Blog # 463; Copyright 10 September 2017; at
Perspective. ‘Land lease communities, previously manufactured home communities, & , ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’
This blog posting is the sole national advocate, voice, official ombudsman, historian, research report, & online communication media for all North American LLCommunities
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Fall MH Meeting Season Underway!
And Where Will We Find You?
26th International Networking Roundtable enjoyed a spectacular time this past week in Indianapolis, IN. How so? More than 150 businessmen & women owners/operators of land lease communities, large & small, from throughout the U.S. spent 2 1/2 days ‘learning together’, networking at nine food & beverage events, even engaging in deal-making relative to our unique, income-producing property type. Probably more details in the weeks to come, either here in this weekly blog or in the Allen Letter professional journal. Will tell you this though; there’re now ten more certified Manufactured Housing Managers at work in communities! And David Funk, college professor & land lease community owner, kept the rapt attention of his audience, with housing statistics and trend analysis information! Too bad if you missed it. Oh, and everyone present received a copy of SWAN SONG, the semi-autobiographical account of land lease community history from 1970 to the present day.
17-19 September (Next weekend). MHI will (hopefully) hold it’s annual meeting in Orlando, FL. Will I see you there? Carolyn & I are attending this year – first time for her in many years. After this past week, we need to get away for a few days. Ha; as if this’ll be a picnic. In any case, it’s the one time each year the institute’s National Communities Council (NCC’) division holds its’ officer elections (pretty much already determined, given that proxy voting is not permitted), and we take a look at where we’ve been and where we’re maybe going as a realty asset class, a.k.a. income-producing property type. And of course, there’ll be several other division meetings occurring as well, plus the executive board meeting at the end. Expect to see between 100 & 200 registrants from all segments of the manufactured housing industry. Interested? Phone (703) 558-0400
11&12 October. The annual (6th?) SECO Conference. This year the event has moved to the Marietta Hilton in Marietta, GA., in anticipation of a crowd of 400 or more, to participate in a wide array of seminars & panels, as well as visiting a half dozen Community Series Homes on display. What’s ‘special’ about this gathering? It’s planned, facilitated and hosted entirely by businessmen and women, like the aforementioned Networking Roundtable, mostly from the land lease community segment of the manufactured housing industry. I always attend, to mingle with my peers from the Southeast, and to brief them as to the ‘Official State of the Manufactured Housing Industry & Land Lease Community Real Estate Asset Class’. Interested? Reach out to
1-3 November. Tired of meetings yet? If not, maybe travel to Chicago, IL., for the NCC’s Fall Leadership Forum. This event too is heavily patronized heavily, mostly by sole proprietors, general partners, and CEOs of property portfolios, as well as their real estate-secured mortgage originators of choice. For more info, phone (703- 558-0666.
Well, that about does it for this Fall. Sure, there’re other regional and state association meetings in the mix. But here you have the regional and national venues for our industry and asset class.
THAT’S ALL FOR THIS WEEK. Not enough time to concentrate on the blog during the Networking Roundtable.