Musings from a Reluctant Road Warrior
Community Series Homes’ (a.k.a. CSH model Manufactured Homes) list of Business Development Managers, (a.k.a. BDMs), Completely Revamped!
What YOU Missed by NOT Participating in NYHA’s Super Symposium III!
‘They’re Everywhere, they’re everywhere!’ What? MHM® Pins!
It’s Saturday, and I’ve just returned from a five day and 1,600 mile road trip between Indianapolis, IN., and Albany, NY., with stops in Pittsburgh, PA., Utica, NY., and Olmsted Falls, OH., to visit with landlease community owner/operator friends and clients. So very much has happened this past week, and most of it has been very good.
As you’ll soon see, this week’s blog has a slightly different format: somewhat shorter in length, but offering you an opportunity for ‘more information’ and a ‘rare look’ at one of the quietest, but most widely – read, paid subscriber – supported business newsletters in our industry. Enjoy. GFA
Community Series Homes & Business Development Managers
Yep. Got tired of making excuses, time and again, for Business Development Mangers (‘BDM’) who didn’t respond, in any fashion, to good faith inquiries from landlease community owners/operators, interested in buying Community Series Homes (‘CSH’). SO, a few weeks ago, we canvassed all 30+/- BDMs, asking them to complete a brief update of their contact information, and requested they send us CSH floor plans and elevation drawings. Only eight BDMs from six HUD Code home manufacturers responded! On one hand I was sorely disappointed; but on the other hand, it suggested: 1) CSH is being seriously pursued by only a few of the remaining HUD Code firms; and, 2) Those not responding, likely continue to be enamored by those ‘big box = big bucks’ business models of the late 1990s, when land and home packages were all the rage. So be it! But if you’d like a copy of the new CSH description & BDM list, simply phone the MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764 & request it. Copies will likely be enclosed in the May issue of the Allen Letter professional journal. Also use that number to subscribe to the newsletter, @ $134.95/year (12 issues)
What YOU Missed by NOT Participating in Super Symposium III this past week…
OK, gonna ‘bait’ you here. You missed superb presentations by Jason Boehlert (MHI); Mark Lifset, esquire; Dr. David Funk – ‘All the national housing market stats you’ve ever wanted to hear/see, but didn’t know who to ask!’; the Rishel Show in two complementary parts; Spencer Roane’s talk to a full house, ALL interested in what he had to teach about the lease – option methodology (MHI are you listening?); and ‘yours truly’ sharing the Official State of the MHIndustry & LLCommunity Asset Class’. Want more information on one or more of these exciting topics? Well, I’m doing something ‘here’, I’ve not done before! If you phone (see preceding paragraph) or email and request it, I’ll send you a gratis (free) copy of this month’s issue of the Allen CONFIDENTIAL! business newsletter. Contains contact info for all just mentioned, and much much more.
‘They’re everywhere, they’re everywhere!’ What? MHM® Pins! MHM® Pins!
First noticed the phenomenon at MHI’s Legislative Conference in Arlington, VA., last month; then again, at NYHA’s Super Symposium III in Albany, NY., this past week. MHM® professional property management designation pins. But I shouldn’t have been surprised. After all, with the Manufactured Housing Manager® certification class in Louisville, KY, in January, the total of designated MHM®s is very close to the 1,000 mark. Now I’m looking forward to seeing how many MHM® pins will be in evidence at the NCC Forum and MHCongress in Las Vegas @ 10-12 March, 2012. If you haven’t registered yet, for the MHCongress, phone (703) 558-0400.
Back to the MHM® phenomenon. Are YOU and or your on – site and regional property managers graduates and designees, of the only active professional property management training and certification program in our industry and asset class these days? If not, suggest you request a program brochure via the aforementioned MHIndustry HOTLINE.
As a reminder, classes are most often co – hosted by state MHAssociations (Which receive $50.00 for every paid registration); then, as in – house national or regional training programs, by LLCommunity portfolio owners/operators, depending on how many properties they have; as stand alone venues, when we have enough ‘interest’ in any given geographical region, to hold the one day class; and finally, for those in remote areas or who can’t afford the travel expenses, there’s a correspondence version that always has one or more LLCommunity manager on the way to earning their coveted MHM® designation.. Interested? Give us a call today! (317) 346-7156.
What do you get for the reasonable $250.00 per person fee? A copy of Landlease Community Management (Retails @ $75.00), a monograph of contemporary MHIndustry ‘readings’, the gold MHM® pin, and an MHM® certificate, with new MHM®s name printed on it. Plus, ‘free telephone consulting’ for as long as I’m in the MHBusiness.
George Allen, CPM®Emeritus, MHM®Master
Consultant to the Factory – built Housing Industry &
The Landlease Community Real Estate Asset Class
Box # 47024, Indianapolis, IN. 46247
(317) 346-7156