Blog Posting # 680. Copyright @ 11 March 2022, EducateMHC
Perspective. ‘Land lease communities, previously manufactured home communities, and earlier, ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing!’
EducateMHC is the online national advocate, realty asset class historian, trend spotter, education resource & textbook supplier for land lease communities throughout North America!
To input this blog and or connect with EducateMHC, telephone (317) 881-3815, email and/or visit Previous phone #s no longer connected.
Motto: ‘U Support US & WE Serve U!’ Goal: to promote HUD-Code manufactured housing and land lease communities as U.S. # 1 source of affordable attainable housing! Be MHM certified!
INTRODUCTION: Parts I & II are chock full of helpful information and statistics relative to manufactured housing and land lease communities. Part III simply lets you know what I’m doing these days.
All five reporting agencies and manufactured housing advocacy organizations reported the very same number of new HUD-Code homes shipped during the month of January 2022, resulting too in the same Year to Date total as well. In both instances this magical number is 9,110 units!
The reporting agencies and advocacy organizations? Institute for Building Technology & Safety (‘IBTS’), Department of Housing & Urban Development (‘HUD’), Manufactured Housing Institute (‘MHI’), Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (‘MHARR’) and EducateMHC.
Why is this ‘historic first’ important for the manufactured housing industry? Because it demonstrates that all five entities are indeed capable of reporting the same benchmark statistic, without bastardizing the basic shipment volume total by deducting the number of Destination Pending units one month, only to add them back to the next month’s total.
We can only hope that this public display of industry unity continues on into February and the months to follow! MHI has a new statistician on board; let’s hope he sees the wisdom of unity in reporting data like this, and follows suit with IBTS, HUD, MHARR and EducateMHC.
It has long amazed me no one routinely reports stock performance of manufactured housing-related firms, and real estate investment (‘REIT’) land lease community property portfolios. I’ve been doing so for several years, until we stopped publishing the Allen Letter and The Allen Confidential business newsletters. Now I simply send the ‘MHShipment Volume & Stock market Report’ to several dozen major firms in the industry and throughout the realty asset class. Here’s the gist of what we learned on 4 March 2022.
Manufactured housing manufacturers:
Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (BRK-A), i.e. Clayton Homes. $483,000; up from $476K in February
Skylilne Champion Corporation (‘SKY’). $66.71; down from$73.95 in February
Cavco Industries, Inc. (‘CVCO’). $267.64; down from $292.00 in February
Legacy Housing Corporation (LEGH’). $23.76; down from $25.52 in February
Nobility Homes (‘NOBH’). $31.45; down from $32.10 in February
Land lease community portfolio firms:
Equity Lifestyle (‘ELS’). #1 on 32nd ALLEN REPORT. $77.38; down from $77.38 in February
Sun Communities (‘SUI’). #2 on 32nd ALLEN REPORT. $181.10; down from $193.36 in February
UMH Properties (‘UMH’). #6 on 32nd ALLEN REPORT. $24.05; up from $24.02 in February
Flagship Communities. (#23 @ 32nd ALLEN REPORT. $18.35; down from $18.50 in February
Manufactured Housing Properties. #28 on 32nd ALLEN RPEORT. $3.25 In February
Manufactured Housing/land lease community composite stock index (‘CSI’) @ March 2022 = $713.. down from $738 in February.
If you’d like to receive the ‘MHShipment Volume & Stock Market Report’ each month, simply request it via email message to
Those of you who know me well, will recall I’ve been wanting to review 400+/- personal letters I sent home to Carolyn, from Vietnam, during 1968 and 1969. Well, I’ve finally started on this daunting project. The letters have been removed from steel ammunition boxes, placed in chronological order, and are not being typed.
The ‘working title’ is simply Dear Carolyn & Susan. In the preface I explain why it’s taken 60 years to write this book (my 16th book). And the introduction describes what was going on among the three of us ‘way back when’ Carolyn and I were in our early 20s, and Susan a toddler.
When will this project be finished? Not for some time. I’m reading each handwritten letter, then pulling interesting narrative describing what’s going on at the time. And yes, I have some concern about what I’ll run into when I read letters penned while in a foxhole or underground bunker before, during, and after combat. Guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.
In the meantime, if you’ve not yet read From SmittyAlpha6 to MHMaven, my autobiography, but would like to do so, visit to order it, or simply google the title online. The Smitty Alpha 6 reference is to my radio call sign while a U.S. Marine lieutenant company commander in a Shore Party Battalion in late 1969.
Retirement. For the first time in my life I’m enjoying opportunities to do what I want to do, when and where I want to do it. This book project is a key part of that, along with helping Carolyn care for our nearly one year old great granddaughter Emerson. And we’re enjoying spending the most time together since our dating days back at Eastern Baptist College in 1963.
George Allen, CPM, MHM
March 10, 2022
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