Blog # 204 Copyright 2012 22 July 2012
Perspective. ‘Landlease communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities, & before that, ‘mobile home parks’, are the real estate component of manufactured housing.’ GFA
Who are the 25 Most Influential People in the Manufactured Housing Industry & Landlease Community Realty Asset Class?
You’ll See Some of Them August 6th, in Elkhart, IN.
Even More of Them, August 29th, in Atlanta, GA.
Most of Them, September 12 – 14, in San Diego, CA.
a Retraction
Time for YOU to become a Manufactured Housing Manager®?
Who are the 25 Most Influential People in the Manufactured Housing Industry & Landlease Community Realty Asset Class?
Not a day goes by, at our offices in central Indiana, that someone doesn’t phone or email seeking information about the HUD Code manufactured housing industry, or it’s real estate component, the landlease (f.k.a. manufactured home) community realty asset class. More often than not these individuals are looking for ‘someone to talk to’ about a specific need for statistics, assistance, resources, services, and the like. In a couple words, they’re seeking to connect with Influential People in our unique ‘double dual industry’.*1
Sure, we research and publish the annual ALLEN REPORT (a.k.a. ’Who’s Who Among Landlease Community Owners/operators Throughout North America!’) every January, and the popular ‘Who Ya Gonna Call in 2012?’ list of freelance consultants a couple months later. But know what? That’s not enough, and it’s high time we figure out WHO our most Influential People are, in the manufactured housing industry and landlease community real estate asset class, and announce their identities far and wide. *2
So, tell you what. Beginning with this blog posting announcement – what you’re reading right now; then, announcements in upcoming monthly issues of Allen Letter professional journal, we’ll start, with your input, cobbling that list together. And, depending on the volume and quality of response from YOU, we’ll endeavor to have this list of the ’25 Most Influential People in the Manufactured Housing Industry & Landlease Community Realty Asset Class’ compiled and published this Fall, at the earliest; or included within the 24th annual ALLEN REPORT, January 2013, at the latest.
Who do YOU recommend and why? All you need do, is communicate one or more names of individuals, and a couple descriptive sentences about each one, as to who you think qualifies as among the ’25 Most Influential People in the Manufactured Housing Industry & Landlease Community Realty Asset Class!’ Use the phone number listed in end note # 2 at the end of this blog posting; or FAX your recommendation(s) to (317) 346-7158; or email me via:, or even pen a note to: GFA c/o Box # 47024, Indpls, IN. 46247. Deadline? Let’s shoot for Sunday, 30 September 2012. That’ll be right after the next three, coast – to – coast gatherings of industry leaders in Elkhart, IN., Atlanta, GA., and San Diego, CA. Can’t spread important venues like those, much further across the U.S. than that, can we? And they are?
RV/MH Heritage Foundation’s Hall of Fame Induction Banquet
WHERE? At the new RV/MH Heritage Foundation’s spacious and very attractive Hall of Fame Museum and Library facility at 21565 Executive Parkway, Elkhart, IN. If you haven’t seen or visited this protectorate of our RV/MH legacy, you really owe it to yourself to visit sometime! WHEN? How ‘bout Monday afternoon and evening, 6 August 2012. Come and experience ten of your RV & MHIndustry peers inducted into the prestigious Hall of Fame, amidst hundreds of the Most Influential People of the past 60 years, from the Manufactured Housing & Recreational Vehicle Industries! Reception begins at 5PM, followed by a gala banquet and induction ceremony, ending around 9:30PM that evening – and then, ‘the fun begins’… I certainly plan to be present. YOU? Phone (800) 378-8694 for more information and to register. A bunch of us are staying at the nearby (one interstate exit West of the RV/MH Hall of Fame exit off I-80/90) Hilton Garden Inn. Phone (574) 970-4444 to make a reservation. And tell you what. If you do attend, let’s ‘do breakfast’, the morning of 7 August, at the Golden Egg Restaurant, located out in front of the hotel, at 8AM. Just let me know ahead of time; again, using the phone number listed in End Note # 2. If you show up, I’ll have a gift for you! And, if you haven’t given me your list of Influential People beforehand, do so then!
Southeastern U.S. Landlease Community Owners Symposium
Want to participate in an historic event? Plan to attend the Southeast Community Owners Symposium, or SECO, in Atlanta, GA., on 29 August 2012. What makes this an historic event, is that it’s the FIRST regional gathering of landlease community owners/operators, planned and hosted entirely by landlease community owners/operators for their peers! There’ve been symposiums before, in Atlanta, but as GMHA events. No, there’s not been an event like this, since the last National State of the Asset Class (‘NSAC’) caucus, in February 2010, when participants (manufactured housing producers & landlease community owners) ‘invented’ the Community Series Home (‘CSH’) design.
And this SECO, frankly, has similar potential to take landlease community owners/operators down new, exciting, and rewarding business improvement paths, without relying on state and national trade associations, to provide direction to get them there. For example, here’s what symposium planners have scheduled for their landlease community peers:
• Marketing Audit Reports on four landlease communities, complete with observations, recommendations, remedial actions taken, and end results!
• 21st Mortgage Corporation’s exciting and ground – breaking C.A.S.H. Program will experience its’ first regional presentation to landlease community owners!
• Roundtable Discussions led by Southeast Landlease Community Owners, who’ll identify and help parse the Biggest Issues facing the realty asset class today!
• Introduction of a new, broad – based media advertising program designed to drive qualified homebuyer prospects to communities selling new homes on – site!
WHERE? At the Hilton Doubletree Atlanta/Marietta Conference Center. Phone (770) 272-9441 to make a room reservation. WHEN? All day, Wednesday, 29 August 2012. To register, at only $75.00/person, go to If you’d like to communicate directly with SECO organizers, reach Chris Nicely via David Roden via, or Spencer Roane via .
Once again, ‘Even More of the Most Influential People in the Manufactured Housing Industry & Landlease Community Realty Asset Class’ will likely be present at this historic event. How ‘bout YOU? I certainly plan to be there. For that matter, I plan to arrive the day before – to visit friends and acquaintances in the area, and Welcome an opportunity to network and socialize with YOU, the evening of 28 August. Are YOU interested? If so, ask any of the three aforementioned SECO organizers for specific location and time details. And, when we are together, give me the names of your Most Influential People! See YOU there….
21st Networking Roundtable just gets ‘gooder and gooder’!
Yep; September 12 – 14 is rapidly approaching. We’re already halfway to our planned attendance of 200 landlease community owners/operators, a dozen of their preferred realty – secured mortgage lenders, and nearly two dozen superb presenters! And let’s not forget Richard Lederer, our guest luncheon speaker, author, humorist, and San Diego newspaper columnist! Frankly, I expect this year’s Networking Roundtable to be, far and away, the Biggest & Best in 21 years. Why? Location; superb lineup of presenters; incomparable social networking, a need to share Lessons Learned during these difficult economic times, and the best deal – making anywhere. Need I say more?
Here’s a minor – though – major tweak to the Roundtable agenda. Robert Coldren, esquire, will be holding forth on the timely topic: ‘How Landlease Community Owners Can Increase NOI & Avoid Pratfalls When Dealing with Trash & Cable TV
OK, if you haven’t yet registered for this year’s 21st Networking Roundtable in San Diego, phone the MHIndustry HOTLINE listed in End Note # 2 at the end of this blog posting. We’ll email, FAX, or snail mail you the agenda and registration form to you.
And, this’ll be the final opportunity for YOU to give me your recommendations for the ’25 Most Influential People in the Manufactured Housing Industry & Landlease Community Realty Asset Class’! How will the selection be made? Since there’s already a core of ’18 Pioneers’ who’ve recently helped plan the succession of ‘comprehensive resource servicing’ for landlease community owners/operators nationwide, might as well supplement their number with a few manufactured housing leaders, to cull the list, if necessary, to the Best 25. YOU have a better idea? If so, let me know…
a Retraction
In my April 22, 2012 blog, I indicated ‘Mobile Home Park Investors Boot Camp’ misrepresents and disrespects the vast majority of landlease communities across the country. This statement was false and inaccurate and I apologize for any defamatory effect it may have had.
Time for YOU to become a Manufactured Housing Manager®?
One of the goals, I’d like to accomplish before I semi – retire from the manufactured housing industry and landlease community realty asset class, is to have trained and certified 1,000 Manufactured Housing Managers® or MHM®s. And we’re pretty close, maybe only 100 – 200 yet to go.
But the point really is this: During these difficult economic times, for just about everyone in ‘housing’ of any sort, YOU owe it to yourself, as a property owner or manager, as well as your employees and managers who operate one or more landlease communities, to join the ranks of professional real estate managers nationwide! How to do this, within our unique, income – producing property type? Enroll them in the seven lesson MHM® correspondence course; ask your state MHAssociation executive or governing board chairperson, to schedule the one day MHM® class in your locale; or, if a portfolio owner/operator, invite me to hold one or more of the one day regional MHM® training and certification classes for your landlease community and regional property managers! There are no tests. And all three venues are the same price, just $250.00 per individual. What do they get for that registration fee? A copy of the classic, Landlease Community Management textbook, a monograph of contemporary MHIndustry ‘readings’, gold MHM® lapel pin, and their frameable MHM® designation certificate!
To schedule a class, have your state MHAssociation executive, or YOU, phone the MHIndustry HOTLINE number listed in End Note # 2, and talk to me about it. And when a state association schedules a class with more than ten individuals, they receive a $50.00/person stipend for every additional registrant above that number. And the registration fee covers my travel expenses.
End Notes.
1. ‘double dual industry’ = trade vernacular for manufactured housing industry’s home ‘fabrication & delivery’ functions; and landlease community ‘development & investment’ functions.
2. For more information on either of these reports, phone the MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764. Know that the ALLEN REPORT is available only with a $134.95 annual subscription to the Allen Letter professional journal; and the ‘Who Ya Gonna Call in 2012?’ is ‘free for the asking’.
George Allen, CPM®Emeritus, MHM®Master Box # 47024
Consultant to the Factory – built Housing Industry, Indpls, IN. 46247
The Landlease Community Real Estate Asset Class & (317) 346-7156
Affordable Housing Purists & Enthusiasts Nationwide