George Allen / EducateMHC Blog Mobile Home & Land Lease Community Advocate & Expert

February 4, 2017

COBA7 Challenge Coins = HOT; See Ya in San Antoinio? & 81,136 New MHS in 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 5:55 am

Blog # 432 Copyright @ 5 February 2017:

Perspective. “land lease communities, previously manufactured home communities, & ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

This blog posting is the sole national advocate voice, official ombudsman 7 historian research report & online communication media for North American LLCommunities!

To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance, a.k.a. COBA7, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (9\877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764

COBA7 Motto: ‘U Support US & WE Serve U!’ Goal of its’ print/online media = to
‘Not only inform & opine, but transform & improve MHBusiness model performance!’

INTRODUCTION: Wow! Since debuting in January 2017, as a national advocate for land lease communities and manufactured housing, the alliance has been on a very fast track educationally, research wise, and motivating affiliates with the group’s very first Challenge Coin.

And now COBA7 is preparing to participate in MHI’s Winter meeting in San Antonio, TX. Will you be there? I understand there’s some interesting doings afoot – but we’ll surely not hear about them beforehand. Why? Ask the folk who like to keep everything so quiet and behind the scenes these days….

The shipment numbers for December 2016 and all of 2016 are now in and posted. While it was a good year, we have a long long way to go before we return to shipment totals experienced at the turn of the Century. But we’re making progress, I think, with reasonable access to chattel capital.


COBA7 & Challenge Coins Enjoying Popularity!

Three weeks ago, COBA7 affiliates trained and certified ten Manufactured Housing Managers or MHMs; ‘splained’ to a dozen HUD-Code housing manufacturers how to prospect for land lease communities nationwide; and, taught 11 LLCommunity owners/operators how to use Lease-Option as a seller-finance option for on-site home sales transactions. It’s simply ‘amazing’ to me – or perhaps the correct word choice is ‘sad’, that no other national trade entity offers this sort of professional property management training & certification; ‘How to Sell More New HUD-Code Homes!’; and, best use of this increasingly popular finance methodology to fill vacant rental homesites. Go figure.

Two weeks ago, COBA7, as national advocate for the land lease community realty asset class, participated in the first Federal Housing Finance Agency’s (‘FHFA’) first Listening Session pursuant to preparation of Duty to Serve programs by GSEs Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac. Also responded, in writing, to FHFA’s request for a ‘Chattel Capital Pilot RFI’ – more on that later in this blog posting. Watch to see if ‘anyone else’ covers similar proceedings in Washington, DC., and San Francisco, CA.

This past week, COBA7 distributed dozens of new Challenge Coins to affiliates throughout the U.S. & Canada. The coins have turned out to be so popular, we’re nearly out of stock and have ordered 100 more! And this same week, COBA7 mailed letter questionnaires to 50 real estate loan originators (for LLCommunities mortgages) and to 40 independent third party chattel capital sources – inviting all of them to be listed in the ’19th annual National Registry of ALL Lenders Serving Land Lease Communities & the Manufactured Housing Industry’, the Signature Series Resource Document, or SSRD, to be distributed as a lagniappe in the March issue of the Allen Letter professional journal. Will you be on the receiving end of this ‘second most popular’ SSRD? The most popular one, of course, is the 28th annual ALLEN REPORT. To affiliate, use the COBA7 brochure accompanying this blog posting.


You Going to MHI’s Winter Meeting in San Antonio?

I am, as voting representative for COBA7, a division of GFA Management, Inc., dba PMN Publishing; and, as a Certified Representative of the Illinois Manufactured Housing Association (‘IMHA’).

Rumor has it we might learn of one or more new terms HUD-Code housing manufacturers believe would better serve our industry than ‘manufactured housing’. How does ‘prefabulous homes’ sound to you? No, that’s likely not one of the choices, but it is one I came across this week while visiting some brightly-colored new modular homes.

When I inquired recently, as to why NCC members aren’t polled ahead of time, as to topics they’d like to see included on their meeting agenda, a fellow NCC member quipped: “Oh, didn’t you know? We’re under Mushroom Management!. Ha! Go ahead & google it; you deserve a chuckle….

And yes, I am attending this meeting in San Antonio, with some trepidation (‘tremulous agitation’). After all, it’s the four year three month anniversary of the infamous verbal ambush suffered by a former MHI member and me, at the hands of a long gone NCC chairman, during the NCC meeting there. And know what? To this date, there’s not been an explanation or apology from MHI leaders, for that nasty public outburst. How would you feel?

Wonder if we’ll hear more about our ‘MH brethren to the North’ (Canada) and the new year regrouping, in council fashion, of MHICanada & CMHI, under the auspices of the Canadian Home Builders Association (‘CHBA’) – and whether this might be a practical template for the unification of HUD-Code manufactured housing in the U.S., in council fashion, under the auspices of the National Association of Home Builders (‘NAHB’)? Don’t hold your breath….


81,136 New HUD-Code Homes Shipped During 2016!

The 6,995 new HUD-Code homes shipped during December 2016 raises the annual total shipment number to 81,136 – the highest such figure since year 2008, when the manufactured housing industry shipped 81,889 new homes nationwide!

And what is the ‘production value’ of those 81,136 new HUD-Code homes shipped during 2016? Using Dr. Stephen C. Cooke’s ‘production value’ formula = $3 1/2 billion!

Top Ten ‘shipping states’ in December (in actual performance, not a cumulative count) = LA, TX,. FL, MI, NC, AL, MS, CA, SC, & KY. Together they shipped 4,914 new HUD-Code homes, or 70% of the 6,995 units shipped that month. An apt case study of Pareto’s Law; where in this case, 20+/- percent of the states produced slightly less than 80 percent of the shipments!

Ever see an Official COBA7 MHShipment ‘#s & $s’ Report? December’s attached to this blog posting. And, if you haven’t yet affiliated with the Community Owners (7 part) Business Alliance, use attached brochure to do so today!


George Allen, CPM, MHM
COBA7, a division of GFA Management, Inc., dba PMN Publishing
Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247 (317) 346-7156

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