Stage I of III, pursuant to ‘How to Save Our Industry!?’
effected at 20th Networking Roundtable in San Antonio, TX.
Stage II of III occurs soon, at the Manufactured Housing Institute’s annual meeting in Phoenix, AZ., 2 – 4 October.
Stage III of III? Unnecessary, if elected & salaried leaders
host a national & open forum for manufactured housing & landlease community stakeholders, to discuss, plan & enact ‘How to Save Our Industry!?’
Last week’s blog posting (#157) posed this question: “Is the recent & distinct ‘Stirring’ sensed, among some HUD Code Housing Manufacturers, independent ‘street’ MHRetailers and Landlease Community owners,
Life Being Renewed or a Death Rattle?”
Conclusion? Here’s what I penned at the time: “Death rattle? I think not. Made that mistake back in 1979, shortly after entering this business. Five years later, I was head of my own firm, and cleared $2 million with my partners, on our first landlease community transaction. I’ve not looked back, or negatively, at the industry and asset class since. Neither should you! So, come on, ‘Let’s get a – stirring together!” GFA
Well, more than 200 of us did get a – stirring last week, at the 20th International Networking Roundtable in San Antonio, TX! Landlease community owners/operators, home manufacturers, as well as product and service suppliers, from 27 states, convened for 2 ½ days of the best business education, interpersonal networking, and enthusiastic deal – making, available anywhere, anytime! For a detailed summary of the two dozen seminars and panel discussions, complete with presenters names and contact information, read the October issue of the Allen Letter professional journal! Simply phone the MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764. In the feature article, you’ll learn how Cavco Industries, Inc., chairman and CEO, Joe Stegmayer ‘stirred’ this audience; how Green Courte Partners & American Land Lease, under the leadership of David Lentz, has introduced ‘rebranding’ to the landlease community asset class; and how Spencer Roane has taken the lease – option to a new level; and much much more!
The final session of this year’s Networking Roundtable related to the present and future of landlease community ‘research & resources’. Why so late in the 2 ½ day program? To serve as a gauge of how important, or unimportant, the subject of research and resource succession is, to those invested in the landlease community income – property type as bona fide owners, even professional property managers with ‘skin in their game’. Result? Nearly 40 ‘interested parties’ participated in the 1 ½ hour session. That’s more than double the number of landlease community owners/operators it took, on 31 August 1993, to form the Industry Steering Committee predecessor to MHI’s National Communities Council division! More about these new historic proceedings later….
In the meantime, here’s a list of general and intimate observations from the Roundtable:
• This was indeed the ‘Biggest (i.e. More than 200 registrants) and Best (Thanks to Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort, 22 ‘presenters’, & the Cavco ‘Community Series Home’ on display) Ever’!
• Cutting edge presentations: Wait till you read what Stephen Wheeler, Joe Adams, Dr. David Funk (Cornell University), and others, had to say at this event, in the aforementioned October issue of the Allen Letter professional journal!
• Have you ever experienced Joe Stegmayer’s dry sense of humor? You should!
• Most old guard landlease community portfolio owners/operators are gone (e.g. only one of original 18 member Industry Steering Committee (See above) was present; supplanted by a new generation, many in evidence at this year’s event!
• NCC bobbled this new member recruiting opportunity; but MHI’s PAC promoter, Rick Rand, ACM, collected mega bucks for institute’s ongoing lobbying effort.
• MHIndustry pragmatists (i.e. smaller size & greater affordability of Community Series Homes) squared off against ‘bigger box = bigger bucks’ MHPurists.
• A dozen Business Development Managers were present, so maybe direct – marketing to landlease community owners/operators is ‘alive and well’ after all!
• Fair home value and homebuyer – friendly chattel mortgage advocates squared off against the perennial ‘churning’ and predatory lending aficionados.
• National Industry Image Improvement Campaign gets its’ first national re – airing since 17th Networking Roundtable in Mystic, CT., in 2008. Conclusion? This hard question: Showcase ‘Best Products & Practices NOW’ or ‘Get Products & Practices Right Before Going Public’? In either event, be wary of tempting siren songs of self – proclaimed marketing pros in search of billable projects.
• 17 Roundtable attendees present at 10th annual prayer meeting for ‘Our Nation & Its’ Leaders’. Each received a copy of Steve Harper’s A Pocket Guide to Prayer.
• Every Networking Roundtable registrant received a copy of the recently released Landlease Communities, Manufactured Home Communities, Mobile Home Parks, Trailer Courts & Camps, and Affordable Housing book. Dedicated in part, to Randy Rowe, of Green Courte Partners/American Land Lease, it’s the first inside look at what’s brought our asset class from its’ ‘dark ages’ into the 21st Century! Available for $24.95 via aforementioned MHIndustry HOTLINE.
Finally, many landlease community owners wanted to know, coming away from Stage I (the 20th Networking Roundtable), and headed for Stage II (MHI’s annual meeting); if, where, when, how, and how much would our unique realty asset class be fitting into the HUD Code manufactured housing business milieu of the immediate, near, and forward – looking future? In a word, Are we to be an integral part of this ‘Stirring’ so many of us have been sensing of late? That’s why YOU should plan NOW to attend MHI’s annual meeting in Phoenix, AZ., 2 – 4 October. For information, phone (703) 558-0678 and ask to speak to Thayer Long. Tell him ‘George sent me!’
George Allen, CPM®Emeritus, MHM®Master
Consultant to the Factory – built Housing Industry &
The Landlease Community Real Estate Asset Class
Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247
(317) 346-7156