Blog Posting # 787, Copyright 5 April 2024; EducateMHC
Know this! HUD-Code manufactured housing (‘MH’) is federally-regulated, performance-based, affordable-attainable, factory-built housing! (A.k.a. offsite construction). And land lease communities (a.k.a. manufactured home communities & ‘mobile home parks’) comprise the commercial real estate (‘CRE’) component of MH! And EducateMHC is the online advocate, official historian, trend tracker, and information resource for both business models. Access EducateMHC via (317) 881-3815; email:, & visit to order Community Management in the Manufactured Housing Industry. This is the sole MH-focused professional property management text in print today! And WAN SONG is a history of land lease communities & official record of annual MH production totals since 1955; and my autobiography From SmittyAlpha6 to MHMaven describes personal combat adventures in Vietnam as a USMC lieutenant, a 45 year entrepreneur business career in MH & community ownership, as well as author & freelance consultant.
George Allen, CPM®Emeritus, MHM®Master, is the only emeritus member of the Manufactured Housing Institute (‘MHI’), a founding board member of MHI’s National Communities Council (‘NCC’) division, an RV/MH Hall of Fame enshrinee, MHInsider magazine editor at large & Allen Legacy columnist, Vietnam combat veteran & retired lieutenant colonel of U.S. Marines, as well as author/editor of 20 nonfiction books & chapbooks re MH, communities, business management & prayer.
Value of RV & MH Industries Today!
According to national trade advocates for the recreational vehicle manufacturers, that industry’s production and wholesale value of new RVs during year 2023 was $140 billion.
According to MHI’s ‘more than decade old formula for computing the production value of new HUD-Code manufactured homes’ during 2023 was a scant $38 1/2 billion. (That’s 89,169 new MHs X $43,126 estimated production value of a new MHs. So, ‘what’s the total MH value?’
A 70+ year old industry like HUD-Code manufactured housing should have a far better handle on what it is worth today to the national economy of our nation. And relying on a decade old formula for estimating only the production value of our housing product is simply wrong!
How wrong? 27 years ago, in 1997, the IMHA/RVIC (Indiana’s dual trade association representing MH & RV industries), using a grant from the Indiana Department of Commerce, commissioned an Indiana consultancy to research and prepare an Economic Impact Study. Result? The two industries (RV & MH), at the time (i.e. nearly three decades ago) were documented as contributing $8 billion/year to the state’s economic success. Yes, it ‘begs the question’: HOW MUCH DOES HUD-CODE MANUFACTURED HOUSING CONTRIBUTE ANNUALLY TO THE ECONOMIC SUCCESS OF THE U.S. OF A? Methinks it’s high time for MHARR & MHI together – or separately, to determine that significant $ figure to better influence federal legislators understandably ignorant of our industry and its’ intrinsic value!
‘GO RVing’ To Inspire ‘MHMarketing’? Answer: YES!
‘GO RVing’ was launched in 1994 as ‘the national marketing program’ for recreational vehicles of all sizes and types. Has it been successful? Completely so! So much so that a ‘GO RVing’ Marketing Minute online newsletter is published frequently to update partners (i.e. RV retail sales outlets & more) on what’s going on in several paid marketing campaigns, media and creative collaborations, as well as experiential events.
In the most recent ‘GO RVing’ Marketing Minute partners were told of the marketing potential among such multicultural markets as Black & Hispanic buyers, as well as LGBTQ+ audiences. Then a schedule was published describing no fewer than 12 events nationwide, ranging from festivals to state fairs and more, where ‘GO RVing’ will be present. Also emphasis on celebrating Valentine’s Day in February, Easter in late March, and the Eclipse on 5 April 2024.
Point? If RV manufacturers and retailers routinely ‘come together’ to fund paid marketing campaigns, as well as media and creative collaborations, why doesn’t the manufactured housing industry do the same? We’ve been talking about this for decades now, but with no success to date. IMHO it’s High Time for our industry leaders, appointed and salaried, to plan and pattern a similar program to ‘GO RVing’. Any ideas for a catchy name for such a MH-focused program? Let me know via
RV/MH Hall of Fame Induction Banquet
Time to start thinking about attending this year’s RV/MH Hall of Fame Induction Banquet on Monday, 19 August. This is always a Gala Affair, attracting top RV & MH leaders and business persons from throughout the U.S. To order tickets, phone (574) 293-2344. I certainly plan to be present – to see you, and to fete the ten enshrinees from the sister industries. An increasing number of folk have begun arriving Sunday afternoon, to enjoy informal networking that evening, and then spending time at the museum, library, and store the next day.
As I’ve told you before, if you’d like to meet privately, or in a small group, to 1) discuss MH industry issues, 2) learn how to pen one’s memoirs (i.e. short stories) and or autobiography, I’ll be pleased to assist. Just let me know of our interest; again, via
George Allen