George Allen / EducateMHC Blog Mobile Home & Land Lease Community Advocate & Expert

September 27, 2014

‘MHInsiders’ Ready to Transform MHIndustry!

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 12:27 pm

COBA7 via Blog # 316 Copyright @ September 28, 2014

Perspective. Land-lease-lifestyle communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities and ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

This blog posting ‘is a national advocacy voice, ombudsman press*, statistical research reporter, & online communications resource for all LLLCommunities in North America!’

To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance®, a.k.a. COBA7®, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.

• ombudsman press. ‘Manufactured housing’s ronin, fielding inquiries, complaints, etc.’

Introduction to this week’s COBA7® blog posting at website:


‘Four Timely Announcements’ Now is time to mark your calendar for next year’s premier LLLCommunity educational, networking, & deal-making event. And here’re three timely ‘MHSales’ & rental homesite filling resources now available nationwide.

‘Are YOU Teed-up & Ready to Go?’ You’ve got the resources! But do you have the gumption to make your views and suggestions known, about ending the six year malaise that’s afflicted manufactured housing & its’ realty asset class component? YOUR MOVE


‘26th annual ALLEN REPORT’. Maybe more ‘stats & trends’ in this year’s report than at any previous time in its’ 26 year history! Deadline for data submission is 30 September. For blank questionnaire, phone MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.


‘Are YOU an MHInsider yet?’ For good reasons, this is the new ‘status statement’ describing affiliates of the Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance. Every conscientious MHIndustry & LLLCommunity owner/operator should be an MHInsider!


Four Timely Announcements

24th annual International Networking Roundtable is scheduled for 9-11 September 2015. Location to be announced in the not too distant future. To ensure your name is on the list of invitees, phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.

John Ace Underwood, CMI®, freelance consultant, is available to assist land-lease-lifestyle community owners/operators establishing on-site MHRetail salescenters and training staff ‘to sell’. Reach him via (520) 241-9907

Spencer Roane, MHM®, is making his freelance consulting services available to teach the ‘Seller-financing of Manufactured Homes On-site via his Lease Option 101’ program. Reach him via (678) 428-0212

And for those owners/operators interested in not only fee-based professional property management services, but the marketing and selling of new homes on-site, contact Newport Pacific Capital in CA. The firm operates nationwide. Contact Michael Sullivan, CPM® via (949) 852-5575


Are YOU Teed-up & Ready to Go?

‘What the Official WHITE PAPER, 23rd Networking Roundtable, & two National Public Forums have done to position YOU to INFLUENCE!’

But first, here’s one of several written responses to the Official WHITE PAPER ‘making the rounds’ among manufactured housing and LLLCommunity leaders and aficionados these days:

“My question is, ‘Who is our customer?’ And this applies not just to the manufactured and modular homes we build and sell, also to (MH) communities, even the local housing markets. And once we have a handle on ‘that’, ascertain ‘What they can afford’, What they can finance’, and ‘How can we attract them and effectively sell our housing product to them?’ (Paraphrased. GFA)

Want a FREE copy of the Official WHITE PAPER? Simply phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764 and request it! Nearly 300 circulated to date. HUD-Code home manufacturers & LLLCommunity owners/operators have underwritten the cost of printing, binding, and mailing this important document.

What’s next? Read the October issue of the Allen Letter professional journal for Bruce Savage’s summary of proceedings at the 23rd Networking Roundtable, and two National Public Forums conducted there. Then reread blog posting # 315 (last week) to revisit the Turnaround Steps identified there. FYI. Bruce Savage, via Affordable Housing Advocates, or AHA, is widely recognized as having become the ad hoc SPOKESPERSON for the HUD-Code manufactured housing industry. Reach him and learn of his services via (202) 664-4512.

So with the Official WHITE PAPER, National Public Forum proceedings, and (MHIndustry) Turnaround Steps in hand, tell our elected and salaried leaders at the MHARR, MHI, and COBA7®, it’s high time for a joint 1 ½ or two day National Strategic Planning Meeting this Winter, at an easily accessible, reasonably-priced, central or warm location, focused on issues identified in the just-identified resources.


Simply sit back, do nothing, and be prepared to endure yet another six or more years of HUD-Code home shipment malaise! Which will it be? Remember the old adage: ‘You’re either part of the solution or you’re part of the problem!’ For YOU, which will it be?


26th annual ALLEN REPORT

Is shaping up to be a chock full of new and exciting land-lease-lifestyle community-related statistics.

Remember; the deadline for submission of completed questionnaires from property portfolio owners/operators is this week, specifically 30 September. Again, if you need a blank questionnaire, phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 63304764. And FAX completed questionnaires to (317) 346-7158.

The 26th annual ALLEN REPORT, a.k.a. ‘Who’s Who Among LLLCommunity Portfolio Owners/operators Throughout North America!’ is COBA7®’s first Signature Series Resource Document, or SSRD, of the new year; released 1/1/3015 by PMN Publishing.


Are YOU an MHInsider Yet?

MHInsider? The new ‘status statement’ describing affiliates of the Community Owners (7 part) Business Alliance®, or COBA7®.

Don’t know why it’s taken me so long to figure this out. What? Why so many businessmen and women, from across the U.S. & CN, have been affiliating so quickly and enthusiastically with COBA7® since its’ launch on 1/1/2014). But NOW I know and fully understand!

COBA7®, unlike any other national trade or advocacy body, for a modest price, provides a wide variety of INSIDER INFORMATION available nowhere else! Here’s a partial list of COBA7®’s MHInsider information resources:

• Sole source of land-lease-lifestyle community statistics, trends, and ‘Who’s Who Among LLLCommunity Portfolio Owners/operators Throughout North America!’

• Sole source of contact information for 500+/- land-lease-lifestyle community portfolio owners/operators working throughout North America!

• Sole source for the only ‘State of the MHIndustry’ public briefing outline that includes LLLCommunity information as well as manufactured housing numbers.

• Sole source of lender contacts routinely originating realty-secured mortgages for LLLCommunities AND chattel capital/servicing for new home sales transactions.

• Sole source of contact information for 40+/- freelance consultants who routinely work the manufactured housing & land-lease-lifestyle community asset class.

• Sole source of contact information identifying all MHIndustry & LLLCommunity print and online media, along with social media platforms for marketing & sales.

• Sole source of the HUD-Code manufactured housing industry’s Official Lexicon or Glossary – updated annually. Includes all LLLCommunity terms as well.

• Sole source of descriptive and contact information for all professional property management training and certification programs in the U.S. and Canada today.

• Sole source of the widely referenced Industry Briefing Sheet containing MHIndustry & LLLCommunity statistics & contacts information in U.S. & CN.
• Sole source of directory containing descriptive and contact information for all national MHIndustry & LLLCommunity trade and advocacy entities

• As MHIndustry & LLLCommunity historian, the sole collector and publisher of MHIndustry & LLLCommunity paradigm shifts from 1970 to present day.

• Sole source of contact information for all national real estate brokerages specializing in the marketing of ‘for sale’ land-lease-lifestyle communities.

• Via two monthly print newsletters and a weekly online blog posting, the trusted source for timely and valuable MHIndustry and LLLCommunity news and views

• Sole source of contact information for all HUD-Code home manufacturers in the U.S.

• And soon, sole source listing all federal government agencies & nongovernment organizations with timely interest in the MHIndustry and LLLCommunities.

Yes, COBA7® affiliates are treated to more ‘insider information’ than is available from all other national manufactured housing and land-lease-lifestyle community-related resource and advocacy organizations combined. Affiliates choose their level of ‘inside information’ involvement:

• Option I @ $134.95 = Allen Letter professional journal, one year subscription

• Option II @ $544.95 = Allen Letter & Signature Series Resource Documents

• Option III @ $955.95 = Allen Letter, SSRDs, & the Allen CONFIDENTIAL!

So, if not presently affiliated with COBA7®,. But would like to become a bona fide manufactured housing & land-lease-lifestyle community MHInsider, simply decide today and phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764. At Option II level it’ll be the Best $544.95 you spend during all of year 2015!


September 20, 2014

How to Effect MHIndustry Turnaround; TRENDS

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 8:09 am

COBA7@ Blog # 315 Copyright 21 September 2014

Perspective. ‘Land-lease-lifestyle communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities and ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

This blog posting ‘is a national advocacy voice, ombudsman press*, statistical research reporter, & online communications resource for all LLLCommunities in North America!’

To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 part) Business Alliance®, a.k.a. COBA7®, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.

*ombudsman press. ‘Manufactured housing’s ronin, fielding inquiries, complaints, etc.’

Introduction to this week’s COBA7® blog posting at website:


‘Participate in MHIndustry Turnaround! How? Get FREE Copy of Official WHITE PAPER &…’ Five Specific Steps to Effect the MHIndustry Turnaround – and the sooner the better! These are things YOU can do NOW – if you care about your livelihood.


‘Recent Past, Present, & Emerging Trends Throughout the LLLCommunity Asset Class’
NO ONE ELSE will describe the Good, the Bad, & the Ugly of the past 15+/- years! Read & Learn, then Commit to Participate & get our industry & asset class back on track!



Participate in MHIndustry Turnaround! How?
Get FREE Copy of Official WHITE PAPER &…

But first, read what a few attendees, at the recently concluded 23rd annual International Networking Roundtable, had to say about it:

• “Well Done! One of the Best Values in any type of conference I’ve attended in ages!!!”

• ‘Thank You, George & Carolyn, for another Great Conference. The Future of the (manufactured housing) industry is an important topic which would benefit from more open and vigorous discussion!”

• “I would like more from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac on the possibility of financing (manufactured) homes within manufactured home communities. Furthermore, this venue was a nice change of pace. We need to feel inspired and excited about the future of our industry..”

The writers are not identified, as the Event Evaluation Forms did not ask for individual’s names or contact information. But, as they say, ‘The beat goes on!’ Next year’s 24th annual International Networking Roundtable is scheduled for 9-11 September 2015. Where? That’s not been decided, but we’re open to suggestions: Phone (317) 346-7156.

Now, take the following FIVE SPECIFIC STEPS to effectively move HUD-Code manufactured housing up and away from its’ six year ‘malaise-afflicted state of being’ (50,000+/- shipments/year since year 2009), onto a productive business model route to new HUD-Code home shipment recovery!

STEP # 1. Telephone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764 and request a FREE copy of the aforementioned Official WHITE PAPER! The research, preparation, and distribution of this salient 20 page document, initially during the 23rd annual Networking Roundtable – and now to YOU, has been funded by several HUD-Code home manufacturers and LLLCommunity owners/operators, all tired of operating in a vacuum, and now seeking renewed prosperity! So, read the Official WHITE PAPER closely, record your ideas and suggestions in the spaces provided therein, then…

STEP # 2. Read the proceedings from two stimulating National Public Forums (‘NPF’) held the morning of 9/11 at the Networking Roundtable. Professionally prepared by the staff of American Housing Advocates, or AHA. Said proceedings will be published in the October issue of the Allen Letter professional journal. Either read the proceedings as a newsletter subscriber or, phone the MHIndustry HOTLINE and request a FREE copy! Now, with your Official WHITE PAPER notes and NPF proceedings in hand…

STEP # 3. Ponder and complete the CHALLENGE-OPPORTUNITY Worksheet that’ll be mailed to you with the WHITE PAPER and NPF proceedings. This one page worksheet is designed to outline your ideas and suggestions for discussion at a National Strategic Planning Meeting this Winter. Instructions on the CHALLENGE-OPPORTUNITY Worksheet encourage you to make five copies of your handiwork, then mail them to five of manufactured housing’s national advocacy leaders and influencers! At that point it becomes their responsibility – if they have a mind to do so – to rally, organize and lead MHIndustry and LLLCommunity businessmen and women via…

STEP # 4. A National Strategic Planning Meeting, to which anyone and everyone (especially YOU) in the MHIndustry and LLLCommunity asset class, no matter what national association, institute, or affiliation. Just be willing to ‘pay your own way’! It’s envisioned such an historic two day event would be planned and facilitated jointly by MHARR, MHI, & COBA7®*1; occurring, again, sometime this Winter in an easily accessible central location, in a facility that’s reasonably priced, – possibly in a warm climate. Once strategic planning is complete, return home and together…

STEP # 5. DO IT! But is all this possible? You bet it is! What follows, in the next section of this week’s blog posting, is a summary of recent Past, Present, and Emerging Trends, related to the land-lease-lifestyle community asset class. The common thread through all the trends? How LLLCommunity owners/operators did not ‘sit on their hands’ and wait for chattel financing to return, or the national economy to improve – but rather, took matters into their own hands, and crafted new avenues to business success! Now it’s time for the HUD-Code home manufacturing/distribution segment of the manufactured housing industry to plan and perform similarly. Are YOU aboard?


Recent Past, Present & Emerging Trends

Throughout the LLLCommunity Asset Class


Circa year 2000, independent (street) MHRetailers, featuring Big Box = Big Bucks ‘developer series’ manufactured homes were competed head-to-head with traditional stick builders, and filled vacant rental homesites in (then) manufactured home communities. The trend? In a futile effort to sustain new HUD-Code home annual shipment levels at the 1998 acme of 372,843 units, ‘we’ often turned homebuying/site lessee customers ‘Upside Down in Mobilehome Parks’!*2 Consequence? By year 2005,, more than 250,000 repossessed manufactured homes, and a slide from the all time high physical occupancy level of 95%, in 1998, down to 75+/-% within a decade!

A corollary trend, subsequent to turning homebuyers/site lessees ‘upside down’ financially, and near wholesale chattel capital exit, then hiatus, from the manufactured housing scene, precipitated MHCommunity owners/operators to buy, resell, and self-finance repo, resale, and eventually new homes, even modular units, and RV park models on-site, throughout the U.S.. In fact, the variety of shelter types now found on-site, suggested the new collective term of ‘land-lease-lifestyle community’ or LLLCommunity, as being more appropriate than the previous moniker.


Year 2008 saw the birth of another new trend, this one in manufactured housing design. On 27 February 2008, 100+/- HUD-Code home manufacturers and community owners/operators convened at the RV/MH Heritage Foundation’s new Hall of Fame facility in Elkhart, IN., to ‘Discuss & agree on what it’d take to sell more new manufactured homes into communities!’ The answer? Community Series Home models, designed specifically for in-community placement. CSH models are generally smaller size multisection homes and modest-sized singlesection homes, but all feature a dozen or so durability-enhancing features, to facilitate unit repairs between tenants or homeowners.

At that same time, a core of several dozen Business Development Managers, or BDMs, were named by home manufacturers, to specialize in marketing CSH models to community owners/operators nationwide. Most active among these sales pros, are Steve Quick of Fleetwood Homes, Byron Stroud of Champion Homes, Rick Grewe of Hart Housing, Michael Kinsbury of Adventure Homes, Bill Danforth of Cavco Homes, and Mark Ledet of Legacy Homes. For more on CSH Models & a list of all BDMs, phone (317) 346-7156.

So prevalent has the practice of buying new manufactured homes directly from the factory, then selling them to homebuyers/site lessees on-site, and engaging in self-finance, of one sort or another, the (now) land-lease-lifestyle community owners/operators have become widely recognized as being the trend: a ‘New Breed of MHRetailer & Lender’! But there’s a hitch, actually some shortcomings, that need to be addressed if the manufactured housing industry expects to fully recover from its’ six year malaise (Year 2009 to present day) and eventually regain national housing market share. Answers to these shortcomings might be found in at least two emerging trends….


Research, resources, communication, networking, deal-making, professional property management, and (when need be) national advocacy are seven key functions, that until recently (1 January 2015), lacked a singular national identity and source among LLLCommunity owners/operators. Enter the Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance®, or COBA7®. Now, along with the Manufactured Housing Institute’s National Communities Council division, whose sole emphasis is ‘national advocacy’, these seven bases are now well covered. By phoning the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764, any LLLCommunity owners/operator in the U.S. and Canada, can access needed statistics & directories; online & print communication, networking & deal-making opportunities; professional PM training & certification; even national advocacy – since COBA7®’ assumed the role of official MHIndustry ombudsman (press). To tap into MHI’s NCC division’s ‘national advocacy’ interest, phone (703) 558-0666 and talk to Jenny Hodge.

Then there’s manufactured housing Sales Training! Until recently, that’s been the continuing bugaboo (Beside identifying sources of chattel capital for seller-financing of sales transactions) of on-site home sales in small to mid-sized LLLCommunities and property portfolios. Where to go? Who to use to learn to effectively market and sell new and resale homes on-site? Oh sure, large portfolio folk have used the past half decade to recruit conventional home marketing and sales personnel from outside the MHIndustry, then fashion in-house programs to meet their unique needs. But there’re NO existent in-industry trainers willing or able to make the transition from independent (street) MHRetail sales center operation (i.e. Selling product & price) to on-site LLLCommunity sales center methodology (Selling home & lifestyle) – till now. Effective with his keynote presentation on this subject during the 23rd annual Networking Roundtable, John Ace Underwood, CMI®, of Selling Edge, appears to have successfully ‘made that transition’. *3. But truth be told, for this emerging trend to flourish, we need more such trainers, and the sooner the better. Seriously interested? Let me know ASAP!


Obviously I don’t know what they’ll be, anymore than anyone reading this blog posting.. But one thing is certain: the manufactured housing industry, and by dint of its’ close relationship – LLLCommunities, are at a critical crossroads in their 70+ year history. Either continue to muddle along as we’ve been doing, for the past six to nine years, or make a concerted effort to strategically plan and effect our collective future going forward, where respective Business Models are concerned – along with Image Improvement, National Advertising, and more….

But I will go out on one ‘future trend’ limb. With the census of independent (street) MHRetailers having plummeted from approximately 1100 (circa 1998) down to fewer than 400 nationwide today, who’re manufactured home buyers, owning scattered building sites conveyed fee simple, going to buy new manufactured homes from, going forward? The following is an unsolicited quote from a LLLCommunity portfolio owner/operator:

“While visiting one of our properties this week , two phone calls came in from prospects wanting to buy new manufactured homes from us, for their private property. Our manager tells me he gets these calls frequently; also at another of our other properties. While most of us are glad to sell homes within our LLLCommunities, pretty much at cost to get the site rent; if demand continues to increase for such homes outside our properties, we may have to get comfortable with that end of the business too.”

In a similar vein, we’ve also been hearing from LLLCommunity owners/operators, who’re marketing and selling new and resale homes on-site, complaining about factory and warranty service challenges. Again, ‘years ago’ one could count on local independent (street) MHRetailers to handle some of this responsibility to our home buying customers, but that’s not the case anymore. SO, who’s to step in and become the customer service rep of the 21st Century? Some now opine that since home installers must now be ‘licensed to perform’, they should be encouraged to broaden their business service base to include this opportunity ‘for a price’. What say you? Again, interested minds would like to know.

End Note.

1. Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform @ (202) 783-4087; Manufactured Housing Institute @ (703) 558-0400; &, Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance®, @ Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764..

2. ‘Upside Down in a Mobilehome Park’ is one of the classic trade publication articles that describes, in fictional story-telling fashion, what happened to the average homebuying/site lessee customer at the turn of this century. To obtain a FREE copy of the reprint, simply telephone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.

3. John ‘Ace’ Underwood recently addressed the Illinois association’s annual meeting, on how to engage in on-site home sales, and will be a featured presenter at the SECO Summit in the South on 1 & 2 October, followed by similar presentations in Indiana and Iowa, during the months ahead. Reach him via

September 13, 2014

Rpt @ 23rdNetworking Roundable, & MHI’s Triumvirate

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 2:35 pm

COBA7® via Blog # 314, Copyright 14 September 2014

Perspective. ‘Land-lease-lifestyle communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities and ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

This blog posting ‘is a national advocacy voice, ombudsman press*, statistical research reporter, & online communications resource for all LLLCommunities in North America!’

To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance®, a.k.a. COBA7®, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877)MFD-HSNG or 633-4764

* ombudsman press. ‘Manufactured housing’s ronin, fielding inquiries, complaints, etc.

Introduction to this week’s COBA7® blog posting at website:


‘Preliminary Report re: 23rd annual Networking Roundtable.’ You simply won’t believe all the exiting, historic, educational, networking & GSE-related, realty deal-making events that occurred during this year’s well-attended venue in Peachtree City, GA!


‘WOW! MHI to Seat ‘First Triumvirate + 1’ in 2015? Tomorrow’s election, during MHI’s annual meeting in Arizona, has potential to be its’ most pivotal, if not (maybe) contentious, in decades! Why? Read on about the ‘power play’ & more….



Preliminary Report re: 23rd annual Networking Roundtable

This was the FIRST EVER celebration, during this year’s National Manufactured Housing Week (9/7-13/2014), of the NEW ERA for the Land-lease-lifestyle Community Owners’ Business Alliance®, or COBA7®, featuring:

• (again) dual FIRST EVER National Public Forums, stimulating much lively and intense discussion regarding the FUTURE of manufactured housing & land-lease-lifestyle communities nationwide! Mike Sullivan, CPM® & Ken Rishel were keynote presenters.
• (and again) the FIRST EVER Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac panel, comprised of five GSE executives – draws largest Friday morning audience in 23 year history of the Networking Roundtable! Panelists expressed strong interest in our industry and realty asset class’ NEED for chattel capital for new and resale home lending on-site! And both GSE’s asked to be invited back to the 24th annual Networking Roundtable, to continue this historic dialogue! Next time around, we’ll try to include the FHFA.

Also; here the American Housing Advocates announced their aggressive online agenda in support of manufactured housing and LLLCommunity image, ‘affordability’ and lifestyle. Everyone in the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity realty asset class should take a few minutes to visit

Plus, all 20 educational seminars and panel discussions will soon be detailed, along with individual contact information, in the October 2014 issue of the Allen Letter professional journal. Not a subscriber? It’s simple to subscribe. Phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.

And that’s not all! MHEW (that’s short for Manufactured Housing Executive Women), met as a group, networked, and agreed to articulate a Mission Statement. Interested? Contact Suzanne Felber via Don’t be left out! Contact her today!

Then there’s Rick Rand, ACM®. He collected nearly $2,000.00 in PAC donations, from Networking Roundtable participants, for the Manufactured Housing Institute’s PAC Fund! “You’re Welcome, MHI!” I often wonder whether the institute fully appreciates Rick’s talent for raising funds for the very important PAC fund….


COBA7® ‘plans for the future’ were shared during the final session of this year’s highly successful Networking Roundtable. They, at this point in time, 1) have to do with completing the long-awaited asset class ‘on-site PM compensation’ calculator – a function of location (i.e. local housing markets); AMI (Area Median Income per county in which LLLCommunity is located); property size & nature; Allen Model OERs; and more….Oh, and 2) one unique segment of the MHIndustry has asked to be absorbed en masse as affiliates of COBA7® during 2015. How exciting is that?

YES, if you missed attending this year’s 23rd annual Networking Roundtable, you missed a very Special Event in this Fall’s hectic meeting schedule. But all is not lost! If you attend no other MHIndustry & LLLCommunity – focused event this Fall, by all means find your way to Atlanta, GA., on 1 & 2 October 2015 for the SECO Summit in the South! There’s not only a full agenda of educational offerings, but a half dozen new HUD-Code homes on display, and much much more. Oh, and ‘the day before’, on 30 September, ‘yours truly’ will be teaching the one day Manufactured Housing Manger®, or MHM® professional property management training and certification class, in the same location (Wyndham Hotel) as the SECO Summit in the South. For info on both venues, contact Chris Nicely via (865) 385-9675.


WOW! MHI to Seat ‘First Triumvirate + 1’ in 2015?

Employees of Warren Buffett & Sam Zell slated to fill 3 of 4 MHI Executive Board Seats

Yes, the president/CEO of 48+/-% HUD-Code U.S. housing market share home manufacturer; a semi-retired exec from the world’s largest portfolio owner/operator of land-lease-lifestyle communities; and, president of the biggest of the ‘Big Five + One’ independent, national chattel capital loan origination firms, are slated for election, on 15 September 2014, to fill three of four executive offices on the Manufactured Housing Institute’s board of directors for year 2015.

And the remaining ‘smaller LLLCommunity portfolio owner/operator’ is slated for a ‘third term’ as MHI chairman – a fete made possible by filling the unexpired 11 month term of a predecessor; then serving a full year as MHI chairman this year; and now, slated for a third time around the merry block. In my opinion, before starting a third term, there should be a public commitment to professional property management.

In any event, all this confirms rumors of a soon ‘lock on the upper level volunteer leadership’ at MHI – one of the pair of national manufactured housing advocacy bodies – by just three employees of the world’s two Brobdingnagian ‘manufactured housing industry & LLLCommunity portfolio’ corporations.

Bottom line? MHI may soon have its’ first true triumvirate (‘three joint rulers’), some say oligarchy (‘government in which power is in the hands of a few’), plus one, come year 2015!

One can only hope this sage caution by Lord Acton, in 1887, doesn’t apply here: “Power Tends to Corrupt and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.”

In the meantime, there are rumors afoot, of an alternate slate to be introduced during MHI’s annual meeting and elections. Let’s wait and see what happens….

By the way…

Did anyone else find it strange, direct, dues-paying MHI members received an email message, on 14 August 2014, stating in part: “MHI’s bylaws allow for voting by absentee ballot for the election of officers of the board.” And furthermore, “The attached ballot is recommended by the nominating committee in compliance with the MHI bylaws.”???

I found it strange. Why? Because a year ago, in preparation for the election of officers to MHI’s National Communities Council division board, I solicited and obtained no fewer than 20 properly executed proxy votes from as many direct, dues-paying MHI members unable to attend, and took them with me to MHI’s annual meeting, with the intent of using them during the aforementioned NCC division election. But I was told at the annual meeting, since the NCC has no bylaws, and MHI’s bylaws don’t directly address proxy voting, my 20 proxy votes were ‘disallowed without inspection’, and the subsequent election was effected by fewer than a dozen direct, dues-paying members of the institute/division, present for the election. Now where’s the fairness in that? One would think, ‘What’s good for the goose (MHI) should certainly be good for the gander (NCC)’, but evidently that’s not PC (politically correct) among those presently in office (power).

Perhaps one of the first orders of business for the incoming NCC division chairman, would and should be, to ensure bylaws are drafted, finally after 11 years of NCC existence; and the question of proxy voting (or ‘absentee ballots’ a la MHI bylaws) at least be considered for adoption. Let’s wait and watch what happens during tomorrow’s MHI elections, and with the institute’s new officers – whoever they may be- going into year 2015.


Rpt @ 23rdNetworking Roundable, & MHI’s Triumvirate

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 2:35 pm

COBA7® via Blog # 314, Copyright 14 September 2014

Perspective. ‘Land-lease-lifestyle communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities and ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

This blog posting ‘is a national advocacy voice, ombudsman press*, statistical research reporter, & online communications resource for all LLLCommunities in North America!’

To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance®, a.k.a. COBA7®, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877)MFD-HSNG or 633-4764

* ombudsman press. ‘Manufactured housing’s ronin, fielding inquiries, complaints, etc.

Introduction to this week’s COBA7® blog posting at website:


‘Preliminary Report re: 23rd annual Networking Roundtable.’ You simply won’t believe all the exiting, historic, educational, networking & GSE-related, realty deal-making events that occurred during this year’s well-attended venue in Peachtree City, GA!


‘WOW! MHI to Seat ‘First Triumvirate + 1’ in 2015? Tomorrow’s election, during MHI’s annual meeting in Arizona, has potential to be its’ most pivotal, if not (maybe) contentious, in decades! Why? Read on about the ‘power play’ & more….



Preliminary Report re: 23rd annual Networking Roundtable

This was the FIRST EVER celebration, during this year’s National Manufactured Housing Week (9/7-13/2014), of the NEW ERA for the Land-lease-lifestyle Community Owners’ Business Alliance®, or COBA7®, featuring:

• (again) dual FIRST EVER National Public Forums, stimulating much lively and intense discussion regarding the FUTURE of manufactured housing & land-lease-lifestyle communities nationwide! Mike Sullivan, CPM® & Ken Rishel were keynote presenters.
• (and again) the FIRST EVER Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac panel, comprised of five GSE executives – draws largest Friday morning audience in 23 year history of the Networking Roundtable! Panelists expressed strong interest in our industry and realty asset class’ NEED for chattel capital for new and resale home lending on-site! And both GSE’s asked to be invited back to the 24th annual Networking Roundtable, to continue this historic dialogue! Next time around, we’ll try to include the FHFA.

Also; here the American Housing Advocates announced their aggressive online agenda in support of manufactured housing and LLLCommunity image, ‘affordability’ and lifestyle. Everyone in the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity realty asset class should take a few minutes to visit

Plus, all 20 educational seminars and panel discussions will soon be detailed, along with individual contact information, in the October 2014 issue of the Allen Letter professional journal. Not a subscriber? It’s simple to subscribe. Phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.

And that’s not all! MHEW (that’s short for Manufactured Housing Executive Women), met as a group, networked, and agreed to articulate a Mission Statement. Interested? Contact Suzanne Felber via Don’t be left out! Contact her today!

Then there’s Rick Rand, ACM®. He collected nearly $2,000.00 in PAC donations, from Networking Roundtable participants, for the Manufactured Housing Institute’s PAC Fund! “You’re Welcome, MHI!” I often wonder whether the institute fully appreciates Rick’s talent for raising funds for the very important PAC fund….


COBA7® ‘plans for the future’ were shared during the final session of this year’s highly successful Networking Roundtable. They, at this point in time, 1) have to do with completing the long-awaited asset class ‘on-site PM compensation’ calculator – a function of location (i.e. local housing markets); AMI (Area Median Income per county in which LLLCommunity is located); property size & nature; Allen Model OERs; and more….Oh, and 2) one unique segment of the MHIndustry has asked to be absorbed en masse as affiliates of COBA7® during 2015. How exciting is that?

YES, if you missed attending this year’s 23rd annual Networking Roundtable, you missed a very Special Event in this Fall’s hectic meeting schedule. But all is not lost! If you attend no other MHIndustry & LLLCommunity – focused event this Fall, by all means find your way to Atlanta, GA., on 1 & 2 October 2015 for the SECO Summit in the South! There’s not only a full agenda of educational offerings, but a half dozen new HUD-Code homes on display, and much much more. Oh, and ‘the day before’, on 30 September, ‘yours truly’ will be teaching the one day Manufactured Housing Manger®, or MHM® professional property management training and certification class, in the same location (Wyndham Hotel) as the SECO Summit in the South. For info on both venues, contact Chris Nicely via (865) 385-9675.


WOW! MHI to Seat ‘First Triumvirate + 1’ in 2015?

Employees of Warren Buffett & Sam Zell slated to fill 3 of 4 MHI Executive Board Seats

Yes, the president/CEO of 48+/-% HUD-Code U.S. housing market share home manufacturer; a semi-retired exec from the world’s largest portfolio owner/operator of land-lease-lifestyle communities; and, president of the biggest of the ‘Big Five + One’ independent, national chattel capital loan origination firms, are slated for election, on 15 September 2014, to fill three of four executive offices on the Manufactured Housing Institute’s board of directors for year 2015.

And the remaining ‘smaller LLLCommunity portfolio owner/operator’ is slated for a ‘third term’ as MHI chairman – a fete made possible by filling the unexpired 11 month term of a predecessor; then serving a full year as MHI chairman this year; and now, slated for a third time around the merry block. In my opinion, before starting a third term, there should be a public commitment to professional property management.

In any event, all this confirms rumors of a soon ‘lock on the upper level volunteer leadership’ at MHI – one of the pair of national manufactured housing advocacy bodies – by just three employees of the world’s two Brobdingnagian ‘manufactured housing industry & LLLCommunity portfolio’ corporations.

Bottom line? MHI may soon have its’ first true triumvirate (‘three joint rulers’), some say oligarchy (‘government in which power is in the hands of a few’), plus one, come year 2015!

One can only hope this sage caution by Lord Acton, in 1887, doesn’t apply here: “Power Tends to Corrupt and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.”

In the meantime, there are rumors afoot, of an alternate slate to be introduced during MHI’s annual meeting and elections. Let’s wait and see what happens….

By the way…

Did anyone else find it strange, direct, dues-paying MHI members received an email message, on 14 August 2014, stating in part: “MHI’s bylaws allow for voting by absentee ballot for the election of officers of the board.” And furthermore, “The attached ballot is recommended by the nominating committee in compliance with the MHI bylaws.”???

I found it strange. Why? Because a year ago, in preparation for the election of officers to MHI’s National Communities Council division board, I solicited and obtained no fewer than 20 properly executed proxy votes from as many direct, dues-paying MHI members unable to attend, and took them with me to MHI’s annual meeting, with the intent of using them during the aforementioned NCC division election. But I was told at the annual meeting, since the NCC has no bylaws, and MHI’s bylaws don’t directly address proxy voting, my 20 proxy votes were ‘disallowed without inspection’, and the subsequent election was effected by fewer than a dozen direct, dues-paying members of the institute/division, present for the election. Now where’s the fairness in that? One would think, ‘What’s good for the goose (MHI) should certainly be good for the gander (NCC)’, but evidently that’s not PC (politically correct) among those presently in office (power).

Perhaps one of the first orders of business for the incoming NCC division chairman, would and should be, to ensure bylaws are drafted, finally after 11 years of NCC existence; and the question of proxy voting (or ‘absentee ballots’ a la MHI bylaws) at least be considered for adoption. Let’s wait and watch what happens during tomorrow’s MHI elections, and with the institute’s new officers – whoever they may be- going into year 2015.


Rpt @ 23rdNetworking Roundable, & MHI’s Triumvirate

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 2:34 pm

COBA7® via Blog # 314, Copyright 14 September 2014

Perspective. ‘Land-lease-lifestyle communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities and ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

This blog posting ‘is a national advocacy voice, ombudsman press*, statistical research reporter, & online communications resource for all LLLCommunities in North America!’

To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance®, a.k.a. COBA7®, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877)MFD-HSNG or 633-4764

* ombudsman press. ‘Manufactured housing’s ronin, fielding inquiries, complaints, etc.

Introduction to this week’s COBA7® blog posting at website:


‘Preliminary Report re: 23rd annual Networking Roundtable.’ You simply won’t believe all the exiting, historic, educational, networking & GSE-related, realty deal-making events that occurred during this year’s well-attended venue in Peachtree City, GA!


‘WOW! MHI to Seat ‘First Triumvirate + 1’ in 2015? Tomorrow’s election, during MHI’s annual meeting in Arizona, has potential to be its’ most pivotal, if not (maybe) contentious, in decades! Why? Read on about the ‘power play’ & more….



Preliminary Report re: 23rd annual Networking Roundtable

This was the FIRST EVER celebration, during this year’s National Manufactured Housing Week (9/7-13/2014), of the NEW ERA for the Land-lease-lifestyle Community Owners’ Business Alliance®, or COBA7®, featuring:

• (again) dual FIRST EVER National Public Forums, stimulating much lively and intense discussion regarding the FUTURE of manufactured housing & land-lease-lifestyle communities nationwide! Mike Sullivan, CPM® & Ken Rishel were keynote presenters.
• (and again) the FIRST EVER Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac panel, comprised of five GSE executives – draws largest Friday morning audience in 23 year history of the Networking Roundtable! Panelists expressed strong interest in our industry and realty asset class’ NEED for chattel capital for new and resale home lending on-site! And both GSE’s asked to be invited back to the 24th annual Networking Roundtable, to continue this historic dialogue! Next time around, we’ll try to include the FHFA.

Also; here the American Housing Advocates announced their aggressive online agenda in support of manufactured housing and LLLCommunity image, ‘affordability’ and lifestyle. Everyone in the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity realty asset class should take a few minutes to visit

Plus, all 20 educational seminars and panel discussions will soon be detailed, along with individual contact information, in the October 2014 issue of the Allen Letter professional journal. Not a subscriber? It’s simple to subscribe. Phone the Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764.

And that’s not all! MHEW (that’s short for Manufactured Housing Executive Women), met as a group, networked, and agreed to articulate a Mission Statement. Interested? Contact Suzanne Felber via Don’t be left out! Contact her today!

Then there’s Rick Rand, ACM®. He collected nearly $2,000.00 in PAC donations, from Networking Roundtable participants, for the Manufactured Housing Institute’s PAC Fund! “You’re Welcome, MHI!” I often wonder whether the institute fully appreciates Rick’s talent for raising funds for the very important PAC fund….


COBA7® ‘plans for the future’ were shared during the final session of this year’s highly successful Networking Roundtable. They, at this point in time, 1) have to do with completing the long-awaited asset class ‘on-site PM compensation’ calculator – a function of location (i.e. local housing markets); AMI (Area Median Income per county in which LLLCommunity is located); property size & nature; Allen Model OERs; and more….Oh, and 2) one unique segment of the MHIndustry has asked to be absorbed en masse as affiliates of COBA7® during 2015. How exciting is that?

YES, if you missed attending this year’s 23rd annual Networking Roundtable, you missed a very Special Event in this Fall’s hectic meeting schedule. But all is not lost! If you attend no other MHIndustry & LLLCommunity – focused event this Fall, by all means find your way to Atlanta, GA., on 1 & 2 October 2015 for the SECO Summit in the South! There’s not only a full agenda of educational offerings, but a half dozen new HUD-Code homes on display, and much much more. Oh, and ‘the day before’, on 30 September, ‘yours truly’ will be teaching the one day Manufactured Housing Manger®, or MHM® professional property management training and certification class, in the same location (Wyndham Hotel) as the SECO Summit in the South. For info on both venues, contact Chris Nicely via (865) 385-9675.


WOW! MHI to Seat ‘First Triumvirate + 1’ in 2015?

Employees of Warren Buffett & Sam Zell slated to fill 3 of 4 MHI Executive Board Seats

Yes, the president/CEO of 48+/-% HUD-Code U.S. housing market share home manufacturer; a semi-retired exec from the world’s largest portfolio owner/operator of land-lease-lifestyle communities; and, president of the biggest of the ‘Big Five + One’ independent, national chattel capital loan origination firms, are slated for election, on 15 September 2014, to fill three of four executive offices on the Manufactured Housing Institute’s board of directors for year 2015.

And the remaining ‘smaller LLLCommunity portfolio owner/operator’ is slated for a ‘third term’ as MHI chairman – a fete made possible by filling the unexpired 11 month term of a predecessor; then serving a full year as MHI chairman this year; and now, slated for a third time around the merry block. In my opinion, before starting a third term, there should be a public commitment to professional property management.

In any event, all this confirms rumors of a soon ‘lock on the upper level volunteer leadership’ at MHI – one of the pair of national manufactured housing advocacy bodies – by just three employees of the world’s two Brobdingnagian ‘manufactured housing industry & LLLCommunity portfolio’ corporations.

Bottom line? MHI may soon have its’ first true triumvirate (‘three joint rulers’), some say oligarchy (‘government in which power is in the hands of a few’), plus one, come year 2015!

One can only hope this sage caution by Lord Acton, in 1887, doesn’t apply here: “Power Tends to Corrupt and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.”

In the meantime, there are rumors afoot, of an alternate slate to be introduced during MHI’s annual meeting and elections. Let’s wait and see what happens….

By the way…

Did anyone else find it strange, direct, dues-paying MHI members received an email message, on 14 August 2014, stating in part: “MHI’s bylaws allow for voting by absentee ballot for the election of officers of the board.” And furthermore, “The attached ballot is recommended by the nominating committee in compliance with the MHI bylaws.”???

I found it strange. Why? Because a year ago, in preparation for the election of officers to MHI’s National Communities Council division board, I solicited and obtained no fewer than 20 properly executed proxy votes from as many direct, dues-paying MHI members unable to attend, and took them with me to MHI’s annual meeting, with the intent of using them during the aforementioned NCC division election. But I was told at the annual meeting, since the NCC has no bylaws, and MHI’s bylaws don’t directly address proxy voting, my 20 proxy votes were ‘disallowed without inspection’, and the subsequent election was effected by fewer than a dozen direct, dues-paying members of the institute/division, present for the election. Now where’s the fairness in that? One would think, ‘What’s good for the goose (MHI) should certainly be good for the gander (NCC)’, but evidently that’s not PC (politically correct) among those presently in office (power).

Perhaps one of the first orders of business for the incoming NCC division chairman, would and should be, to ensure bylaws are drafted, finally after 11 years of NCC existence; and the question of proxy voting (or ‘absentee ballots’ a la MHI bylaws) at least be considered for adoption. Let’s wait and watch what happens during tomorrow’s MHI elections, and with the institute’s new officers – whoever they may be- going into year 2015.


September 6, 2014

“Everyone (in the know) is Watching! & Stockholm Syndrome/MH

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 4:38 am

COBA7® via Blog # 313 @ 7 September 2014 Copyright 2014

Perspective. ‘Land-lease-lifestyle communities, a.k.a. manufactured home communities and ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

This blog posting is a national advocacy voice, ombudsman press*, statistical research reporter, & online communications resource for all LLLCommunities in North America!’

To input this blog &/or affiliate with community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance®, a.k.a. COBA7®, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764

*ombudsman press. ‘Manufactured housing’s ronin, fielding inquiries, complaints, etc.’

Introduction to this week’s COBA7® blog posting at website:


‘Everyone (in the know) is Watching’ for outcome of two National Public Forums the morning of 9/11. Will YOU be present? Have YOU read Official WHITE PAPER? Come to Peachtree City, GA., prepared to make MHIndustry & LLLCommunity history! YES!


‘Everyone (in the know) is Watching’ to see if MHI’s four person executive officer slate will be elected in toto or in part. This election boils down to Super Big vs. Small; and, the role or not, of professional property management relative to industry reputation & image!


‘Stockholm Syndrome (again) Anyone?’ For three weeks running, responses to this weekly blog posting at had to do with the ‘Consequences, Good & Bad, of LLLCommunity Consolidation’. Now we appear to have a new very hot topic!



Everyone (in the know) is Watching…

To see the outcome of two National Public Forums prognosticating the Future of Manufactured Housing as ‘housing’ vs. ‘trailers’; &, the Future of LLLCommunities as ‘lifestyle’ & ‘investment’.’ But that’s only one part of what occurs in Peachtree City this week!

Why has this event grabbed the rapt attention of land-lease-lifestyle community owners/operators coast to coast? Simple. It’s the only annual venue designed specifically for owners/operators, large AND small, of this unique, income-producing property type.

FLASH ANNOUNCEMENT. Friday morning, 9/12, following the always popular Lenders’ Panel, three executives from Freddie Mac and two from Fannie Mae will facilitate a panel discussion of the role GSE’s play in acquisition financing and refinancing of land-lease-lifestyle communities! This is another ‘first’ for the HUD-Code manufactured housing industry! Phone (317) 346-7156 on Monday only, to register!

During 2 ½ days, dozens of such properties will be ‘for sale’; there’ll be nearly two dozen educational seminars and panel discussions; eight social networking events; and an opportunity – this year – to help set the agenda, going forward, for the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity asset class in year 2015! How so? With the proceedings of the two National Public Forums in hand, the industry’s two national advocacy bodies, in and around Washington, DC., will be challenged to jointly call for, plan, and host, with Networking Roundtable host, COBA7® a National Strategic Planning Meeting sometime this Winter!

Are you as excited about the prospects of ‘turning this industry & asset class around’ as we – who will be in Peachtree City, Ga., this week – are? Then make your enthusiasm known, and desire for our industry’s first National Strategic Planning Meeting – open to Everyone in the MHIndustry & LLLCommunity asset class – known to our industry’s leaders and opinion shapers, listed here in alphabetical order:

• American Housing Advocates or AHA: Bruce Savage via (202) 664-4512

• Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance or COBA7®: George Allen, CPM®Emeritus, MHM®Master, via (317) 346-7156

• Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform or MHARR: Danny Ghorbani via ((202) 783-4087

• Manufactured Housing Institute or MHI Dick Jennison via (703) 558-0678

• MHI’s National Communities Council division or NCC: (incoming chairman) Steve Adler via (239) 790-0004

• ROC USA, LLC: Paul Bradley via (603) 856-0709

And know this. Insanity is oft defined as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Well, as housing manufacturers and a unique realty asset class, we must consider changing decades long cycles of 1) ‘Build, Ship – then Sell’; 2) ‘D&R (‘drop & run’) Deliveries’; and, 3) Propensity to ‘Sell Homebuyers More Home Than They Can Afford’. WE must identify new or modified Business Models that’ll move HUD-Code manufactured housing and land-lease-lifestyle communities back into more profitable and customer-friendly environs!

Some would say, ‘We’re already on our way!’, since many HUD-Code home manufacturers now routinely build and ship Community Series Homes, or CSH Models (featuring durability-enhancing features) to the ‘New Breed of MHRetailer & Lender’ = LLLCommunity owner/operators – but mostly of portfolio size. And the LLLCommunity of today, unlike yesteryear, sites as many as six different types of shelter on rental homesites, so is ‘plowing new ground’ too. But there’s much more to be done – and we need YOU on board to make it happen. SO, please make those phone calls of encouragement to individuals listed above!

And if you want to provide tangible support to said efforts, 1) ensure YOU are a
direct, dues-paying member of one or both of the manufactured housing advocacy bodies listed; 2) financially support the online advocacy efforts of AHA; and 3) affiliate with COBA7®, all the sooner the better! These are the key supports of the Three Legged Stool to MHIndustry & LLLCommunity asset class SUCCESS in 2015!


Everyone (in the know) is Watching…

To see if MHI’s four person executive committee officer slate, recommended via email message to members in mid-August, will be elected, in toto or in part, at the institute’s annual business meeting and election in Phoenix, AZ, on or about 16 August 2014.

Why has this year’s election of officers become ‘the spectator sport of factory-built housing and professional property management’? Well, depending on one’s business perspective(s) as a MHI direct, dues – paying member:

• Is one affiliated with the housing manufacturing & distribution segment of the industry, OR the land-lease-lifestyle community (a.k.a. manufactured home community) realty asset class?
• Is one characterized as Big Business (i.e. Three Cs: Clayton, Champion & Cavco; & a couple LLLCommunity portfolio owner/operators), OR Small Business entrepreneur operating one or a couple businesses in one or two states?

With that said (penned), know there’s Widespread Concern that professional property management practices prevail in the first instance, ensuring the manufactured housing industry as a whole, enjoys as positive and wholesome Reputation and Image as possible under all circumstances. Do you agree? Then vote accordingly, if you’re at the meeting.

In the second instance, there’s widespread concern that MHI executive committee representation from just two mega firms, in three of four offices, could lead to oligarchy (i.e. ‘power in the hands of a few’). How do you see this matter? Then vote accordingly.

Yes, there’s much more to this story than is being told here. But that’s the way the matter must be, for the time being. At least until after the election…


Stockholm Syndrome (again) Anyone?

Hadn’t even turned off the PC, to head for church Sunday morning, before the first of several lengthy and pithy responses to ‘Manufactured Housing Industry Suffers From Stockholm Syndrome’ started arriving! So far…

“OMG, George Allen – the Stockholm Syndrome is so perfectly put sir! So true, and we continue to NOT see what it does to us and our customers in price, relative to cost. Wow George, great remark.

So, where do we go? We go MOD and NAHB? Maybe. But for sure, get out from under MHI, MHARR, and HUD – those tied to the WRONG way. When home value is tied to real estate, and comparable appraisal methodology is applied, we open up new opportunities for loans, resale values, long term financing, and all sorts of additional potential!” NB

OK, all that’s fine as far as it goes – in those opening statements. But what such freedom from HUD, et. al., does not address, is the continuing need for specialty financing (i.e. chattel capital, lease-option, etc.) for new and resale manufactured homes sited on rental homesites within land-lease-lifestyle communities (A.k.a. manufactured home communities). And this too, is where I ‘missed the mark’ in last week’s blog posting on this subject, when intermingling – without explanation, Wikipedia’s definition of Stockholm Syndrome with my (opinion). Remember? “…a psychological phenomenon in which hostages (manufactured housing) express empathy and sympathy, and have positive feeling toward their captor (regulator) to the point of defending and identifying with (or perpetuating) with them.”

While I wasn’t wrong about what I said, as it does appear the manufactured housing industry, without input I’m aware of, from the LLLCommunity side of the house (there’s that pun again), decided to make it financially attractive for HUD to continue regulating our industry, rather than risk them asking Congress to relieve them (HUD) of responsibility for administering said program. Hence the 165% increase in inspection fees! So, the bottom line, and in my opinion – unanswered question is, ‘Are we, as an industry and realty asset class, better off with or without HUD oversight today and in years to come?’ Anyone care to answer that question for all of us?

And that’s not the only response to the ‘Consolidation Consequences’, and Stockholm Syndrome topic. This from a California-based freelance LLLCommunity consultant.

“Your blog appears landscaped for folk who care, or live around Washington, DC, and understand the positions and inner workings of HUD, MHARR and MHI. Your typical LLLCommunity owner resides outside that city, and could care less about the politics of that agency and associations. What have any of them done for the LLLCommunity owners during the past ten years? In fact, I believe they (owners/operators, ed) do not want to participate much in regards to government agency proposals, because apathy and past actions never gave us much hope for change anyway. Today, we’re dealing with a lost ‘dealer network’ and HUD home builders who never come to talk to us about helping filling empty lots. And the predatory high cost chattel lenders, who are associated with HUD factories were never true business partners. Guilt by association is prevalent throughout this industry. The LLLCommunity owner/operator is an island with no association.” (Lightly edited) SL

And this next response got me to thinking about HUD-Code and LLLCommunity operations, today and into the future…

“Before the industry gets lathered up about dumping the HUD Code, we need to consider what code homes going into LLLCommunities would be built to? MODS? RVIA? Nope. Just used HUD-Code homes since that is what state law and zoning codes say. To switch codes would take years of law re-writes across the country. I frankly think our opponents would take the opportunity to put us out of business.” RK

What say YOU? As usual, inquiring minds would like to know. Reply via email, phone (317) 346-7156 or note to GFA c/o Box # 47024, Indpls, IN. 46247.


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