COBA7® via Blog # 305 @ 6 July 2014 Copyright 2014
Perspective. ‘Land-lease-lifestyle communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities and ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’
This blog posting ‘is a national advocacy voice, ombudsman press*, statistical research reporter, & online communications resource for all LLLCommunities in North America!’
To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance®, a.k.a. COBA7®, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.
*ombudsman press. ‘Manufactured housing’s ronin, fielding inquiries, complaints, etc..
Introduction to this weeks’ COBA7® blog posting at website
Two sequential National Public Forums are scheduled for the morning of 9/11, at the 23rd International Networking Roundtable, in Peachtree City, GA. These forums are important and historic (i.e. ‘First such event in 75+ year history of factory-built housing!’) to the manufactured housing industry and land-lease-lifestyle community realty asset class. So, the WHITE PAPER that’s being prepared, for distribution to registrants before the event, is the sole subject of this week’s blog posting.
‘…an authoritative report giving information on an issue.’
WORKING TITLE: ‘Past, Present & Future of Manufactured Housing & Land-lease-lifestyle Communities’ in North American Housing Markets.’
A formal WHITE PAPER is being prepared (Following is quoted from said document)
“…to facilitate personal and corporate preparation for two National Public Forums the morning of 11 September, during the 23rd annual International Networking Roundtable, at the DOLCE Conference Center, in Peachtree City, GA.”
A print copy of said WHITE PAPER will be mailed to individuals upon receipt of their registration to attend what is shaping up to be the Premier International Manufactured Housing Event of Year 2014! How so? While designed and facilitated, during the past 22 years, for owners/operators of LLLCommunities large and small, every segment of the manufactured housing industry, including home manufacturers, and lenders, will be represented at the networking roundtable this year. Many businessmen and women have already registered, as well as ‘first time participants’ from several federal agencies, academia and national realty organizations!
The WHITE PAPER documents Past & Present statistics & trends germane to manufactured housing & LLLCommunities in light of ten or so characteristics apiece, e.g. Description, Design, Regulations, Production, Distribution, Financing, Service, and more. Then the WHITE PAPER addresses the probable Future(s) of manufactured housing & LLLCommunities in light of those same characteristics. Special Attention is expected, during the National Public Forums, regarding manufactured housing’s future as ‘housing’ vs. ‘trailers’; and LLLCommunities as ‘lifestyle’ & ‘investment’, large & small, family & adult, urban & rural, public & private.
When WHITE PAPER readers arrive at the Networking Roundtable they will thus be informed and ready to engage with nationally known and respected presenters who’ll address the two National Public Forums from their perspectives, then participate in informed dialog and open discussion regarding the future nature and direction of manufactured housing and LLLCommunities! Strong interest in attending this year’s superb educational, networking, and deal-making event, has already been expressed by industrialists and realty investors from throughout the U.S., Canada, even France.
It is anticipated the professionally printed and bound WHITE PAPER will be ready for distribution to individuals during August 2014. To ensure receiving your WHITE PAPER in sufficient time for study and reflection, before the Networking Roundtable convenes, make your event and hotel reservations soon! Also know, attendance this year is limited to 250 businessmen and women. The copyrighted WHITE PAPER will not be available for purchase before or after the Networking Roundtable and two National Public Forums!
For a descriptive registration brochure, describing the 23rd annual International Networking Roundtable, telephone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.