George Allen / EducateMHC Blog Mobile Home & Land Lease Community Advocate & Expert

June 25, 2018

SAAs, PIAs & ‘Shiners’; RECONFIGURE MH Shipment %s

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 11:49 am

Blog # 490; Copyright @ 25 June 2019;

Perspective. ‘Land Lease communities, previously manufactured home communities, & ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

This blog posting is the sole national advocate, voice, official ombudsman, historian, research report & online communication media for all North American LLCommunities.

To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance, a.k.a. COBA7, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764

COBA7 Motto: ‘U Support US & WE Serve U!’ Goal of its’ print & online media =
to not only inform & opine, but to transform & improve MHBusiness performance!

INTRODUCTION: Did YOU Know? The month of JUNE has been National Homeownership Month all along?! Wow; as an industry of ‘housers’, we ALL missed that public opportunity to ballyhoo ‘manufactured housing & land lease communities’ to prospective homebuyers/site lessees! Hmm. Perhaps our gross oversight, on this matter, is symptomatic of our industry inability, to date, to get enthusiastically on board and MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! Think about it…

Part I. After 40 years in the MHBusiness I don’t get to participate in very many truly unique personal experiences. Well, this was indeed one of them. Read on…

Part II. It’s not so much I ‘made a mistake’ estimating percentage of new home shipments going into land lease communities, as it is better sourcing of apt data now available.

Next blog posting (#491)? New HUD-Code housing price increases aggravate land lease community owners. If regulations accounts for 30+% of multifamily development costs, how much does regulation of HUD-Code homes cost homebuyer/site lessees? And, preparations being made for 30th anniversary edition of the ALLEN REPORT (January 2019 distribution); anyone interested in coming alongside to learn how to do this? And maybe: a new SSRD under development: ‘Sources of MH & LLCommunity-related Statistics’


SAAs , PIAs, & ‘Shiners’ in St. Louis, MO.


Yes, for many – if not most, reading this blog posting, the title bears some explanation. Frankly though, it shouldn’t, IF you’ve been a ‘houser’ for more than a decade. But what do I know? I’ve been a housing provider for four decades and still need to look at my ‘cheat sheet’ to recall the names of the two state agencies described by SAA & PIA abbreviations. And it took this trip to HUD’s Western & Midwestern Regional Meeting, to learn what a ‘shiner’ is. So, here goes….

State Administrative Agency, or SAA is responsible for inspecting new manufactured housing installations – and in some cases, like in Minnesota, even installations of relocated resale (used) manufactured homes.

Primary Inspection Agency, or PIA folk are the in-plant inspectors ensuring factory compliance with HUD’s performance-based federal building code, where manufactured housing is concerned.

And ‘shiner’? Well, those are the (shiny) heads of nails unintentionally exposed on shingled roof systems of manufactured homes. They tend to move, over time, and in doing so cause damage to the roof system, i.e. leaks.

So, what happened at this State Administrative Agency & Primary Inspection Agency Western & Midwestern Regional Meeting facilitated by HUD’s Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, and led by Teresa Payne, acting administrator of this office.

SAAs & PIAs, from throughout the U.S., shared inspection and record keeping methodologies, and hands on experiences, pursuant to their respective housing product and installation evaluations – and in the latter instance, typical remedial recommendations, even demands, of errant parties. Quite an educational experience for this veteran of factory-built housing fabrication (during 1970s & 80s) and longtime owner/operator of land lease communities (from 1990s thru 2017). Bottom line for me? Impressed to learn how relatively few homeowner/site lessee complaints make their way through the federal Dispute Resolution Program these days, at an average of maybe only a dozen per year per state.

Two recommendations to HUD for future such meetings? First, spread this educational, networking (opportunity) tent in a far larger way! Encourage all HUD-Code housing manufacturers to be represented at this event. This time around, only CAVCO Industries was represented. But I was encouraged to see our national advocates present: MHARR, MHI, & COBA7, as well as IBTS (Institute for Building Technology & Safety…HUD’s scorekeeper re # HUD-Code homes shipped every month of the year…more about IBTS later in this blog). More SAAs & PIAs need to get on board as well. Given a quick check of the 55 name attendee list, I identified nearly two dozen states ‘not represented’ by their SAAs & PIAs. Why?

And there’s a unique opportunity afoot here! Believe it or not, among these erudite manufactured housing folk, I heard repeated references made to trailers & coaches (GASP!), ‘mobile homes’, manufactured housing, and more. Also reference to ‘park model RVs’, container houses, and yes, Tiny Houses. And I got the distinct idea, individuals had any idea why the trade press now talks of land lease communities rather than ‘mobile home parks’ and manufactured home communities. Point? Someone, and why not have it be HUD’s Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, that puts forth a Style Manual of sorts, listing and explaining various preferred manufactured housing-related trade terms; then publish and distribute it widely throughout the industry and among the real estate asset class, HUD may not be aware, COBA7 already publishes (circa 2015) the industry’s Official Lexicon, Glossary of MHIndustry Terminology, and would be pleased to contribute a copy to jump start such a worthwhile project.

So, next time you hear of a State Administrative Agency & Primary Inspection Agency Meeting taking place, consider attending, to learn – as I did, the basics and nuances of housing product and installation inspections per the HUD-Code. Consider it a key step along the way to MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN!



Percentage of New HUD-Code Homes Going Directly into Land Lease Communities, 2009 thru 2017….

By now, many if not most of you reading this blog posting have ‘heard or read the following drill’:

‘During year 2009, the manufactured housing industry’s nadir year, it shipped buy 49,789 new homes, with approximately 24% of those, or 12,000+/- going directly into land lease communities nationwide. That year also saw the debut of Community Series Homes (‘CSH models’), designed for in-community placement – and given the demise of 10,000+/- independent (street) MHRetailers since the turn of the century (per MHI), community owners began to have to buy, sell, and oft seller-finance new homes on-site, to fill vacant rental homesites within their income-producing properties.’

OK, all was, and is, well (accurate) to that point, but here’s where we (me?) went astray, using published data available to us at the time.

‘By year end 2015, when the manufactured housing industry shipped 70,544 new homes, including many CSH models, federal records seemed to indicate 41% of those, or 28.000+/- new homes, were shipped directly into communities nationwide. And I, for one, predicted that percentage might escalate to 75% by year end 2020 – and indeed it might!’

But two things have happened, so far during year 2018, to bring the second percentage (i.e. 41%) into serious question, as well as the 75% prediction. Firstly, an emerging trend. Secondly, a renewed look at website data not available earlier.

In the first instance, new HUD-Code housing sales via independent (street) MHRetailers is experiencing an uptick in many local housing markets; so much so, they’re now competing with community owners for the services of licensed installers. This has not been a challenge during the past decade or so, but certainly has become one now.

Second. When one accesses Department of Commerce records regarding annual shipment volumes of HUD-Code manufactured homes, one finds a different numbers picture than painted during the recent past. Here’s the corrected array

Year 2009 = 49,789 new homes shipped, with 24% or 12,000+/- going into communities

Year 2012 = 54,881 new homes shipped, with 29% or 16,000+/- going into communities

Year 2013 = 60,228 new homes shipped, with 30% or 18,000+/- going into communities

Year 2014 = 64,331 new homes shipped, with 33% or 21,000+/- going into communities

Year 2015 = 70,544 new homes shipped, with 34% or 24,000+/- going into communities

Year 2016 = 81,336 new homes shipped, with 34% or 28,000+/- going into communities

Year 2017 = 92,902 new homes shipped, with 32% or 30,000+/- going into communities

The estimated shipment numbers, in the seven previous lines, have been rounded, to ease comprehension and retention. As such, they clearly demonstrate two points:

• First, by year end 2015 we were evidently not shipping 41% of new HUD-Code homes into land lease communities, but rather 34%.

• Second; it is encouraging to see how the volume of new HUD-Code homes being shipped into communities has increased ‘almost’ three fold between 2009 & 2017

Furthermore, it’s interesting to estimate what the shipment total (into communities) might be by the end of 2018, as we surpass the 100,000 new HUD-Code homes total. As another 32% year, that could mean as many as 32,000 new homes so delivered. And at 34% the number of new HUD-Code homes shipped would increase to 34,000. Bets anyone?

Now here’s an interesting, related sidebar. As the in-community siting percentages increased by at least 4% between 2012 & 2017, the number of new homes titled as personal property, but ‘not in-community, dropped by 4%, e.g. 2012 = 77 personal property titles (-) 29% in-community homes = 48% personal property titled homes on privately-owned scattered building sites. And, 2017 = 76 personal property titles (-) 32% in-community homes = 44%. personal property titled homes on privately-owned scattered building sites. So, 48% – 44% = aforesaid shift of 4% fewer homes on privately-owned scattered building sites. .

Two final points to be made:

• First, if you’re a land lease community owner/operators, you’ll surely want to save and or record the above seven year shipment volumes and, for the most part, increasing percentages going into our unique, income-producing property type.

• Second. About those annual new HUD-Code home shipment totals listed above. Those are not only copied directly from the website, they are also the same totals published by HUD, MHARR, & COBA7! All three national regulatory and advocacy entities use unadulterated new HUD-Code housing shipment data researched and published monthly by the aforementioned Institute for Building Safety & Technology (‘IBTS’).

Lesson to be learned here? Use data from the sources identified in this paragraph.*1

So there you have it, the RETHINKING of Percentage of New HUD-Code Homes Being Shipped Directly into Land Lease Communities Nationwide. One more key data point along the road to MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN!*2

End Note:

1. Want the comprehensive ‘Official Record of MH shipment Data, from 1955 thru 2017’? Order a copy of the newly released second edition of SWAN SONG, from PMN Publishing, for discounted price (until 1 August 2018) of only $24.95 (includes postage & handling), by phoning the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.

2. Want to be part of the industry wide discussion of How to MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! ? Plan to be at the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, IN., the morning (9AM-Noon) on 6 August 2018, for this year’s MHAlive! ‘think tank’ event. Cost? Only $20.00 at the door (to defray meeting-related costs), but RSVP a MUST, on or before 31 July 2018, by email: or phone (317) 346-7156.

George Allen, CPM, MHM c/o Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247.


June 20, 2018

All hail ‘MMHGA!’ & Plan Your Busman’s Holiday!

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 12:13 pm

Blog # 489; Copyright @ 24 June 2018;

Perspective. ‘Land lease communities, previously manufactured home communities, &
‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

This blog posting is the sole national advocate, voice, official ombudsman, historian, research report & online communication media for all North American LLCommunities.

To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance,
a.k.a. COBA7, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764

COBA7 Motto: ‘U Support US & WE Serve U!’ Goal of its’ print & online media =
to not only inform & opine, but to transform & improve MHBusiness performance!

INTRODUCTION. If there’s an editorial thread to blog # 489, it’s characterized by two words: CONNECT & DISCONNECT. How so?

Part I re-describes the MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! campaign, ‘connecting’ manufactured housing & land lease community businessmen and women with prospective homebuyer/site lessee local housing markets; BUT remains woefully ‘disconnected’ from national advocacy entities, financed by dues and floor fees, to represent manufacturer and community owner interests, i.e. SELL MORE HOMES!

Part II is about ‘connecting’, from networking and educational perspectives, by ‘ disconnecting’ from our busy daily work schedules, to 1) play a relaxing round of golf; 2) make one’s views known regarding present & future machinations of manufactured housing; 3) learn firsthand how to preserve one’s personal or corporate legacy for generations to come; and, 4) celebrate the induction of ten RV/MH peers into the prestigious RV/MH Hall of Fame? A busman’s holiday on 6 August 2018, that’s where!

So, read Parts I & II with CONNECT & DISCONNECT in mind; then make your decision how to best participate in shaping the future of our industry and real estate asset class – and how to best preserve your legacy for family and friends!


No Apologies for



Touched additional nerves this past week, with the recommended industry wide rallying cry, theme, goal! That’s Good! People are now reading, thinking, and responding to the ‘MMHGA’ idea cum campaign slogan.

So far, who’s signed on to MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN!? Alas, NO HUD-Code housing manufacturers, and that’s unfortunate – as well as ‘telling’. However, the campaign will be front and center at the

• MHAlive! ‘think tank’, 9AM-Noon on 6 August, at RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, IN. Only $20.00 at the door (to defray meeting expenses, handout material), but RSVP a MUST, on or before 31 July 2018 via (317) 346-7156

• 27th annual International Networking Roundtable, 5-7 September, at the Alexander Hotel in Indianapolis, IN. 200 registration limit! So, don’t wait. Visit For info:

• 30th anniversary edition of the ALLEN REPORT, a.k.a. ‘Who’s Who Among Land Lease Community Owners/operators Throughout North America!’ Yes, after 30 years, it’s high time for community investors to take the lead in the MMHGA campaign if no one else will! ALLEN REPORT due 1 January 2019.

This overview begs a public answer to this question: Where are our national advocacy entities relative to the MAKING MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN campaign? To signal your, or your firm’s (business, trade association, publication), support of this timely and much needed Campaign, tell me via

Furthermore, we’re soliciting Your Suggestions as to how Best to Proceed with the MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! Campaign. Your ideas?

Send suggestions to me via, or hard copy to GFA c/o Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247, or if preferred, phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764 or (317) 346-7156..

Thanking You in Advance For Your Valuable & Valued Input to this Campaign!


Treat Yourself to a Manufactured Housing Busman’s Holiday*

Busman’s Holiday?
‘A holiday during which one does something similar to what one does as work’.

Date & Location: Monday, 6 October 2018 at the RV/MH Hall of Fame, Elkhart, IN.

Four different events that day, celebrating the recreational vehicle and manufactured housing (including land lease communities) industries nationwide.

Begin Monday morning by participating in the annual RV/MH Hall of Fame golf tournament. For location, times, and cost, phone (547) 293-2344

Or, remain at the RV/MH Hall of Fame, at 21565 Executive Parkway, Elkhart, and from 9AM until Noon, participate in the MHAlive! ‘think tank’ for this year. Expect to join one or two dozen of your MH peers in the facility board room or amphitheater, as we brainstorm how to MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! by ‘Solving Our Nation’s (Lack of) Affordable Housing Crisis, with Factory-built Housing & Land Lease Communities!’ – and more! Only $20.00, payable at the door (to defray meeting related expenses & handout material), but RSVP is a MUST, on or before 31 July 2018 via (317) 346-7156 or

And then, following the lunch hour, a two hour informal writers conference will occur.

1-3PM, again, in either the upstairs boardroom, or downstairs amphitheater, we’ll convene for ‘Preserving One’s Personal or Career Legacy via Memoirs or Autobiography’. seminar. Not only will all 10 autobiographies, authored by MH pioneers and leaders over the past 50 years be on hand to see, but the newly released ‘Who Will Preserve Your Legacy…Answer: You!’ booklet will be distributed to everyone present. So, if you’ve ever thought about this personal timely topic, plan to be present! Again, only $20.00, payable at the door (to cover cost of booklet & other handout material), but RSVP is a MUST, on or before 31 July 2018 via (317) 346-7156 or

Than, at 5:30PM the annual gala RV/MH Hall of Fame Induction Banquet reception begins!

If you’ve not attended this sterling gathering of the pioneers and leaders of the RV & MH industries you simply do not know what you’re missing! How so? Well, the banquet itself routinely draws between 400 & 700 paying guests, the number depending on the sizes of parties accompanying the ten Class of 2018 inductees. To purchase tickets to the banquet, phone (574) 293-2344.

And here’s a tip for you. It’s becoming easier to identify past and present members of the RV/MH Hall of Fame since many of them now wear bright green blazers with a gold RV/MH Hall of Fame crest on the left breast pocket.

Hey, hope to see many of you at the RV/MH Hall of Fame on 6 August 2018!


June 14, 2018


Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 12:38 pm

Blog # 487; Copyright @ 10 June 2018;

Perspective. ‘Land lease communities, previously manufactured home communities, & ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

This blog posting is the sole national advocate, voice, official ombudsman, historian, research report & online communication media for all North American LLCommunities.

To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 part) Business Alliance, a.k.a. COBA7, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.

COBA7 Motto: ‘U Support US & WE serve U!’ Goal of its’ print & online media =
to not only inform & opine, but to transform & improve MHBusiness performance!

INTRODUCTION: (I) ‘Make Manufactured Housing Great Again! – revisited. (II) New Home Sales & Financing & Rental Homesite Leasing in Communities Seminar, (III) New Tool for Estimating Compensation of On-site Property Managers, (IV) Your Legacy Preservation Tool is Here & Available for Purchase!



‘Touched Nerves With This rallying cry, theme, goal, last week!’

Thanks for encouraging phone calls and email messages relative to last week’s blog posting introducing MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! Sole regret? HUD-Code housing manufacturers, who also received this blog posting – and should be supporting an industry wide rallying cry, theme, goal – did not reply. Maybe this time around….If not; well, that in itself sends the rest of us a clear message!

Especially appreciated Ross Kinzler’s ‘take’ on the idea of embracing a rallying cry, theme, goal, for the manufactured housing industry going forward, relative to shipping 100,000 new HUD-Code homes by year end 2018, and 200,000 by year end 2022. Here’s what he penned on the subject (Can you pick out his two recommended theme variants?):

“Can I take a contrarian view? Which is better, looking back or looking forward? What was so great in the past other than shipments? If the industry was starting from scratch, what would it want from regulators? I contend it has it all, just some tweaks needed. So instead, how about: MH to the Rescue! The pitch should be ‘The housing answer is right here, right now, Just Say YES!”

Actually, all three shibboleths (‘slogans’) are not far apart in focus and message. What say you?

Then there’s this related tangent, sent from ‘our industry’s unofficial, but always building bridges with academia, liaison’, Rick Roethke of Barrington Investments (in IN & CA).

“I had dinner recently, in Palm Beach, with the chief economist and economic strategist for (one of the GSEs), and we had a stimulating conversation (about) manufactured housing. I believe the (federal) government still has a distaste for manufactured housing; however, they realize its’ competitive price advantage over stick-built. The challenges remain: land use issues, chattel financing, and perhaps more detrimental than people think – the image of manufactured housing and its’ trailer park stigma. I offered (him) a concept model for transforming obsolete communities, making them modern and desirable, thereby beginning a fundamental transformation of the industry – a huge challenge!” (lightly edited)

As a related sidebar, and with Rick’s assistance, COBA7, as a service to affiliates, has assembled a new Signature Series Resource Document titled: ‘Academics Involved in &/or Interested in Manufactured Housing &/or Land Lease Communities’. It contains the names and contact information for no fewer than a dozen academics. If you’re an affiliate in good standing with COBA7, and would like a FREE copy of this new SSRD, simply phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764 and request it. Furthermore, if you’re reading this, and are an academic – or a businessperson who knows such individuals interested in our industry or real estate asset class, have them get in direct touch with me, so Rick can vet (‘examine thoroughly’) them before placement on this long-awaited and valuable list of august personalities.

OK, so now where does MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! stand today? That’s pretty much up to us! As I told you before, it’ll be on the agenda at the MHAlive! ‘think tank’, the morning of 6 August at the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, IN. You’re Welcome to participate, for only $20.00/person, payable at the door, but RSVP is a MUST before 31 July 2018. Phone (317) 346-7156.

Next. MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! is now the theme of the 27th annual International Networking Roundtable, 5-7 September, at the Alexander Hotel in Indianapolis. Go to to register ASAP (Attendance limited to 200 & we’re already rapidly approaching that number!). For info, give me a call.

And, I’ve suggested to the SECO Conference in the South folk adopt the MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! theme for their 9-11 October annual gathering in Atlanta, GA. For info, contact

Will national manufactured housing advocates MHI & MHARR adopt this powerful rallying cry, theme, goal for their respective meetings this Fall? Watch and see! In my opinion, whether they do or not, will be a prime indicator as to whether they’re on board to MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! Or, perhaps they’ll unite and come up with their own exciting telling variant. As I said, ‘Let’s Watch & see!


Available for the First Time Ever!

21st Century ‘New Home Sales & Financing, &
Rental Homesite Leasing, in Land Lease Communities’

This is a half or full day manufactured housing sales and site leasing training program available to land lease community owners/operators unable to attend the biennial Two Days of Plant Tours & Home Sales Seminars conducted at the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, IN. The gist of the sales/financing/leasing program is contained in Figure L, featured in both editions of SWAN SONG, ‘George Allen’s History of the Land Lease Community Real Estate Asset Class’ (1970 to present day). Seminar cost? $1,000.00 plus travel-related expenses. Best suited for state manufactured housing, or portfolio firm hosting. For more information, phone the aforementioned Official MHIndustry HOTLINE. And if you’d like to order the new, second edition of the book for $24.95 (includes S&H) before 1 August 2018; $34.95 thereafter. Do so, using the same phone number or (317) 346-7156.


On-site Property Manager Compensation

Finally, a formula for estimating compensation of PMs in any local housing market!

Yes, this has been a multi year project. Last year at the Networking Roundtable, Frank Bowman, executive director of the Illinois Manufactured housing Association, ‘broke fertile ground’ with land lease community owners/operators as he reviewed and summarized On-site Property Management Compensation, laying the foundation for new information to come.

Well it’s here! Maybe not the whole panacea of PM compensation, but the new concept is, in this industry observer’s opinion, the first big step in the right direction in more than 40 years of paying salaried employees what their job is worth.

How to learn this new material (formulae)? Be present at the 27th annual International Networking Roundtable when Frank ‘holds forth’ on this seminal topic, then opens the floor for discussion. As a land lease community owners/operator responsible for this task, you’ll want to be ‘in the room’ on 6 September in Indianapolis, IN. Again, visit


It’s Here!

‘Who’ll Preserve Our Legacy as a Manufactured Housing or Community Businessperson? Answer: You!’

The 24 page booklet bearing this provocative title is ‘hot off the press’! It profiles all 10 manufactured housing & land lease community owner/operator autobiographers, and quotes from their respective books. The booklet also contains a Five Step Process for Preserving Your Personal & Corporate Legacy, as well as recommendations for self-publishing and book marketing guidance..

How could you not want a copy? They’ll first be available at the informal writers’ seminar at the RV/MH Hall of Fame on 6 August, 1-3PM, for $20.00 – includes other pithy handout material as well. RESVP for the seminar is a MUST, before 31 July 2018, via (317) 346-7156. Or, if you don’t want to wait until then, simply mail a check in the amount of $25.00 ($20 for booklet & handout material, plus $5.00 for postage and handling) to COBA7 c/o Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247.


George Allen, CPM, MHM
COBA7, a div. of GFA Management, Inc., dba PMN Publishing
Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247
(317) 346-7156.

June 13, 2018


Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 12:45 pm

Blog # 487; Copyright @ 10 June 2018;

Perspective. ‘Land lease communities, previously manufactured home communities, & ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

This blog posting is the sole national advocate, voice, official ombudsman, historian, research report & online communication media for all North American LLCommunities.

To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 part) Business Alliance, a.k.a. COBA7, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.

COBA7 Motto: ‘U Support US & WE serve U!’ Goal of its’ print & online media =
to not only inform & opine, but to transform & improve MHBusiness performance!

INTRODUCTION: (I) ‘Make Manufactured Housing Great Again! – revisited. (II) New Home Sales & Financing & Rental Homesite Leasing in Communities Seminar, (III) New Tool for Estimating Compensation of On-site Property Managers, (IV) Your Legacy Preservation Tool is Here & Available for Purchase!



‘Touched Nerves With This rallying cry, theme, goal, last week!’

Thanks for encouraging phone calls and email messages relative to last week’s blog posting introducing MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! Sole regret? HUD-Code housing manufacturers, who also received this blog posting – and should be supporting an industry wide rallying cry, theme, goal – did not reply. Maybe this time around….If not; well, that in itself sends the rest of us a clear message!

Especially appreciated Ross Kinzler’s ‘take’ on the idea of embracing a rallying cry, theme, goal, for the manufactured housing industry going forward, relative to shipping 100,000 new HUD-Code homes by year end 2018, and 200,000 by year end 2022. Here’s what he penned on the subject (Can you pick out his two recommended theme variants?):

“Can I take a contrarian view? Which is better, looking back or looking forward? What was so great in the past other than shipments? If the industry was starting from scratch, what would it want from regulators? I contend it has it all, just some tweaks needed. So instead, how about: MH to the Rescue! The pitch should be ‘The housing answer is right here, right now, Just Say YES!”

Actually, all three shibboleths (‘slogans’) are not far apart in focus and message. What say you?

Then there’s this related tangent, sent from ‘our industry’s unofficial, but always building bridges with academia, liaison’, Rick Roethke of Barrington Investments (in IN & CA).

“I had dinner recently, in Palm Beach, with the chief economist and economic strategist for (one of the GSEs), and we had a stimulating conversation (about) manufactured housing. I believe the (federal) government still has a distaste for manufactured housing; however, they realize its’ competitive price advantage over stick-built. The challenges remain: land use issues, chattel financing, and perhaps more detrimental than people think – the image of manufactured housing and its’ trailer park stigma. I offered (him) a concept model for transforming obsolete communities, making them modern and desirable, thereby beginning a fundamental transformation of the industry – a huge challenge!” (lightly edited)

As a related sidebar, and with Rick’s assistance, COBA7, as a service to affiliates, has assembled a new Signature Series Resource Document titled: ‘Academics Involved in &/or Interested in Manufactured Housing &/or Land Lease Communities’. It contains the names and contact information for no fewer than a dozen academics. If you’re an affiliate in good standing with COBA7, and would like a FREE copy of this new SSRD, simply phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764 and request it. Furthermore, if you’re reading this, and are an academic – or a businessperson who knows such individuals interested in our industry or real estate asset class, have them get in direct touch with me, so Rick can vet (‘examine thoroughly’) them before placement on this long-awaited and valuable list of august personalities.

OK, so now where does MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! stand today? That’s pretty much up to us! As I told you before, it’ll be on the agenda at the MHAlive! ‘think tank’, the morning of 6 August at the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, IN. You’re Welcome to participate, for only $20.00/person, payable at the door, but RSVP is a MUST before 31 July 2018. Phone (317) 346-7156.

Next. MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! is now the theme of the 27th annual International Networking Roundtable, 5-7 September, at the Alexander Hotel in Indianapolis. Go to to register ASAP (Attendance limited to 200 & we’re already rapidly approaching that number!). For info, give me a call.

And, I’ve suggested to the SECO Conference in the South folk adopt the MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! theme for their 9-11 October annual gathering in Atlanta, GA. For info, contact

Will national manufactured housing advocates MHI & MHARR adopt this powerful rallying cry, theme, goal for their respective meetings this Fall? Watch and see! In my opinion, whether they do or not, will be a prime indicator as to whether they’re on board to MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! Or, perhaps they’ll unite and come up with their own exciting telling variant. As I said, ‘Let’s Watch & see!


Available for the First Time Ever!

21st Century ‘New Home Sales & Financing, &
Rental Homesite Leasing, in Land Lease Communities’

This is a half or full day manufactured housing sales and site leasing training program available to land lease community owners/operators unable to attend the biennial Two Days of Plant Tours & Home Sales Seminars conducted at the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, IN. The gist of the sales/financing/leasing program is contained in Figure L, featured in both editions of SWAN SONG, ‘George Allen’s History of the Land Lease Community Real Estate Asset Class’ (1970 to present day). Seminar cost? $1,000.00 plus travel-related expenses. Best suited for state manufactured housing, or portfolio firm hosting. For more information, phone the aforementioned Official MHIndustry HOTLINE. And if you’d like to order the new, second edition of the book for $24.95 (includes S&H) before 1 August 2018; $34.95 thereafter. Do so, using the same phone number or (317) 346-7156.


On-site Property Manager Compensation

Finally, a formula for estimating compensation of PMs in any local housing market!

Yes, this has been a multi year project. Last year at the Networking Roundtable, Frank Bowman, executive director of the Illinois Manufactured housing Association, ‘broke fertile ground’ with land lease community owners/operators as he reviewed and summarized On-site Property Management Compensation, laying the foundation for new information to come.

Well it’s here! Maybe not the whole panacea of PM compensation, but the new concept is, in this industry observer’s opinion, the first big step in the right direction in more than 40 years of paying salaried employees what their job is worth.

How to learn this new material (formulae)? Be present at the 27th annual International Networking Roundtable when Frank ‘holds forth’ on this seminal topic, then opens the floor for discussion. As a land lease community owners/operator responsible for this task, you’ll want to be ‘in the room’ on 6 September in Indianapolis, IN. Again, visit


It’s Here!

‘Who’ll Preserve Our Legacy as a Manufactured Housing or Community Businessperson? Answer: You!’

The 24 page booklet bearing this provocative title is ‘hot off the press’! It profiles all 10 manufactured housing & land lease community owner/operator autobiographers, and quotes from their respective books. The booklet also contains a Five Step Process for Preserving Your Personal & Corporate Legacy, as well as recommendations for self-publishing and book marketing guidance..

How could you not want a copy? They’ll first be available at the informal writers’ seminar at the RV/MH Hall of Fame on 6 August, 1-3PM, for $20.00 – includes other pithy handout material as well. RESVP for the seminar is a MUST, before 31 July 2018, via (317) 346-7156. Or, if you don’t want to wait until then, simply mail a check in the amount of $25.00 ($20 for booklet & handout material, plus $5.00 for postage and handling) to COBA7 c/o Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247.


George Allen, CPM, MHM
COBA7, a div. of GFA Management, Inc., dba PMN Publishing
Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247
(317) 346-7156.

June 12, 2018

An Historic, Once in 30 Years Opportunity!

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 10:20 am

Blog # 488; Copyright @ 12 June 2018;

Perspective. ‘Land lease communities, previously manufactured home communities, & ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

This blog posting is the sole national advocate, voice, official ombudsman, historian, research report & online communication media for all North American LLCommunities.

To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance, a.k.a. COBA7, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.

COBA7 Motto: ‘U Support US & WE Serve U!’ Goal of its’ print & online media =
to not only inform & opine, but to transform & improve MHBusiness performance!

An Historic, Once in 30 Years Opportunity!

Your Firm’s Name & Contact Information in the 30th ALLEN REPORT

In all of manufactured housing, and the land lease community real estate asset class, there’s but ONE annual, researched, seminal (‘inspiration for future development’) statistical compendium,, and that’s the annual ALLEN REPORT, a.k.a. ‘Who’s Who Among Land Lease Community Portfolio Owners/operators Throughout North America!’

If you’re reading these lines and have never seen or studied the ALLEN REPORT, a copy of the 29th edition is available for $544.95 via affiliation at the Option II level, with the Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance, or COBA7. Simply phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764 to affiliate. The 30th annual ALLEN REPORT will be distributed during January 2019, as a lagniappe in the Allen Letter professional journal.

Now, what’s going on with this ‘historic, once in 30 years opportunity, to have one’s firm’s name & contact information displayed prominently in the 30th annual ALLEN REPORT’?

It’s pretty simple really. With the 27th annual International Networking Roundtable on the Fall meeting horizon, 5-7 September, at the Alexander Hotel in Indianapolis, IN., COBA7 is recruiting financial sponsors for that longest running national event in manufactured housing industry history.

$5,000.00 sponsors, the top tier for this year’s networking roundtable, not only receive signage, promotional, and repeated verbal acknowledgement of their $ sponsorship throughout the event, but highlighting in the event directory – widely acclaimed as the most comprehensive at any such national meeting! Then there’s the invaluable exposure incentive accompanying mention, by name and contact information, in the aforementioned 30th annual ALLEN REPORT.

Next roundtable sponsorship tier, at $2500 also receives special treatment at the networking roundtable, but not mention in the ALLEN REPORT.

Why is this opportunity so propitious for your firm? Because the ALLEN REPORT is the only statistical compendium that routinely finds its’ way into the hands of 500+/- portfolio owners/operators of land lease communities throughout the U.S. and Canada. And it is purchased throughout the year by would be realty investors within and outside the manufactured housing industry, wanting to learn more about the business opportunities therein. Frankly, there is no better combined exposure, connecting the housing & realty sectors of our industry & asset class!

Bottom line? HUD-Code housing manufacturers (one already signed-on as a $5,000 sponsor!), major lenders of chattel capital & real estate-secured mortgages (one of the latter has signed-on as a $5,000 sponsor!), even portfolio ‘players’ should jump as this rare opportunity to be showcased in this very public and enduring fashion.

Interested in doing so? Then email me via informing me of your intent; or phone, again, the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764. Deadline? Preferably 29 June, but if need be, 31 July – to ensure accurate placement in networking roundtable literature, and within the ALLEN REPORT proper.


June 4, 2018


Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 12:24 pm

Blog # 486; Copyright @ 2 June 2018;

Perspective. ‘Land lease communities, previously manufactured home communities, & ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

This blog posting is the sole national advocate, voice, official ombudsman, historian, research report & online communication media for all North American LLCommunities.

To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance, a.k.a. COBA7, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.

COBA7 Motto: ‘U Support US & WE Serve U!’ Goal of its’ print & online media =
to not only inform & opine, but to transform & improve MHBusiness performance!

INTRODUCTION. Finally, in 2018, a rallying cry, an apt theme, a worthy goal, for the manufactured housing industry! Here it is:

Make Manufactured Housing Great Again!

Yes, you’re reading that right! It ‘says it all’, hinting at our turn of the century loss of easy access to chattel capital, to the reality that quality, energy efficient, attractive HUD-Code manufactured housing can be, & is, the practical answer to the ‘affordable housing’ crisis!

There’s Work to be Done, to MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN! It begins with addressing and correcting a number of issues afoot in our business model today, beginning with Parts I & II following. Plus, is the manufactured housing trade press up to the task of promoting this end, or still mired in backstabbing & innuendo?


What’s Wrong With Land Lease Communities Today!

Here’s a paraphrase of recent remarks made by a respected land lease community portfolio owner/operator, who happens to be a certified Manufactured Housing Manager (‘MHM’) and member of the RV/MH Hall of Fame:

“Your experience with neighboring communities that went downhill, reputation and appearance-wise, during 30 years of passing from one owner to another, is a sad but accurate testament to what happens when owners/operators don’t understand the cost of maintaining, let alone upgrading such properties; don’t have the funds to do so; or just don’t care.

“I cringe every time I hear someone talk of these communities as being ‘cash cows’ – ready for the milking; real estate brokers casually talk of how easy it is to upgrade; and, others advocate ‘fix & flip’ strategies. Every time someone overpays for one of these communities, the writing is on the wall, warning the rest of us will suffer the consequences.”

There’s nary a land lease community owner reading these words who hasn’t experienced similar scenarios, whether they’ve suffered the consequences of being a neighbor to such malaise or profiteering – or, sorry to say, are guilty of it themselves! Yes, this is where the image improvement, affordable housing, and desirable lifestyle cycle begins and ends. Where do your properties fit into this perennial cycle?

So, what are you doing; what are you willing to do, as a land lease community owner, to MAKE MANUFACTURED HOUSING GREAT AGAIN!?


“Post-production sector…weak link in…MHIndustry growth & progress.”?

MHARR’s recent Press Release (June 2018) poses that question as a statement. Which is it? The answer likely lies in accords with one’s perspective on the matter. For example; it’s a given, HUD-Code housing manufacturers, the Big Three C firms in particular – who controlling 70%+/- national market share, are in the driver’s seat at the Manufactured Housing Institute they fund. So, there one finds the Strong Link to MHIndustry growth & progress.

Weak Link? The post-production sector. In fairness, this industry observer can only opine on one of several sectors, that comprised of land lease community owners/operators nationwide. And yes, in my opinion, that sector continues to ‘go begging’ for attention and support, via advocacy and representation, within and outside Washington, DC. Not much point here, to repeat the ills and shortfalls of leadership to date; but rather, what should occur, what must occur, going forward, to

Make Manufactured Housing Great Again!

And what might those matters be? Referring to the same MHARR Press Release, five tasks are recommended for attention to MHI and or, as MHARR puts it, “a new independent, collective, national post-production association.”. Heavily edited, they include:

• Aggressively engage in all aspects of manufactured housing consumer finance 1) including secondary market support for – and securitization of – all types of manufactured home loans…”, & 2) establish secondary market for home sales.

• Effectively oppose local regulatory and zoning barriers to all forms of affordable housing, and the development of land lease communities.

• Ensure reasonable, cost-effective housing installation and placement criteria promoting balance between regulation and affordability. Frost Free Foundations!

• Promote professional property management within land lease communities, as well as strong, effective representation and advocacy on the national level.

• Commit to and engage in national brand advertising, to stimulate and maintain growth and prosperity throughout the manufactured housing industry.

No question but that they’re many other measures to achieve this end, but it’s a start. Perhaps the overarching goal, among all manufactured housing-related trade sectors should simply, to

Make Manufactured Housing Great Again!


Manufactured Housing Press in Transition!

Once there were three (2010), then there was none (2016). Manufactured housing print trade publications: Manufactured Home Merchandiser, Community Management, and The Journal. And during the one year (2017) hiatus we had just two subscriber-supported print trade newsletters, the Allen Letter professional journal, and The Allen CONFIDENTIAL! business newsletter, keeping us informed – along with occasional abut issue pithy Press Releases from MHARR and newsy notes from MHI..

Today, since the January 2018 Louisville MHShow, we have MHInsider, published by MHVillage, DATACOMP of Grand Rapids, MI. To date, they’ve published a Special Tunica MHShow issue, followed by a Spring edition, and now we await a Summer edition. Are you receiving and reading MHInsider magazine? To do so, contact (800) 397-2158.

What else is happening with the manufactured housing trade press? Besides the three print publications just named, there are online ezines and an intermittent blog posting. But here online, in this industry observer’s opinion, ‘lies the rub’ – as in irritant. Given the relative ease and minor expense of publishing online, by anyone journalism qualified, experienced, or often not, it’s easy to understand how some manufactured housing news has slipped into the present sad state of trade news reporting.

One online ezine, reportedly widely known – in this industry observer’s opinion – risks discrediting, as it brick bats those whose words and actions don’t mirror or support the editorial stance, and industry agenda, espoused by said ezine. One way to evaluate practitioners of such a fifth estate, is to number, identify, and critique the writing quality its’ stable of writers.

Another, otherwise information-packed, reputable ezine looks, if not feels, like a bona fide print magazine, as one ‘turns the pages’ using a computer mouse. The problem here though, is the publisher – again, in this observer’s opinion – overexposes two of its’ writers, to the extent the ezine increasingly referred to as being ‘their magazine’. Not true, and hopefully that peccadillo will change with time.

Blog posting. Yes, it’s the one you’re reading right here. For a very long time (i.e. 400+ postings during eight years) it appeared every Sunday morning, but not anymore. To ease the workload, it was deemed wiser to ‘post’ when industry and asset class news is timely and worthy to be posted – and when time is of the essence. Today, this blog goes out to hundreds (not thousands, as used to be the case) of select blog ‘floggers’ (readers).

So, where does all this leave today’s manufactured housing trade press? No longer are we in near complete disarray, as was the case during 2017; but certainly not where we need to be if we’re going to reach out and attract homebuyers and site lessees to our affordable housing product and lifestyle, and…

Make Manufactured Housing Great Again!


George Allen, CPM, MHM
Box # 47024
Indianapolis, IN. 46247
(317) 346-7156.

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