home community on it!’

Don goes on to explain, “Farmers till the best land available even though it has topography that, in other parts of the country, would be left untilled. Same holds true with wet areas or poor soils. Farmers avoid those areas, preferring to farm land they can access on a year – round basis.”

And he says: “Make the homes (rental homesites) parallel to the contours of the land.”

This practice can result in substantial savings in earthwork, and eliminates need for retaining walls, when home sites are arranged perpendicular to land contours in steeper topography.” To contact Don Westphal, phone (248) 651-5518

Jay Zandman, with Manning & Nozick Insurance Agency in Atlanta, GA., offers this Rule of Thumb reminder to landlease community acquirers and owners/operators, that “…any buyer obtaining seller financing, should request a flood plane determination. All financial lenders pull one, as part of their due diligence process. A buyer might not think of this, if obtaining owner financing. FEMA is redoing flood maps, during the next couple years. A landlease community that wasn’t in a flood plane several years ago, may well be in one now!” Reach Jay, for insurance quotes, via (800) 211-0468 X 117.

There were a few more, that you’ll read about in the Book of Formulae, Rules of Thumb, & Helpful Measures, once I get it written. In the meantime, if you have formulae, Rules of Thumb, and measures you’d like to share for possible inclusion in this new ‘book of numbers’, send them to me via contacts at end of this blog posting. In the meantime, to reserve a copy of the book, for yourself, phone the MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764. And if you haven’t yet registered for the upcoming 21st annual Networking Roundtable, ask for an agenda and brochure when you call, or visit the website:


64,500 new HUD Code Homes in 2012 Slip to 63,875…

One of the first responses to last week’s blog topic, ‘How Many New HUD Code Homes to be Shipped During 2012?’, went like this:

“64,500 is depressing to those of us who were working in the industry in 1972. Let’s go! The regrowth and rehabbing of our industry starts with a first bite of the elephant.”

OK, I’m ready to ‘bite’, but where and how deeply? While it’s certainly encouraging to see month – after – month improvement in new home shipment numbers, I’m only cautiously optimistic it’s going to last for the long haul, unless relaxed borrower qualifying standards return to chattel (personal property) finance loan origination and underwriting – NOT; and this natural gas ‘fracking’ phenomenon grows into other regions of the U.S. – MAYBE.

In the meantime, we’re stuck with looking at our month by month new home shipment totals, supplied by the Manufactured Housing Institute via its’ ‘Monthly Economic Report’. For example, this paragraph in the 10 July 2012 report:

“The seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of shipments was 55,982 in May 2012,up 6.3 percent from the rate of 52,642 in April 2012. The SAAR corrects for normal seasonal variations in shipments and projects annual shipments based on the current monthly total.”

So, where did I get the bold ‘plus 10,000’ number of ‘64,455 new HUD Code homes shipped during 2012’ estimate, published in last week’s blog posting here? Simply took the 18,131 ‘thru May’ shipments, compared to 2011 year end total of 51,618 and extrapolated for a 2012 year end total, using the 22,640 May shipments reported in last week’s MHI report. Answer? 64,455. For the sake of accurate reporting, the May 2011 figure reported as 18, 131 last week was reported as 18,125 this week; and the May 2012 figure reported as 22,640 last week, was reported as 22,627 this week. No big deal, likely a tweaking for increased accuracy.

This week’s estimate of annual shipments of new HUD Code homes, by the end of 2012? Down a notch, from 64,455 to 63,875. This extrapolated mathematical calculation and its’ result are not in accords, apparently, with SAAR methodology mentioned; but not parsed in detail in a previous paragraph of this week’s blog posting.

End Note.

1. For blog floggers (readers) interested in business card design, front and back; call the MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764 to request a FREE, eight panel, plastic wallet card summary, titled: Is Your Business Card a Keeper? This is a synopsis of the book on ‘business card design’ we’ve not yet published. Eight panels summarize ’10 Business Card Design Considerations for the Front of Your Card’ AND ‘50 Business Card Design Ideas for the Reverse, Back, or Verso Side of Your Business Card!’ Ask for it; you’ll be glad you did….GFA

George Allen, CPM®Emeritus, MHM®Master
Consultant to the Factory – built Housing Industry,
The Landlease Community Real Estate Asset Class &
Affordable Housing Purists & Enthusiasts Nationwide
Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247 (317) 346-7156

July 8, 2012

New Book for YOU, State of MHIndustry, & # HUD homes in 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 3:21 am

Blog # 202 Copyright 2012 8 July 2012

Perspective. ‘Landlease communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities, & before that, ‘mobile home parks’, are the real estate component of manufactured housing.’ GFA

Help Me Write a New Book For You!


YOUR Mini ‘State of MHIndustry & LLCommunity Asset Class’


How Many New HUD Code Homes to be Shipped During 2012???



Help Me Write a New Book For You!

Tentatively titled, a Book of Formulae, Rules of Thumb, & Helpful Measures, it’s truly been ‘decades in the making’. How so? Written into most of the ten books I’ve authored, co – authored, and edited during the past 33 years, have been a bevy of mathematical formulae, some rules of thumb, and a few helpful measures sprinkled in along the way. The thought recently occurred to me, ‘Why not pull all these together, along with some unpublished gems, and put them between two covers of a new resource for my friends in the manufactured housing business?’

Well, that’s gist of the first half of today’s blog posting. Asking YOU, during this coming week, to articulate and send me your favorite and favored formulae, rules of thumb, even proprietary measures, useful to landlease community ownership and operation, as well as HUD Code manufactured housing fabrication and retailing, commercial real estate investment and valuation, housing affordability, realty – secured mortgage origination, even chattel (personal property) lending. And every contribution you suggest or make, that isn’t already described and explained in the galley DRAFT of this manuscript, will be attributed to you by name, unless you indicate otherwise.

Here’s the preliminary Table of Contents, as it exists today:

• Landlease community statistics, property valuation, operations & property management

• HUD Code manufactured housing statistics & new/resale housing price point calculation methodology

• Commercial real estate investment & valuation

• Housing affordability

• Realty mortgage origination

• (Chattel or personal property lending) Nothing on this subject yet.

• Appendix: Official Glossary of Manufactured Housing & Landlease Community Terminology (3rd edition)

OK, with all that said, what formulae, rules of thumb, and or measures, might YOU contribute to this ‘first time ever collection of formulae, rules of thumb, and helpful measures’ relative to our industry and asset class? Let me know via email: or MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764; or best of all, forward your printed or typed thoughts to GFA c/o Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247 or fax via (317) 346-7158. And it’s important you get this information to me this week, 3 – 9 July 2012, as the final editing process begins in a couple weeks.

Planned debut of this new ‘book of numbers’? Our goal is to have it ready for FREE distribution to everyone attending the 21st annual International Networking Roundtable, in San Diego, CA., on 12 – 14 September 2012. As networking roundtable alumni know, there’s always at least one gift, usually of a pretty unique nature, for everyone who shows up at this 2 ½ day gala educational, networking, and deal – making event. Well, this year it appears there’ll be at least two gifts! If you recall, well known author and humorist, Richard Lederer, will be luncheon speaker and entertainer on Thursday. He’s bringing along copies of his book, Presidential Trivia, for distribution to all Roundtable attendees! And if you want to get a foretaste of Richard’s humor, pick up a copy of The Gift of Age.

So, think about it. Are there formulae, rules of thumb, even proprietary measures, you’d like to see included in this new ‘book of numbers’, designed for use by landlease community owners/operators, manufactured housing aficionados, commercial realty investors, affordable housing enthusiasts, and lenders? If so, describe same, along with an example of application(s), and get it into the mail, email, or faxed to me this week!


YOUR Mini ‘State of MHIndustry & LLCommunity Asset Class’

Part 2 of 2 Parts

Last week’s blog posting (#201) covered the first half the ‘State of the MHIndustry & LLCommunity Asset Class’ presentation I regularly share, almost monthly, with various business, trade advocacy, and Realtor® groups across the U.S., and sometimes Canada. If you missed it, go to the web site,, then left click on the Blog icon, and scroll back just a little ways into the archives till you find it, headed: ‘State of the MHIndustry, & Affordable Housing Interest?’.

This week’s blog posting (#202) covers the second half this ‘State of the MHIndustry & LLCommunity Asset Class’ business model(s) overview.

Here we pick up on the landlease (f.k.a. manufactured home) community half this ‘double dual industry’ intra – relationship. *1 First the basic statistics. It’s estimate there’re 50,000+/- landlease communities throughout the U.S., and about 1,300 more in Canada. Of that amount, an estimated 85 percent are properties containing 100 and fewer rental homesites, or sites, apiece; 78 percent in Sunbelt regions like CA & FL. According to the 23rd annual ALLEN REPORT (a.k.a. ‘Who’s Who Among Landlease Community Portfolio Owners/operators in North America!’*2), there’re 500+/- property portfolio owners/operators active today in this realty asset class. And the average portfolio contains 27 landlease communities (including an increasing number of mixed use, i.e. MH & RV sites, properties), and average property contains 219 rental home and or RV sites.

What’s a landlease community portfolio owner/operator? Anyone, whether a sole proprietor, partnership, private or public corporation, or real estate investment trust (‘REIT’) who owns and or fee manages a minimum property portfolio comprised of five or more landlease communities, or simply, more than 500 rental homesites in one or more such properties.*2

So, why are we referring to this unique type income – producing property as a landlease community today, rather than manufactured home community, or ‘mobile home park’? Simple. Today, it’s become almost routine to identify as many as six different forms of housing sited in this type ‘improved’ leased land multifamily property; being:

• Continued presence of pre – 1975 ‘mobile homes’

• New and resale post – 1976 ‘manufactured homes’

• One and two story modular homes in high density and high land value locations

• ‘Park model RVs’, or homes less than 400 sq. ft. in size. Also known, in HUD circles, as Accessory Dwelling Units or ADUs; and, ‘granny flats’ in trade lingo. Think of them as ‘1BR1B efficiency apartments on wheels’. They’re near ideal for siting on functionally – obsolete rental homesites, often characteristic of older landlease communities; and, where there’s a strong demand for Seniors housing.

• ‘RVs for a season’, where allowed, e.g. Rio Grande Valley in Texas and elsewhere

• Stick – built homes constructed to look exactly like HUD Code homes (Florida)

But understand; we’re dealing here, with a multifamily rental housing property type that, for as long its’ 50,000+/- properties exist, will always be variously known and referred to, given the characteristics of the host local housing market, as landlease communities, manufactured home communities, mobile home parks, even trailer parks & camps.*3

So, what contemporary landlease community trends are afoot today? They’re many. So let’s begin with how national ‘Advocacy, Research, & Resources’, for this property type, are presently handled. For starters, national political and regulatory agency ‘advocacy’ is, and has been handled for the past 16 years, by the Manufactured Housing Institute’s National Communities Council (‘NCC’) division, headquartered in Arlington, VA. If you’re reading this, and own/operate one or more landlease communities, you owe it to yourself and your peers, to join and participate as a direct member of MHI’s NCC. To do so, phone Bruce Savage via (703) 558-0666 & 0678.

Earlier this year, the Center for Manufactured Housing Studies or CMHS, was formed as a new, national not for profit entity, to shoulder the ‘research’ needs of landlease communities (Think aforementioned ALLEN REPORT, etc..), HUD Code manufactured housing, and affordable housing. And in time, it’s envisioned CMHS will become the long – awaited and much – needed Think Tank of our ‘double dual industry’. Want to become involved on the ground floor of this exciting initiative? At present, we’re simply collecting names and contact information from seriously interested business owners and corporate executives who understand how much an independent, third party ‘research’ entity can do for our industry and asset class. Contact me via the MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764. No commitments solicited at this time.

And as you likely know, comprehensive ‘resource’ servicing, for the entire asset class, has long been handled by GFA Management, Inc., dba PMN Publishing. Virtually all How To information, portfolio news, and property type – related communication; as well as professional property management training and certification (e.g. Manufactured Housing Manager® or MHM® designation), along with national education, interpersonal networking, & realty deal – making, have been handled in this fashion for three decades. But also know, ‘change is in the wind’, and maybe by this time next year….

The biggest trend evolution during the past 30 years, besides property ownership consolidation (e.g. from 25 known portfolio owners/operators in 1989, to 500+/- in 2012), has been the willingness – by necessity, to preserve physical and economic occupancy – of property owners to 1) BUY NEW manufactured homes direct from factories*4, 2) SELL THEM, as well as resale homes, on – site; and 3) when necessary, engage in on form or another of SELF – FINANCE of said on – site transactions*5, whether via contract sale’, ‘captive finance’, lease – option; or lately, with the intrusive presence of the S.A.F.E. Act and provisions of the Dodd – Frank Law, simply as rental units.

Professional property management, as much as we’d like to see it ‘really take root’ throughout the landlease community real estate asset class, simply hasn’t! Sure there’re 225+/- Certified Property Manager® members of the prestigious Institute of Real Estate Management who claim affinity, on IREM’s website, with the property type – but few CPM®s are day to day practitioners. And yes, there’re nearly 1,000 MHM®s that have been trained and designated during the past decade, but only 200+/- Accredited Community Managers® (or ACM®s), the latter via auspices of MHI’s Manufactured Housing Educational Institute. Want to prove this paucity in PM credentials to yourself? Review any list of public and private portfolio firms active in this unique, income – producing property type, and observe which executives have been trained and certified as CPM®s, MHM®s, ACM®s, even CCIM®s. Why is this an important shortfall to identify and, in time, correct? Because such specialized training and formal certification, followed by on – the – job application of professional property management principles and practices, is the first major step in addressing the perennial, negative, public image issues presently plaguing HUD Code manufactured housing and landlease communities from coast to coast! So, are you trained and certified as a professional property manager of landlease communities? Do YOU understand and apply professional property management principles and practices in the daily ownership or supervision of your landlease community and or portfolio thereof? *6

Past, minor, and maybe long term miscellaneous trends? Little to no new raw land development – into – landlease communities is occurring today, other than in oil shale ‘fracking’ regions. ‘Park closures’ are pretty much a thing of the past, at least until commercial real estate values ‘reset’, and ‘highest & best use’ of functionally obsolete landlease communities is once again viewed as being big box retail store parking lots. While long term leases were, and in some places continue to be, ‘all the rage’ among some very large property portfolio owners/operators and tenant activist groups, in some local housing markets across the U.S., the verbal, 30 day lease continues to be preferred by many landlease community homeowner/lessees. And almost everyone knows today’s meaning of the acronym ROC; specifically, ‘Resident – owned community’! In ‘years past’ however, the acronym was the name of a popular property portfolio firm. Remember ROC Communities? Recall what the letters ROC stood for? *7

Where do we go from here? That’s pretty much up to you. As you might suspect, there’s quite a bit more information that could be conveyed, than what’s contained in this two part ‘State of the MHIndustry & LLCommunity Asset Class’!’ But for blog space purposes, I’ve had to scale it back quite a bit. Want to learn more? Read on….

The point is this. If you’ve not heard some, even much of this information before, contact your state’s MHAssociation executive AND chairman of your association’s board of directors or governors, to suggest this sort of comprehensive presentation would be ‘good and needed fodder’ for your group’s next annual meeting, or even before then. Frankly, I work inexpensively, requesting my travel and hotel expenses be covered, along with a voluntary honorarium. Interested? I hope you are. Phone (317) 346-7156.


How Many New HUD Code Homes to be Shipped During 2012???

We’ve just learned of key data suggesting 64,500 new HUD Code homes might be shipped during all of year 2012. If that happens, it’ll be a 25 percent increase above the 51,618 new HUD Code homes shipped during year 2011. AND, if that 25 percent increase holds true, the ‘next pithy question’, in this industry observer’s mind, will be: ‘What percentage of that increase in shipment volume can be attributed directly to ‘fracking’ projects in various regions of the U.S.? AND, will said production stimulus continue for ‘how many years?’ OR, will it be short lived, and in time, be synonymous with the (hurricane) Katrina factor of nearly ten years ago (i.e. 2005 & 2005)?

Next week we’ll share the key data and calculation methodology used to craft the previous paragraph.

End Notes.

1. Double dual industry. Which is to say/write: HUD Code home manufacturing & distribution (i.e. inclusive of independent ‘street’ & company store MHRetailers) AND landlease community development & investment (i.e. though, of late, ‘investment & operations’ is a more accurate description of the latter half the ‘double dual industry’ relationship. GFA

2. ALLEN REPORT is published as a free lagniappe in the January issue of the Allen Letter professional journal. If you’d like a copy of the 23rd edition, simply phone the MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764 & subscribe to the Allen Letter. If you or your firm, owns/operates five or more landlease communities and or more than 500 rental homesites, and are not included in this year’s list of 127 ‘major players’, phone the same number and ask to be included in the 2013 report, to be researched during September & October of 2012.

3. If you’d like to order a copy of a book, for $10.00, that covers this subject in more detail, call the above – reference MHIndustry HOTLINE, and ask for Landlease Communities, Manufactured Home Communities, Mobile Home Parks, Trailer Courts & Camps, and Affordable Housing, PMN Publishing

4. Often ordering Community Series Homes designed and built with features that increase the durability of these homes. For a list of CSH features, and the Business Development Managers & HUD Code manufacturers who specialize in CSH models, phone the above – referenced MHIndustry HOTLINE.

5. Mortgage $ now carried by landlease community owners/operators, on homes they own and finance, on – site, has skyrocketed from an unknown few million dollars at the turn of the century to $ 3 ½ billion in year 2009, and up to $5.2 billion by end of year 2010. No upward or downward movement of $ in 2011.

6. For CPM® training & certification, phone (312) 329-6000. For MHM® training & certification program alternatives (i.e. classroom & correspondence course), phone (317) 346-7156. For ACM® training & certification training, phone (703) 558-0666 or 0678.

7. ROC: River Oaks Communities, a.k.a. ROC Communities; eventually merged with Chateau Properties, to become the REIT, Chateau Communities, Inc.

George Allen, CPM®Emeritus, MHM®Master
Consultant to the Factory – built Housing Industry, the Landlease Community Real Estate Asset Class, &
Affordable Housing Purists & Enthusiasts Nationwide

Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247 (317) 346-7156

July 1, 2012

Sstate of the MHIndustry & Affordable Housing

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 4:42 am

Blog # 201 Copyright 2012 1 July 2012

Perspective. ‘Landlease communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities, & before that, ‘mobile home parks’, are the real estate component of manufactured housing.’ GFA

State of the MHIndustry, & Affordable Housing Interest?


YOUR Mini ‘State of MHIndustry & LLCommunity Asset Class’

Part 1 of 2 parts

Every new home built in the U.S. today is fabricated, wholly or in part, within a factory! That’s right; modular home modules and HUD Code manufactured homes of singlesection and multisection configuration, are assembled in climate – controlled environments and production line fashion, drawing from inventories of lumber, appliances, and other building materials purchased in cost efficient bulk fashion. Panelized home and production (site) builders routinely use building components (e.g. exterior & interior wall panels; pre – hung windows & doors; roof, ceiling & floor trusses, to name a few) also fabricated in factories, then trucked to job sites for installation at appropriate times, during the erection and completion of these otherwise ‘stick – built homes’. *1

HUD Code manufactured housing in particular; what’s going on with that 5% market share segment of factory – built housing these days? In terms of new home shipment volume, not much. Back in 1972, the (then) mobile home industry shipped 575,940 new homes throughout the U.S.; and in 1998, at the peak of a short lived mini – renascence, 372,843 (now) manufactured homes. During recent years 2008 thru 2011, we’ve suffered through an average of 50,000+/- homes shipped annually. The future? With exception of regional shipment ‘hiccups’ due to natural gas fracking – spawned quick housing needs (reminiscent of the Katrina hurricane home replacement factor of a few years ago), not very bright. And it won’t likely improve significantly, until hundreds of thousands of devalued site – built homes are resold, chattel (personal property) financing returns en masse’ to manufactured housing, and many credit – worthy prospective homebuyers rediscover HUD Code manufactured housing and its’ landlease community lifestyle. *2

Even with all that said; according to the U.S. Census Bureau, in year 2010, 72% of all new homes priced below $125,000 were manufactured homes, with an average sale price, the following year, of $64,000.00. These stats alone suggest HUD Code manufactured housing continues to be the single most affordable, non – subsidized, high quality, energy efficient housing type available in the U.S. today! But does the federal regulatory agency, tasked to administer the federally preemptive HUD building code we operate by, market our affordable housing product as such? NO. Why? Ask them! And frankly, there’s more to this ‘affordability’ issue, and it’ll be covered in a coming paragraph.

So, what’s happening Today? Some, but certainly not all, HUD Code home manufacturers have segued from the Development Series Home (‘DSH’) designs (a.k.a. More ‘homelike’ & ‘big box = big bucks’! mindset) of the late 1990s & early 2000s – when ‘our housing bubble burst eight years ahead of the site – builders collapse’, to the smaller, less expensive 3BR2B Community Series Home (‘CSH’) designs (i.e. fabricated with durability – enhancing features like linoleum in key utility areas, non – plastic sinks & tubs, wood cabinetry, laminated flooring in lieu of carpeting, and more…) for siting in landlease communities. Today, CSH model HUD Code homes are marketed by Business Development Managers, a new job title and description for staff trained to sell directly to landlease community owners and property portfolio operators. *3

A continuing, unresolved conundrum for HUD Code manufactured housing exists in the manner in which national advocacy is handled, some say mishandled. A few large home manufacturer members of the Manufactured Housing Institute (e.g. Clayton, Champion, Cavco, et. al.) command the lion’s share of the national housing market for this type factory – built housing, and by dint of their dues contributions (i.e. floor fees), control the institute. MHI is also ‘home’ to all remaining segments of the MHIndustry, including the landlease community realty asset class. *4 At the same time, in our nation’s capitol, a larger number of smaller, mostly regional HUD Code home manufacturers are aligned with the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform. The conundrum? How to effectively and routinely focus two disparate membership bodies on ‘best advocacy practices’ for the MHIndustry, when MHI is viewed, in this observer’s opinion, as being routinely conciliatory, and MHARR routinely confrontive, when it comes to interfacing with federal legislators and regulators of all stripes? Until that matter is ‘someday and effectively resolved’, the legislative powers in Washington can be expected to regularly play one side off against the other, to the detriment of all of us.

Another ongoing challenge to the hoped – for eventual return to widespread prosperity in the MHIndustry, is the continuing lack of a secondary or resale market for our unique housing product! This is a multifaceted challenge that involves home valuation (e.g. As long as federal agencies express their preference for ‘replacement and book value’ appraisals, we will not approach parity with site – built housing); lack of general access to multilist services enjoyed by Realtors®, despite U.S. Supreme Court ruling against exclusion in 2009. *5; reluctance to having our salespersons licensed; and, resistance to the escrowing of ‘closing’ funds.

And while we’re at it, might as well mention National Image Building & Housing Product Advertising. ‘Everyone else, it seems, does it’! Automobile manufacturers image build and brand advertise on a national scale; major homebuilders – when not in an economic slump – do likewise regionally. Why don’t ‘we’ do it at all? Oh, the excuses do abound, e.g. ‘Too much bad image to overcome!’ & ‘If all home manufacturers don’t participate in funding the ad program, my firm will end up subsidizing home sales for my competitors!’ & on & on). The dual core reasons for image and advertising inaction, in this observer’s opinion, are perennial corporate self – interest and lack of national leadership clout!

Why haven’t national federal regs, regarding home installation and dispute resolution; as well as Dodd – Frank legislation, and the like, been mentioned thus far? Because, for the most part, they remain in a state of flux. The former, ‘for years’ now (i.e. federal law in place, state regs codified, but enforcement mechanisms remain unfunded in states faced with severe fiscal challenges); the latter, apparently just now preparing to launch out into the hinterlands, looking for trouble to right and people to fine. Maybe next time around there’ll be substance to describe, but then again, maybe not…

Finally, the concept of ‘affordability’. Mention of which was made earlier in this mini – State of the MHIndustry message. But sad to say, ‘affordability’ is not the industry hallmark it once was, but still should be, even with a couple notable exceptions. Housing Affordability, in this observer’s opinion, has dissipated within the 1) manufacturing, 2) lending, 3) home retailing, and 4) landlease community segments of the MHIndustry! How so?

• Where home manufacturers are concerned, their obvious reluctance to move decisively away from the ‘big box = big bucks’ business model of the past (Observe the mix of DSH & CSH models next time you visit a MHTrade Show where new homes are exhibited!) and embrace the market’s need for smaller, less expensive homes.

• Where MHRetailers and 3) chattel lenders are concerned? Dire abuse of the 30% Housing Expense Factor or HEF (Where ‘a maximum of 30% of a homebuyer’s annual gross income, or AGI, should go to pay for their home and its’ annual utility bills, not including telecom services’). Homebuyers have been routinely encouraged to buy more home than they can truly afford! Here’s how. Instead of specifying 30% of their AGI (monthly) HEF be set aside (budgeted) for PITI (mortgage principal & interest, taxes & insurance) and utility bills collectively – as should be the case; we’ve engineered the entire 30% of AGI (monthly) HEF to be applied to PITI alone; on one hand enabling ‘their purchase of more house than they can afford’, and at the same time, forcing the homebuyer to pay his/her utility bills ‘in addition to’ said 30% HEF. End result, besides buying more house than they can afford? Setting them up to pay as much as 40 – 50% of their AGI for housing costs!

• And this ‘abuse’ becomes even more stringent when a new or resale home is sited in a landlease community where site rent has been raised out of sync with other single and multifamily housing alternatives in the same local housing market! There are several ways to estimate and quantify this balance and imbalance.*6

• Exceptions to this fourfold housing ‘affordability’ dissipation? There’re two. Manufactured housing’s ‘per square foot cost’ continues to be 50%+/- of site – built housing (not including value of underlying realty) cost; and some, if not many, landlease community owners today, routinely buy new HUD Code CSH model homes, directly from factories, to sell and self – finance on – site, at well below retail prices, including freight and set – up costs. Surprised? Don’t be.

This concludes the first part of this two part Mini – State of the MHIndustry & LLCommunity Asset Class.



Affordable Housing Purists & Enthusiasts Nationwide

There’s a new tagline, a third focus to my consultancy business signature these days. In addition to being Consultant to the Factory – built Housing Industry, and Landlease Community Realty Asset Class, I’ve long been, and am now publicly aligned, with Affordable Housing Purists & Enthusiasts Nationwide!

What’ s this mean? As I recently penned in correspondence to the ’18 New Pioneers & their Advisors’, “this is a nod to where I believe some of my post – landlease community consulting/publishing attention and effort will be focused’:

• It’s already one of three academic research foci for the new Center for Manufactured Housing Studies (‘CMHS’), the other two being ‘manufactured housing’ and ‘landlease communities’, e.g. maybe future ALLEN REPORTS.

• Remember the 2008 booklet, HOUSING AFFORDOGRAPHY, the ‘Study of Affordable Housing Formulae & Measures of Housing Affordability’? Not only did this publication ‘sell out’ by year end 2008, but it also spawned the popular ‘Ah Ha! & Uh Oh! Worksheet’, now used by HUD Code home manufacturers (i.e. ‘company stores’), independent ‘street’ MHRetailers, and in – landlease community home sales and self – finance operations. It’s time for a new and expanded edition of that book. *6

• I’ve been recruited to participate in a journalistic effort to retrieve ‘affordable housing’ from its’ near exclusive, some say hijacked, use by the low income shelter folk, returning it to meaningful utility by housing writers, academics, users and providers across the broad pricing spectrum.

Just wanted you to know. And if YOU too, have a significant and abiding interest in ‘affordable housing’, from theoretical, practical, and or academic perspectives, be sure to let me know. I’ll include you in a new and exclusive data base of affordable housing – minded businessmen and women across the U.S. today! *6

End Notes.

1. Production (site) builders, panelizers, HUD Code manufactured housing, and modular homes are the four descriptive terms given these types of factory – built housing by Don Carlson, publisher of Automated Builder magazine, and ‘Factory – built Housing Man of the Century’ (in year 2000)

2. Virtually every other segment of the new housing ‘keeps score’ based on volume of homes ‘sold’, not ‘shipped’. And the MHIndustry has only itself to blame for the departure of chattel financing, as well as near demise of independent ‘street’ MHRetailers (i.e. via their chasing the siren song of land & home package competition with site – builders, and home manufacturers buying – up and converting MHRetailers into ‘company stores’.

3. CSH and BDM innovations a direct result of HUD Code home manufacturers and landlease community owners/operators meeting together, for the first time ever, at the RV/MH Heritage Foundation’s Hall of Fame facility, museum & library in Elkhart, IN. @ 2/27/2009.

4. Non – manufacturer segments of the HUD Code manufactured housing industry: OEM & other suppliers, finance, state MHAssociations, LLCommunities, and MHRetailers. To join MHI as a dues – paying, direct member, phone Dick Jennison via (703) 558-0678.

5. United States of America (plaintiff) vs. Consolidated Multiple Listing Service (defendant). Case No. 3:08-CV-01786-SB. Judge Sol Batt, Jr.

6. For formulae and Rules of Thumb for determining whether site rents are indeed ‘in sync’ with other housing options in the same local housing market, and How To calculate new & resale housing Price Points using AGI, and AMI (Area Median Income) per postal zip code, phone the MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764 or (317) 346-7156 or visit


George Allen, CPM®Emeritus, MHM®Master
Consultant to the Factory – built Housing Industry,
Landlease Community Real Estate Asset Class, &
Affordable Housing Purists & Enthusiasts Nationwide
Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247 (317) 346-7156

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