George Allen / EducateMHC Blog Mobile Home & Land Lease Community Advocate & Expert

July 18, 2010


Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 10:05 am


MHI’s Summer Meeting & MHARR; Super Symposium & new initiatives; Renewed Effort to Unify MHIndustry Voice in Washington & Grand Tour!

‘CAPITALISM Pays For SOCIALISM!’ read the bumper sticker on the rear bumper of a car ahead of me, as I drove into Washington, DC., last week. Later, as I checked into the Tabard Inn (‘Oldest continuously operating hotel in Washington, D.C.’) and my $113.00/night room (Shared bathroom down the hall) – otherwise $150+/- per night, with in – room facilities, I reflected upon how I get to make trips and choices as a citizen and businessman in this great country. And it got me to thinking how, at least in the world of free enterprise, how we continually use our talents and abilities, experiences and history, attitudes and motivation, to make key and timely decisions, ultimately spelling SUCCESS or FAILURE, for our employees, employers and businesses. Sincerely hope you’re as appreciative of this great country as I am! Are you?


Manufactured Housing Institute’s (‘MHI’) annual Summer meeting in Washington, DC., from 13 – 15 July, according to the registration list, attracted 95+/- participants. Run the numbers. Less seven government workers, 18 MHAssociation execs, and maybe five ‘no shows’; of the 65 remaining ‘direct dues paying members’ & ‘certified representatives’, nearly one third, exactly 20, were landlease (nee manufactured home) community owners/operators. Why is this important to know? Read on…. On a more positive note, Mark Weiss, Senior VP of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (‘MHARR’) attended the Manufactured Housing Executive Council’s (‘MHEC’) meeting and other functions. First time this has happened in awhile. And know that quiet plans are afoot, to increase these participation numbers during 2011; both overall, and within the landlease community’s (‘LLCommunity’) advocacy body, specifically, the National Communities Council (‘NCC’) division. Are YOU a direct dues paying member of MHI? Perhaps YOU should be! To do so, phone Thayer Long via (703) 558-0678 and tell him ‘George sent me!’


Appears the SUPER SYMPOSIUM movement is nearly dead. Oh, there may be a third symposium hosted by the reinvigorated Georgia Manufactured Housing Association (‘GMHA’), under the executive leadership of Jamie Hammons, but that’s probably the last one. Indiana Manufactured Housing Association/Recreational Vehicle Indiana Council (‘IMHA/RVIC’), in a budget cut, terminated their symposium guru after hosting at least two successful symposiums. The demise of this much – needed educational opportunity, when needed most, to teach LLCommunity folk How to Market & Sell New & Resale Homes On – site & Self – finance, is unfortunate if not tragic! BUT, look for a couple private, Free Enterprise initiatives to pick up this training slack during the months ahead. On 24 & 25 August, Precision Captive Funding will host their 12th two day Captive Finance Workshop, this time in Chicago, IL. To register, phone (217) 971-3968. AND, from 15 – 17 September, in Phoenix, AZ., the 19th annual International Networking Roundtable for LLCommunity owners/operators will convene, featuring nearly two dozen HOW TO seminars and panel discussions, best interpersonal networking in the asset class, unparalleled deal – making opportunities, and new Community Series (HUD Code) Homes on display! For a Roundtable brochure, phone the MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764, or visit this website.


Were you invited to participate in a conference call earlier this month, intended to spawn an ‘Effort to Unify the Industry’s Voice in Washington, DC.’? Didn’t think so. While said call attracted participation by at two of the remaining HUD Code housing manufacturers, and a plethora of state MHAssociation execs, there was little to no representation from other segments of the MHIndustry, particularly the LLCommunity ‘side of the house’. There lies the first challenge to this otherwise needed re-unity effort. Sure, having ‘too many fingers in such a pie oft creates a mess’, but NOT including the only industry segment enjoying general business success these days, is like effecting a business startup with no capital. And, as opined during the aforementioned MHEC meeting, any would be leader of such a worthy cause should be present with his/her peers, in this case in Washington, DC., to motivate, answer questions and guide planning. And the bottom line issue is: Do we really need, or even want, a third party effort to this (unity) end, when the MHIndustry, on two previous occasions, has managed to ‘come together’ to support mutually desired federal legislation, e.g. the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000? Counterpoint? In previous blog postings, plans for a Grand ‘Once & For All! Tour, of seven regions throughout the U.S. during 2011, was described. Perhaps this is the practical, long range (i.e. distance and time) means to, among other things, bring re – unity to the MHIndustry & LLCommunity asset class, especially if MHI & MHARR lend their support to the effort. Interested in having the Grand ‘Once & For All! Tour come to your geographic area? Let me know by phoning (317) 346-7156 or responding directly to this blog posting. For more info on the tour, visit the blog archives.


DID YOU KNOW? During the past four months, no fewer than four new books and booklets, describing one or more aspects of HUD Code manufactured housing and the landlease community real estate asset class, have debuted? All four will be profiled in the August issue of the Allen Letter professional journal! AND, the August issue of the Allen CONFIDENTIAL! business newsletter will address the following pithy, timely and challenging question: ‘What would I / YOU do if selected, tapped, asked, elected, to become Chairman of the Manufactured Housing Institute?’ Be assured, that’s not going to happen to either of us, even though this position of past renown and present responsibility/authority has not been attracting any takers in recent months. That reality alone, makes the I / YOU question, just posed, all the more timely and poignant – as new HUD Code housing shipments continue to languish at a more than a 60 year nadir!


FYI. The CONSORTIUM of print & online publishers of periodicals, for the MHIndustry & LLCommunity asset class convened (All present but one!) once again, during MHI’s Summer meeting in Washington, DC. Know what? Such a trade publication networking body was tried unsuccessfully, a decade ago, when Community Management, Manufactured Home Merchandiser, Automated Builder, and Systems Building print magazines were still in business. Appears this group is going to blossom. If you publish a weekly or monthly trade pub for the MHIndustry & or LLCommunity asset class, and would like to attend the CONSORTIUM’s next meeting, 15 – 17 September 2010, in Phoenix, AZ., phone the MHIndustry HOTLINE to express your interest.


George Allen, Realtor®, CPM®Emeritus, MHM
Consultant to the Factory – built Housing Industry &
The Landlease Community Real Estate Asset Class

Box # 47024
Indianapolis, IN. 46247

(317) 346-7156

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