Blog # 442; Copyright @ 16 April 2017;
Perspective. ‘Land lease Communities, previously manufactured home communities, & ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.
This blog posting is the sole national advocate voice, official ombudsman & historian, research report, & online communication media for North American LLCommunities!
To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance, a.k.a. COBA7, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764
COBA7 Motto: ‘U Support US & WE serve U! Goal of its’ print/online media = to
‘Not only inform & opine, but transform & improve MHBusiness model performance!’
INTRODUCTION. Part I. As an industry, why do we continue to ‘shoot ourselves in the foot’ by reporting conflicting data about the very same important subject: monthly HUD-Code manufactured housing shipments!? Part II. Civil revenge, ‘deep state’ machinations, & lack of assistant secretary appointments at HUD affecting manufactured housing? Yes! Part III. 26th Networking Roundtable planning now well underway. Same educational & networking format but new twists, topics, and an MHM class, for starters! Part IV. A model offering of seminar topics for state MHAssociation execs & board chairpersons.
Let’s Be Very Clear About This!
The official total number of new HUD-Code manufactured homes shipped from factories, during February 2017, according to HUD’s contractor ‘for keeping statistical score’, the Institute for Building Technology & Safety (‘IBTS’) was 7,312 units, NOT the 7,318 reported elsewhere. To underscore this reality, know HUD, MHARR, & COBA7 concur with the 7,312 unit total!
As a means of achieving manufactured housing industry unity, ‘getting everyone onto the same #s page’, when it comes to reporting new HUD-Code homes shipped monthly, should be a no-brainer, but it hasn’t happened to date. If YOU have influence where it matters, in this regard, do your part to bring everyone onto the same page when it comes to reporting this monthly total of units shipped. Otherwise we continue to not only appear to be, but are, a major industry divided!
‘Civil Revenge & Manufactured Housing – a WARNING!’
prompted immediate positive, supportive responses.
This first response occurred while we were still sending BEBAs (‘Blast Email Blog Alerts’) to 1,000+/- recipients.
“You did your job – and you warned them, George! that’s excellent…Now…any bets on how many, if any, will heed the warning, and get off their ass, and on their feet, and out of the grass, and into the (political) heat?”
Then this, from yet another manufactured housing aficionado:
“I enjoyed your civil discourse comments George, and diligence is needed always. MHI’s future continues to amaze me, since (in this responder’s opinion) they represent HUD better than the industry, and while I prefer ‘no national code’, either way our (national advocacy) groups should rep US.”
And, there’s more to this matter than earlier reported.
First off; turns out it’s difficult to rid the U.S. government of ‘deep state’ political appointees left over from the previous administration, until new assistant secretaries (e.g. at HUD) can be appointed, approved, and active. Maybe by August, if not much sooner.
In the meantime, pressure your national (manufactured housing) advocacy entity of choice (.e.g. MHARR &/or MHI) to unify their respective lobbying efforts, and liaise with Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, to refocus policies and agenda at HUD – backing off suffocating installation regulations, and openly promoting non-subsidized HUD-Code housing, as the only real answer to the U.S. affordable housing crisis!
Finally, do your part, to bring Democrat civil revenge activities to an end! Enough is enough. We do not need a shadow government in Washington, nor do we need two presidents leading this nation, nor do we need ‘deep state’ foot-dragging and anti-Trump machinations slowing down the restoration of American culture, military power, and more. In my opinion, the longer these, and similar negative measures continue, the more political ground the Democrat Party will loose over time, as they’re tagged ‘sore losers’, unfit to lead in the future.
26th Networking Roundtable Planning Underway!
Where will YOU be on 6-8 September 2017? Hopefully, participating in one or more of the very special activities being planned for this year’s ‘Return to Indiana Event’! Yes, you read that right. Manufactured housing got its’ start in Indiana 70+/- years ago, and this will be the first time the longest-running national trade event will occur in the state. Watch for details.
So, what are some of the special activities being planned for this year’s gala event, beside it being held during National Land Lease Community Week?
• A Manufactured Housing Manager class planned for 6 September. Perfect opportunity for you to bring one or more trusted on-site or regional property managers, to become trained and certified as an MHMs – you too!
• New and exciting emphasis on land lease community deal-making! We’re departing from the community investors symposium format of years past, and introducing a new and exciting way to view, value, & invest in LLCommunities!
• First ever ‘National Manufactured Housing Input Day’; where your views and hopes for the industry & realty asset class matter. Be present to express them. It’s hoped this becomes a perennial source of grassroots input to national advocates.
• ‘How to Buy, Sell, & Seller-finance New HUD-Code Homes On-site in LLCommunities!’ A digest & expansion of pithy material presented at last year’s ‘Two Days of Plant Tours & Home Sales Seminars’ in Elkhart, IN.
• A COBA7 strategic planning session, for affiliates committed to ensuring the alliance moves into the future as LLCommunities’ primary source of statistics, resources, print/online communication, networking, & PM training/certification
• And yes, there’ll be the usual full array of educational and networking sessions during the 2 1/2 days we’re together, including an update about the charitable activities of MHGives. However, no MHI PAC $ solicitation this year.
We are excited to bring the 26th Networking Roundtable to Indianapolis, IN. If you’ve not visited before, it’s one of the cleanest cities in North America, and awash with great eateries, and things for attendees and guests to enjoy. More details to follow….
Special Message to State MHAssociation Execs & Board Chairpersons
Emulate NYHA’s Northeast Super Symposium VI (11-13 April 2017) to Better Serve Your Members!
Want filled-room learning experiences for your members? Consider these offerings, among the many, featured in Albany, New York, this past week.
• The day before your official program begins, host the one day Manufactured Housing Manager, professional property management training & certification program, taught by Katie Hauck, MHM & Kathy Taylor, MHM. Today, more than 1,000 MHMs own/operate LLCommunities nationwide & in Canada!
• Begin your program with the Official State of the Manufactured Housing Industry & Land Lease Community Asset Class presentation – the only such overview that includes ‘all you wanted to know about LLCommunities but didn’t know who or what to ask!’ (317) 346-7156
• Invite Dr. David Funk, LLCommunity owner, and professor at Roosevelt University, to hold forth on ‘Understanding New Housing Economics’ – and how they relate directly to manufactured housing and land lease communities. (740) 591-4738
• Today’s hottest topic industry wide? ‘How to Sell More Homes into Land Lease Communities’ – well covered, with passion, by Ken Corbin. (888) 823-4945.
Of course there was much more on the agenda at the recently completed New York Housing Alliance’ annual Northeast Super Symposium VI – but these are highlights easily transportable from that state to yours.
And don’t forget; if lease-option, as a means of seller-financing new HUD-
Code home sales on-site, is permissible in your state, add that timely topic to your agenda as well. Spencer Roane, MHM, is considered to be the national duty expert, so to speak, on lease-option methodology. Contact him via (678) 428-0212. And ask him to cover PQW when he ‘presents’, it’s a game changer when it comes to reducing loan defaults.